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#1 (permalink) |
BFG Builder
Location: University of Maryland
Where do you stand?
Issues2000.org (http://www.issues2000.org) is a pretty spiffy website that shows the leanings of a lot of politicians. I was interested in knowing how the members of TP feel about some of these issues. So what are your thoughts on...
Abortion Budget/Economy Civil Rights Crime Defense Drugs Education Environment Families & Gay Marriage Foreign Policy Free Trade Govt. Reform Gun Control Health Care Immigration School Choice Social Security Tax Reform Technology War & Peace Welfare For me, it's the following. Abortion It should be legal, although I'm not too comfortable with it. I would prefer we live in a world where contraception of pushed far more heavily than it currently is, and abortion is emphasized as a last choice after adoption. Budget/Economy The government's job is to protect its citizens from threats foreign and domestic. Regulation of necessary industries is an important part of protecting citizens, but the government should not be in the business of supporting failing industries (such as the RIAA). Civil Rights Freedom should be first and foremost in our minds; a freedom should not be taken away unless there's a clear and present reason to do so. Crime Capital punishment should be legal against perpetrators of multiple violent felonies; it is a punishment and not a deterrent. Nonviolent criminals should not be incarcerated on their first offense, and mandatory sentencing should be abolished. Defense The world has changed, and the military must change with it. A smaller, leaner force of exceptionally trained individuals should act as a surgical knife against threats to national security. Drugs Legalize marijuana, and reduce the drinking age to 18. If you can vote, you should be able to drink and smoke whatever you want. Nonviolent drug offendors should be placed in hospitals and treatment facilities, not prisons. Education Our children our are future, and education through all levels must be supported as fervently as our defense budget. What good is a country that has nothing to defend? Our teachers should be the highest paid civil servants we have. Environment Blatant violators of environmental harm (such as dumping toxic chemicals) should be punished for their actions, but a balance must be struck between environmental needs and those of the economy. Research in the fields of conservation and alternative power should be conducted. Nuclear power should be emphasized; it is far cleaner and far less harmful to the environment than conventional methods, and far cheaper than alternative method. Families & Gay Marriage It is not the governments place to decide what a family unit is, nor restrict those who wish to marry. The government should be in the job of handing out civil unions to everyone, gay or straight. In essence the civil union would be a contract with the same benefits as marriage, and would apply to any two consenting adults who wish to apply for one. Whether or not they're "married" is not the government's decision. Foreign Policy We live in a global community, and we cannot afford to alienate our neighbors. We cannot stand alone, but nor should we be the world's police force. The US should be equal in both responsibility and burden with other nations. Free Trade Trade cannot be free if all players are not playing by the same rules. Countries which actively promote violations of US Patents or copyright should be made aware of our displeasure, and economic action should be taken to protect our commerical interests. Govt. Reform If we can't afford it, we shouldn't spend money on it. Balancing our budget should be a primary concern; this can be accomplished through the reduction of unnecessary regulation (such as the FCC's morality watch) and through stringent reduction of waste. Gun Control There is no reason Americans should not be allowed to protect themselves with the same tools criminals are using against them. A federal concealed carry license should be made available to every citizen not convicted of a violent crime, and the procedure should be similar in nature to that of getting a drivers license. Citizens would have to take and pass an extensive course, demonstrate knowledge and proficiency with firearms, and have their license periodically updated. Gun registration should be mandatory (in the same way that car registration is), and individuals found using an unregistered weapon should be prosecuted in the same manner as those who violate driving laws. The National Firearms Act of 1934 adequetly covers restrictions by requiring a license to own a Class III weapon. Health Care Health Care should be freely available to everyone. Individuals should be able to choose their doctor;. Immigration Illegal immigrants should be sent back, and legal immigrants should be welcome with open arms. Border patrols should be strengthened to prevent unlawful entry into our country. School Choice Vouchers hurt public schools. Rather than take money away from public schooling, put more money where it belongs. People won't want to leave if public education is better than private, and that requires funding. Social Security I really don't know enough about this to make a decision either way. Tax Reform A national sales tax is needed. An NST would allow us to bring in funds from previously untaxed sources (such as drug money), but is regressive. Tax breaks for lower income brackets would help alleviate this. Technology We must invest heavily in the future. Assuming we bolster our education, supporting technology will allow our bright population to bring great achievements into the world. War & Peace Fight when attacked, and strive for peace at all other times. We have enough trouble with our own nation; we do not need to "build" others. Welfare Welfare should be temporary and supplementary to a regular form of income. If all else fails, have people work in the welfare department or in soup kitchens. So that's what I thought off the top of my head. What is your opinion?
If ignorance is bliss, you must be having an orgasm. |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: Beeeeeautiful Bel Air, MD
Re: Where do you stand?
I'm taking a few out, because I either don't have as much of an opinion, or I don't know as much about it.
Abortion - Legal. If you don't want to get it done, then don't. Civil Rights - Everyone should be EQUAL. Therefore, no one gets anything special based on their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc. There should be severe penalties for anyone who attempts to do that. Defense - I think there should be more spending on specific R&D, such as making more economical military systems, so that there would be less expense involved while keeping the power the military needs. Drugs - Legalize marajuana, tax it like cigarettes. Education - Spend more to try and allow every student the chance to succeed by providing them with better resources. However, make most of the money come from state and local governments. Families & Gay Marriage - Just take the word "marrage" out of the government. Let gays have the same rights as "married" couples when it comes to the government. Foreign Policy - Try and do more to help ourselves. This may be a global community, but that doesn't mean we should do what others want if it hurts us. Gun Control - Do not allow any type of fully-automatic weapon. Allow anyone to own and carry a gun, as long as they are licensed and attend a gun-safety course, and are not a convicted felon. Immigration - Let anyone in who wants to come in legally. Anyone who trys to come illegally should be deported immediately. Welfare - Allow supervised welfare: you get your check every week after meeting with a social worker who monitors your job search. If you don't go, you don't get your money. After a certain time, if you haven't been looking for a job you are cut off. That's a pretty rough outline on those subjects. Don't have a lot of time to go too deep.
"Final thought: I just rented Michael Moore's Bowling for Columbine. Frankly, it was the worst sports movie I've ever seen." --Peter Schmuck, The (Baltimore) Sun |
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#3 (permalink) |
Lennonite Priest
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Good thread, this can inspire thought and insight into both sides.
Abortion- to me it's a lady's body and her choice, but I do think all options should be considered first. HOWEVER, as a man if I were to ever get a lady pregnant and she said she was wanting to abort I would find a way to pay for her delivery and take custody, I believe the father should have this right. Budget/Economy- this is tough because it is very ambiguous and open for interpretation. worked to be balanced and any surplus goes into a rainy day fund. After 3 consecutive years of surplusses tax tables re-evaluated, refunds maybe issued. Civil Rights- very easy- ALL MEN/WOMEN WERE CREATED EQUAL Crime- non violent, 1st time offenders (we all make mistakes, some of us were just lucky enough not to ever get caught) should be placed in work/rehab houses and depending on how serious regular house arrest, with the ankle bracelets and technology today we can do it. Violent, or repeat offenders should get serious time and if rehabbed then let back into society to live normal constructive lives. Defense- we need a strong defense but never to be used for false pretenses or overt offense The enlisted military personnel definately need higher pay maybe 2 categories for each grade married and single but I'm sure that would lead to discrimination lawsuits. Drugs- non narcotic non synthesized drugs (marijuana, perhaps a 5% cocaine) should be legalized but heavily regulated and taken on premises (a hotel like facility) bought and person cannot leave for a specified amount of time. Education- our future it should be funded to where no public school cannot afford computers, paper and the newest textbooks. College should be made affordable and available to ANYONE and loans should be able to be paid off by 2-4 years of a civil service duty. Environment- we are not the only country on this Earth nor will this Earth survive if we continue tearing down rainforests and destroying wetlands. I would offer bigger tax breaks to those who buy alternative fuel autos. I'd offer tax breaks to electric companies that used clean re-useable fuels to power their plants and I would invest in research to find ways to get more power from solar, wind, geothermal and hydro-electric. We worked on programs in the 70's that were working but Reagan cut the funds. I'd re-instate them. Families & Gay Marriage-you fall in love with whom you fall in love with. Children should not be pawns in some Religious neo political game nor should anyone's life partner be denied benefits because of sexual orientation. Foreign Policy- any country that maintains human rights, and works toward giving all it's citizens equal oppurtunities and education should recieve our help Any country with human rights violations or dictatorships should recieve NOTHING as a government but we can finance humanitarian aid delivered by the UN or Red Cross, if abused by that government, the leaders should be tried in World Court. If a dictatorship refuses any help whatsoever then we should allow that country autonomous sovereignity but we should embargo that country, until human rights violations end. Free Trade- if the trade policies are legitimately fair with each other (no government subsidized steel dumping to ruin our steel industry- patents are recognized we should maintain good relations and help each other. Govt. Reform- we should look into how contracts are awarded and make sure we open bids to all companies interested. Have 3 independant firms (1 suggested by Dems. One suggested by GOP one totally Independant) study spending and offer ways to cut unnecessary beuaracracies, red-tape and spending Gun Control- I am truly neutral on this I believe it is up to the community, cities, counties and states. NYC should have firmer gun control laws than say Cheyenne, Wyoming. But federally, other than assault/military weapons, a waiting period and some form of registration/background check it is not the governments job to dictate. I do not believe anyone or any group should be better armed than the police though. Felons should not be allowed any guns whatsoever. Health Care- everyone should be entitled to affordable healthcare and preventative medicines. The government should subsidize medical/dental care by working on a scale. You make so much you pay this amount and the government will subsidize the rest. Those subsidies would first be paid in non monetary ways such as tax breaks and research grants, then in grants for employees and finally if necessary money. Pharmaceutical companies should be under strict guidelines on how to charge for a medicine and in return the government will subsidize TRUE research (not toenail fungus but life threatening diseases and viral infections. Immigration- stricter border patrols, immigrants MUST register, get visas, go to classes and learn English and US history. Once they graduate they take a test and if they fail their visas get revoked, if they pass they can apply for citizenship and if they are not criminals in their home country then they become citizens. School Choice- against, believe that we need to revamp public schools by financing them in better ways. We once had the greatest public schools in the world, we need to find out how we did it and do it again. Also I believe we need to pay teachers better and promote teachers by paying off student loans and helping financially those who decide to teach in inner city schools. Social Security- leave untouched use only for the purpose it is there for and if necessary to provide people money upon retirement allow the people to invest some of their money privately. Also raise retirement age to 70. Tax Reform- take away all loopholes and deductions have a flat tax rate and only those living under poverty level recieve tax breaks. No corporate welfare. Companies that export jobs or hire cheap labor overseas get heavily taxed on their imports and they have to pay their foreign employees income taxes. Also companies would have to pay $2 OVER minimum wage at any factory overseas. (The exceptions to these taxes are: if the products made overseas stay overseas then we do not tax at all. Or if you are talking about a subsidiary base overseas (like VOLVO is to Ford) Technology- invest in research and development esp. in companies that employ in the US War & Peace- defend ouselves and our allies only..... Absolutely NO aggresion or offensive actions Welfare- Fathers of children hunted down and forced to pay their share. Anyone on welfare recieves training and job placement based on their abilities and talents.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?" Last edited by pan6467; 08-04-2004 at 02:36 PM.. |
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#4 (permalink) |
I change
Location: USA
Abortion - I'm all for it. The more the better.
Budget/Economy - We have the world's strongest economy. Running deficits is not significant. The economy is its own engine. It is the sum total of our resources, our ingenuity, and our hard work. The simple fact is that economies fluctuate. Government taking credit for a good economy is nonsense. Criticizing government for its poor "management" of the economy is also nonsense. There is a very minor relationship between the US economy and the US government. That's a good thing. Civil Rights - Who the hell is against that? Crime - Enforce the laws. We have enough laws. Defense - The strongest defense is the best. Offense is the best defense. Drugs - We should do all we can to eradicate those who produce and distribute them - the illegal ones. And as for the legal, ones, we should force the pharmaceutical industry by regulation into participating in a socially responsible health system. Education - Except for higher education, which is threatened by the political activism of its staff, we have one of the worst educational systems in the world. The reason is that we have the most destructive and powerful popular culture in the world. There will be no changing this and it is destroying us from within. Stupid gullible people make bad citizens. Environment - In the US the environment is overprotected. In the rest of the world, it is underprotected - especially as a result of the Kyoto treaty and its ridiculous designation of "developing nation" status to China and other eco-destructive countries. Families & Gay Marriage - I don't care about families or gay marriage. They are what they are. People are people. Popuar culture has destroyed the family. Foreign Policy - Real geopolitics is power and the perception of power. Every nation has always and will always act according to what it perceives are its best interests. Period. Free Trade - The more the better. There is ultimately only one economy and it is global. It was ever thus. Govt. Reform - Whatever. It's a time-waster. Sounds good - isn't going to happen. Who's going to do it? The government? Gun Control - We have more than enough laws. Enforce them. Health Care - It should be a national goal. We should work to lower the cost of it and use our wealth for the benefit of our citizens' health. Immigration - It' one of our strengths. People want to come here. We need to make sure indivuduals are not coming to destroy us. That's all. School Choice - Whatever. Education in this country is an individual matter. The rest is simply a failure. Our culture creates a situation of mass uneducatability. Social Security - People want it. It's a political plum. Tax Reform - Never going to happen in any major way. Technology - The unstoppable force for both good and evil. War & Peace - Will always be with us. They are the two sides of human nature. We want peace. Too bad but we are also killers with a mean streak. Tribalism is the reason. Welfare - Another political plum. It's a way of buying the votes of poor people. That's never going to change.
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#5 (permalink) |
WoW or Class...
Location: UWW
Sheesh, this will take a while.
Abortion - I don't really have an opinion for it because I am not involved at all on either side. It should be the parents decision, not mine, or someone else's. Budget/Economy - I prefer the Republicans IDEA of controlling spending and everything. Meanwhile, they have done just about nothing so far in recent memory to seemingly just piss me off. Tax breaks to the rich don't piss me off, they contribute a lot already. What DOES piss me off is when they piss away hundreds of millions of dollars on worthless research that does nothing except keep contracts in certain states so US Reps. and Senators keep their constituents happy while pissing our money away. Civil Rights - Equal rights, what's so hard to understand? Crime - Too much bullshit going on. Police are too worried about busting the small drug dealers, or getting the speeders in some speed trap. I would really wish we just start over and re-write the law books entirely. Defense - The United States is doing damn good already. The military comes up with many great new technologies. Keep up the great work. Drugs - I'll break this up into two sections. Illegal: Most illegal drugs should be legalized and sold publicly. Why? Because it is much easier to control everything that way, it creates new businesses and new tax opportunities for the government, and it also takes a great deal of power out of the hands of gangs and drug dealers. Legal: Legal drugs on the other hand are another story. This whole "Natural" crap makes me sick. Marketing people have shoved it down the morons throats that natural things can't hurt you and that all this stuff is great while in the meantime the only reason they label it "Natural" is so the FDA doesn't have to confirm it's claims. That along with all the side-affect shit, it's just become one big market to make money on these poor souls who need to take one subscription for this, one for another, and this too, and don't forget this other pill too. It's about money now, not the patients, and that's a damn shame. [/rant] Education - Biggest problem, is many kids just don't care. You can't teach to those who aren't interested. That, and a lot of the material taught in some high schools is just pathetic. I feel we need to raise the requirements to get a high school diploma, and a college degree. That way, if someone wants to get either, they actually have to work to get it. Environment - A great deal of environmentalists I find have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. If I hear one more moron scream about how using paper kills trees I'm liable to smack someone. Papers is made from trees grown to make paper. Meanwhile, recycling everything but aluminum cans actually creates MORE pollutants. As for big business, use vouchers. Every company gets some, and any company can buy or sell however many they can get their hands on. The end result is we cut polluting by whatever amount we wanted for the best price possible. Families & Gay Marriage - Gay marriage, fine, whatever. Families I don't quite understand what you're getting at. Foreign Policy - I've had it. We're not the police of the world, so why do we end up playing the part? Free Trade is always best. Maybe not for you or me, but it always is. Govt. Reform - Ugh. Gun Control - Second amendment. There is no solid argument to get rid of it, so there's no reason to. I wouldn't be so against having automatic weapons as long as some were issued to the police and there be a nice long screening process. Health Care - Eliminate welfare. 100%. Get rid of it. Take all of the welfare spending and put it towards a national health care system. Immigration - Leave it how it is for now. We have far more important problems to deal with. School Choice - Work hard to improve all schools. Then there would be no necessity to choose a school. Social Security - Get rid of it. People need to learn how to save. Tax Reform - Not going to happen. Technology - Outside the military, NSA, NASA, etc., no other spending is needed. Private business takes care of plenty, while Defense fills in the gaps. War & Peace - Has to be handled on a case by case basis. We all want peace. Meanwhile, millions of people want to kill us. I would never go so far as to say "No offensive actions" because situations like Isreal and the 6 day war were resolved very quickly and easily by offensive actions. But so far the USA has stayed back and waited to be attacked before retaliating. It's been working fine so far. Welfare - as I said earlier. Get rid of it. 100%. Goodbye.
One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each bought a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage, three flies landed in each of their pints. The Englishman pushed his beer away in disgust. The Scotsman fished the fly out of his beer and continued drinking it, as if nothing had happened. The Irishman, too, picked the fly out of his drink but then held it out over the beer and yelled "SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT, YOU BASTARD!" |
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#6 (permalink) |
Location: Camazotz
Abortion -- I'm for choice.
Budget/Economy -- I agree with ART, though for me it's more an issue of "I don't understand the complexities of macroeconomics." Civil Rights -- All for it. I think saying "Okay, we're equal now, everyone has the same shot" is a little foolish, so affirmative action might have to be used a stopgap, but I wish it weren't so. Crime -- I'm for capital punishment, if applied fairly. That something like half of the people in jail for drugs is pretty idiotic; we need reform of drug laws. Defense -- I hate violence, but I recognize the need to defend our nation against threats. However, I'm not for unilateral engagement. Drugs -- See "Crime". Education -- The silver bullet. Nothing is more important than education. Environment -- Not as important to me as it used to be. I'm not going to spike a tree to prevent it being cut down, but I don't like former timber lobbyists being appointed to positions regarding forest conservation. Families & Gay Marriage -- I'm for gay marriage. I think the idea of removing government from marriage and changing the whole thing to civil unions is good but unrealistic. Foreign Policy -- Let's try to build alliances again. It's nice to have friends. Free Trade -- A reality of a global economy. I'm more interested in the progress of humanity as a whole than the prosperity of the US. Govt. Reform -- Not bloody likely. Gun Control -- Conflicted. We have 8 times the gun violence of other civilized nations, and that's clearly a problem. Taking all the guns away and making the children play nice is not realistic, but I want severely increased sentences for gun crimes. Health Care -- Crucial. Maybe we could cut corporate welfare and use some of that money to help subsidize healthcare. Immigration -- Bring me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Then again, my job isn't being taken by immigrants; it's being outsourced to India. School Choice -- Private school was good for me. That said, public schools need more money. Social Security -- I don't expect to see a dime, and I'm planning my retirement based on that expectation. Nothing lasts forever. Tax Reform -- Tax the rich. Tax the living bejesus out of them. Let's get the marginal rate back up to 70-80%. Technology -- It makes my life harder every day. War & Peace -- I should get around to reading it, as I really enjoyed Crime and Punishment. Welfare -- It'd be nice if we could fix it, but I don't have any ideas.
it's quiet in here |
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#7 (permalink) |
Like John Goodman, but not.
Location: SFBA, California
Abortion - Her body, not the baby's, nor the government's. Get over it.
Budget/Economy - Leave it to the economists. Civil Rights - Gays are now in the boat of Civil Rights. I look at anti-Gay activists and think, "You're gonna feel so silly 20 years from now." Crime - Rumour has it, education is inversely proportional to crime. I don't mind putting more money into prisons and cops on the street, but when I see money taken out of education to do it, what the FUCK is my elected representative doing? In terms of sentencing, well, judges should not be restricted by minimum sentences. Defense - I like the missile defense system. I like the idea of a draft that rich people can't dodge. Drugs - Things that aren't addictive (marijuana) shouldn't be thrown into the same boat as things that are. Say all you want about "My body, my choice," but when you're hooked on cocaine or heroine or meth, it's the drug's body, not yours. Have law enforcement send addicts to drug rehab centers, instead of prison where they can basically get drugs as easily. Education - Any committee's ought to have more child psychologists and more budget analysts. Start there, work your way up. Environment - Stop fucking pussyfooting around it and get some R&D under your belts. I know you can do better than this, energy companies! Families & Gay Marriage - All for it. Bound to help get some orphans into loving, two parent households. Foreign Policy - More involvement in stopping refugees from getting massacred, and put more pressure on China to recognize some human rights. The economic squeeze on them might even start some factories up at home again. Free Trade - Good stuff, but no, corporations aren't trustworthy like they use to be. The bottom line is hurting people. Govt. Reform - Fire the middle men. Play it by ear from there on out. Gun Control - Trigger locks and waiting periods are nobody's problem. But the AWB needs to stay in a dark closet that nobody looks in anymore. Health Care - What's the point in having the greatest most super duper health care system that'll help me survive heart attacks and strokes if a bum off the street can't get a fever looked at? You don't have to make everything available to everybody, but basic level health care should not be denied to anyone. And drug patents need to have sunset clauses... short ones. Tell me THAT won't drive innovation. Immigration - Do it legally. As for citizenship after three years of illegal residence, ehhhh no. Ought to be citizenship after three years of illegal residence but with some sort of proof of work for all three years. Yeah, that's right, if you're jumping the fence and bumming it up, you get to go home. That goes for Canadians too! School Choice - I don't know of any private schools that take a kid on $3,000 a year, so I don't see the point in vouchers that are worth just that. Smells like free money for rich people to me. Social Security - Wanna see old, poor people dying on the street? They can't cut it like you or me at 20-50 years old, you know. Technology - R&D, go go go! This area seems to be doing pretty well on its own without politics muddling it up. War & Peace - We should only use war at point in time: When we have to. Welfare - To help people get back on their feet. But if they're cutting off their legs just to get to taxpayer to foot their bill, it's time to cut them off. The key is in figuring out who's doing what and why. |
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#8 (permalink) |
The sky calls to us ...
Super Moderator
Location: CT
-It is not the government's place to regulate individual choice. A government that gives itself the right to regulate something can easily use that precedent to impose the will of the few who are in charge upon the masses, who do not necessarily agre with those in charge Budget/Economy -The less that there is in the budget, the less ther is to screw up. Whenever possible, expenses should be cut from the budget. Civil Rights -They're rights. You can't get rid of peoples' rights and hope to stay in power for any serious amount of time. Crime -Address the causes such as poverty and social inequality whenever possible, and punish those who are still unable to coexist peacefully. Focus on rehabilitation whenever possible. Defense -Without strong national defense, what use is anythign else on this list? Pay decent wages to those in the armed services and benefits to their families. Strictly a volunteer military. Why would anyone want to be defended by anyone who doesn't want to do the job? Drugs -Legalize, regulate, and tax everything. This will lessen the stigma associated with drug use and allow the real problems to be addressed. A cokehead will benefit a lot more from being housed in a rehab facility with doctors and social workers than he will from being shoved in a cell with Bubba. Education -Teachers' unions are destroying our public school systems by preventing bad teachers from being disciplined or reprimanded. If teachers' jobs depended on how well they did their jobs and not whether or not the school could get rid of them wihtout risking a strike, public schools would be able to compete with private schools. In the event that public schools still fail to provide quality education, several private school options including faith-based schools and secular schools should be offered. Environment -It should be protected, but not to the point that human advancement is halted. Families & Gay Marriage -see [Abortion] Foreign Policy -All efforts should be made to build relations with the rest of the world. If there is an immediate threat, it should be dealt with by the international community. Free Trade -Encourage higher standards in underdeveloped areas of the world by awarding development contracts to areas that make latent efforts to increase the standard of living and repsect for human rights. Once everyone is on the same level, we can truly have an international community. At this point, production and labor should occur wherever they can be done most efficiently. Govt. Reform -Work toward building a worldwide community. Reduce government to the bare minimum necessary. Historical precedents have proven that private industry can carry out most tasks with significantly higher efficiency than government agencies. Gun Control -Gun control is inversely proportional to the amount the hand that is holding the gun is shaking. Health Care -Competition reduces prices. Force companies to compete in order to achieve the lowest prices for the consumer. Work for a higher standard of living so that nobody has to resort to resurrecting gevernment-provided healthcare. Immigration -The international community should work toward a universal standard of living and comaptible societies so that immigration is not a problem, and can eventually be deregulated altogether. School Choice -see [education] Social Security -Ideally, this would not be necessary. As it is, it's just a big savings account for the government to pinch pennies from when they think they need it. Its function should be combined with welfare. Tax Reform -By privatizing government functions whenever possible, taxes can be reduced to what is necessary to fund basic operations, public schools, the military, and a few other functions Technology -Keep it going and hope that it doesn't get so far ahead of human comprehension that we don't wipe ourselves out with it. If we do, it's been a good run anyway. War & Peace -1: Long book, worth reading. 2: War is the direct result of the breakdown of diplomacy, the use of the teeth to untie a know that could not be loosened with the tongue. Peace is a fleeting but praiseworthy accomplishment. Welfare -Government aid should be used as a last resort, and as a crutch to help the fallen get back up, not a full-body cast to keep them standing. It should be reserved for a person in one of these three situations, 1: unemployed and actively searching for employment, 2: unemployed but pursuing education in order to be able to pursue a career, 3: disabled and unable to work. |
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#9 (permalink) |
Huzzah for Welcome Week, Much beer shall I imbibe.
Location: UCSB
Abortion - I don't think I would approve of my daughter having one, but it is her life (as it is every woman's); and abortion is not my decision to make for other people.
Budget/Economy - Strive for a balanced budget but allow a deficit if it is needed. Worker's jobs are more important than free trade and lower prices for consumers. Civil Rights - These are the sacred cow of my view on governrnent. You have to have some amazing argument to begin to infringe on these. 9/11 is not an amazing argument. A civil war is an amazing argument. Crime - Non-violent crimes = little jail time but lots of community service or fines in the case of white collar crime, rehabilitation > punishment. Defense - New toys - yes. 110 billion spent in Iraq - no. Drugs - Legalize pot, shrooms, peyote, coke, acid, ect. Allow for the cultivation of all these for personal use. Heroin, meth and crack are still illegal. Regulation and taxation would be acceptable depending on conditions and level of tax. Education - Free education paid with taxes. K-12, college and grad school/JD/MD. The raise in taxes will be absorbed by a more educated population. Environment - The enviroment trumps business unless business has some amazing argument to change this situation. A small raise in profit is not an amazing argument. Anwr is a good argument but still does not meet the mark. Families & Gay Marriage - Government has no business in either issue unless the family asks for it, family services ect. Foreign Policy - Isolation with trade unless China starts taking territory, or another country attacks the United states. Heavy involvement in humanitarian aid and the UN. I don't like having US troops playing policeman but in some cases it is needed (genocide for example). Free Trade - Good, after considerations for worker's jobs. Govt. Reform - The lobbys need to be destroyed or severly weakened, but I have no idea how to do it other than limit contributions. Gun Control - Full-auto is bad, as are explosives, everything else is fine. Health Care - Universal health care paid by taxes, will be made up with high productivity from a healthier population. and higher taxes Immigration - I still don't know on this one, but the current situation is not working. I'm leaning towards open borders and fast-tracking citizenship. School Choice - The local school for K-12, unless you have a good reason to go to a different school. Social Security - This is a very important area that money can NOT be taken from for other projects. Privitization seems like a craps shoot and a poor idea. Tax Reform - Absolutely, the rich don't pay enough. Wealth re-distribution by taxes and social welfare are the only things stopping a revolution. Technology - Technology almost always trumps IP and copyright laws. The DMCA needs to be destroyed. War & Peace - War should be avoided unless a VERY good reason for war is found. Afganistan was a reasonable war; Iraq was not a resonable war. Welfare - Welfare needs to be reversed to the pre-Clinton years. In my world view, social welfare is the only thing keeping the poor from rioting and violently re-distributing wealth in America.
I'm leaving for the University of California: Santa Barbara in 5 hours, give me your best college advice - things I need, good ideas, bad ideas, nooky, ect. Originally Posted by Norseman on another forum: "Yeah, the problem with the world is the stupid people are all cocksure of themselves and the intellectuals are full of doubt." |
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#10 (permalink) |
Comment or else!!
Location: Home sweet home
Abortion - let the woman do what ever she want, let her deal with herself in the later course of her life. No one else's business.
Budget/Economy - government should help failing businesses, the country will prosper when everyone have a job. Civil Rights - we all bleed, we all die, we should all have the SAME rights. Crime - what ART said, the punishment system need to be adjusted too Defense - spend less on defense, we already have the mightiest military in the world, no one would want to mess with us. Drugs - legalize MJ, tax the hell out of it. tougher crack down on cocaine, heroine (sp?) and other narcotics. Education - more government funding for public schools, stricter regulations and penalty for juveniles. they should learn that school is a differentl place than the street, and act accordingly. Environment - for every one tree being cut down, ten others should be planted in it's place. Families & Gay Marriage - let two consenting adults do what ever they want as long as they harm no one. Foreign Policy - should be sought through peaceful diplomacy Free Trade - the more the better Govt. Reform - not sure how this can be done... Gun Control - people need to be more educated about the lethality of guns, and also enforce the already existing gun control laws Health Care - should be low cost and available for everyone, if it required government intervention, then so be it. Immigration - I'm all for it, just as long as they come here with legal paper, learn some english too. School Choice - when public schools improve, there is no need for students to choose private school. Social Security - people worked hard to EARN this, never tamper with it! Tax Reform - take away the loop holes, tax break on the working class, especially ones with large family. Technology - can only advance and improve, it's a must! War & Peace - work to achieve peace through diplomacy. War should be the last resort when all other possible methods have failed. Welfare - government handouts, I frown on this very much, but I do acknowledge the good that it did, even though its very little. Disclaimer: my stance on the above issues are subjected to change any time as I am still learning about them.
Him: Ok, I have to ask, what do you believe? Me: Shit happens. |
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#11 (permalink) |
Abortion - I support a woman's right to choose.
Budget/Economy - We spend way to much on funding the military industrial complex (nearly half the budget). This should be drastically cut. Need to eventually work toward a Parecon style economy. Civil Rights - I support all civil rights movements. Crime - I think societal inequality is the root cause of crime. Corporate crime is worse than crime in streets. Focus on crime prevention instead of harsher penalties. Support alternative sentencing. Oppose the death penalty. Defense - I think "defense" is a misnomer. It is really just offence. This should be drastically cut. Drugs – Education is the answer. Drug addicts should be treated-not sent to prison. Many drugs should eventually be legalized, taxed, and regulated. Education – Fund way more. Teach democratic principles. Environment – We're in big trouble. Major shift to solar power needed. Focus way more on 3 R's. Families & Gay Marriage - Marriage is everyone's right. Foreign Policy - U.S. is by far the biggest world bully. Terror results from this. Support the Israeli and Palestinian peace movements. Stop supporting dictators and undermining democracies. End the U.S. and corporate occupation of Iraq. Stop selling arms. Support social and economic justice. Free Trade - "Free trade" is really corporate-managed trade. WTO and IMF are undemocratic institutions which represent big moneyed interests, not most people. Restrict IMF power or abolish it. Corporations are unaccountable private tyrannies. Support trade based on human rights and the environment. Govt. Reform – Need major reforms. Instant runoff voting. proportional representation. Public financing of elections. Abolish electoral college. Elections on holidays. Less government secrecy. Gun Control - support thoughtful gun control. Health Care – Healthcare is a basic human right. Support single-payer universal healthcare. Immigration – don't blame immigrants for social and economic problems. Support democracy abroad and fewer will immigrate. School Choice - Support choice within public schools. Social Security – stop privatization. Tax Reform – close corporate loopholes. Make more progressive - people who have more should pay more. Reverse the trend of growing inequality. Focus on the under-taxation of corporations. Technology - is good. Recognize that much of it is publicly invented with your tax-dollars and then handed over to private power. War & Peace - Heavily reform or abolish the CIA-they are the cause of so many problems through their support of repressive dictators and overthrow of democratically-elected governments. Islamic hatred largely comes from U.S. foreign policy. Support democracy, stop supporting repressive regimes. Stop escalating the cycle of violence. End the Iraq occupation. War does more harm than good. War is not an option. Welfare – Attack corporate welfare kings, not poor welfare queens. |
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#12 (permalink) |
Super Moderator
Location: essex ma
==i am pro-choice. Budget/Economy ===economic ideology: i oppose neoliberalism in all its forms. budget: i assume that this refers to state busget practices? how they are understood is a function of the dominant economic ideology. if you oppose neoliberalism, it follows that neoliberal prescriptions about the budget for a state (balanced, etc.) are problematic to say the least. Civil Rights ===um...they are good. i oppose the bushwar-driven attempts to dismantle them. all of them. i support expanding funding for public defenders across the board--most who are convicted of capital crimes are poor. the legal system is presently a complete joke in terms of equity if you factor in class. obviously, the seperation of civil rights from questions of the ability of someone charged with a crime to defend him or herself is a problem. so i do not understand why there are two different questions here. Crime ===well i dont understand how people who endorse an economic ideology that rationalizes the largest transfers of wealth in history are in a position to complain about crime, which i see as directly tied to economics. i oppose manditory sentencing laws. i really oppose the demonization of the poor that was the precursor to these moronic mandatory sentencing laws. i oppose capital punishment. Defense ==a necessary evil. i dislike the role the military plays in contemporary discourse. i dislilke the fetishizing of people who are in the military. i think bushpolicies---particularly nuclear first-strike--are insane. i oppose nearly everything about the so-called war on terror. i think the category functions to obscure the link between the conditions created by american foreign and economic policies and the degrading of human beings around the world--when people organize and react as a way of trying to acquire some of the dignity these policies have stripped from them, they are terrorists. it is bullshit. Drugs --i like them. i dont do them any more to speak of, but still... i would decriminalize mairjuana and maybe hallucinogens. i draw a line at cocaine, however--too many dead friends. i find it amazing that the right is still caught in a "reefer madness" era understanding of drugs. i think expanding addiction treatment programs is essential. Education --this requires serious consideration--i support flattening funding to public education across localities. as it stands, the education system is the strictest insitution in the reproduction of the american class system. until something like that funding shift happens, any talk of meritocracy in the states is a sad joke. totally opposed to vouchers. i think university tuitions are totally out of hand and should be brought in line. i do not see why it should be necessary for most students who pass through university to come out with massive debt. doing something about tuition and debts levels is fundamental to any project for creating an equitable health care system. Environment ---another vague category. in general, trees are nice. i think corporations should be held accountable for ecological damage they impose on the rest of us. am once again in complete opposition to the policies of the bush administration in giving a long handjob to corporate interests on this matter. Families & Gay Marriage ---i do not understand why anyone buys into the rights festishization of the bourgeois nuclear family and does not understand it as a rhetorical device aimed at evacuating the notion of public responsibility. on gay marriage--why would the right care who other people choose to love? and why should everyone not be able to avail themselves of the legal protections written into the notion of marriage, if they want? since it is a secular, legal institution, after all... Foreign Policy --american foreign policy is and has been barbaric since world war 2. there are so many problems with it that i do not know where to start in a situation like this one. Free Trade -problematic notion. tends to increase the division between the wealthy and poorer nationa and to eliminate mechanism the latter might have for a more equitable trade situation--not to mention for economic autonomy. free trade is a new set of clothes for neocolonial business as usual. this says nothing about the damage the free trade fetish does to domestic social stability in the states. Govt. Reform --i dont understand what this could mean outside the neoliberal frame of reference. i oppose most forms of privatization because experience has shown the efficiency arguments to be totally false--in which case the motives for it have to be sought elsewhere--privatization is about depoliticization. it is a defensive move on the part of the state in the face of the uncertainties of globalizing capitalism---it is an abdication of responsibility sold as a matter of efficiency. Gun Control --agnostic Health Care --basic health care is a fundamental human right. Immigration -what about it? School Choice -see above on education. this "school choice" thing is a conservative category designed to reframe the question of vouchers by positioning them as a device to increase consumer choices. it is beside the point. Social Security --a good thing that should be protected. Tax Reform --this gets to the question of how you understand taxation. i have talked about my position too many times here to rehearse it again. opposed to the right's discourse about taxation--i think it is fundamentally dishonest. Technology --the state should follow the japanese model and fund emerging technologies as a matter of policy. the "market" is not rational, the "market" does not select emerging technologies on a rational basis.... the state should also fund the arts more. but that is a different matter, i suppose. i can get really cranked up about this one, however. War & Peace =peace is better than war. i dont know what this category is about, actually, what it is asking me to articulate a position about. given the choice, i would choose peace. yes. well who wouldnt, really? Welfare ==necessary as a mechanism for buying social stability. a way for the state to take some responsibility for the consequences of its lack of spine in the face of corporate actions. oppose all efforts to dismantle it. i think that the welfare-to-work thing is delusional unless you are also willing to accept a partially planned economy---it might be a viable idea were the americans more social-democratic--but since most conservatives confuse social democracy and stalinism, i dont see it happening anytime soon. so welfare-tpo-work is a way of allowing the political class to erase the poor, to blow them off. it is crazy as practice and not justifiable as policy. restatement: you want to reduce the purview of welfare? want it to be temporary? then you have no choice but to endorse some kind of economic planning. otherwise, you have nothing coherent to say on the matter.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear it make you sick. -kamau brathwaite |
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