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Old 08-04-2004, 02:33 PM   #3 (permalink)
Lennonite Priest
pan6467's Avatar
Location: Mansfield, Ohio USA
Good thread, this can inspire thought and insight into both sides.

Abortion- to me it's a lady's body and her choice, but I do think all options should be considered first. HOWEVER, as a man if I were to ever get a lady pregnant and she said she was wanting to abort I would find a way to pay for her delivery and take custody, I believe the father should have this right.

Budget/Economy- this is tough because it is very ambiguous and open for interpretation. worked to be balanced and any surplus goes into a rainy day fund. After 3 consecutive years of surplusses tax tables re-evaluated, refunds maybe issued.


Crime- non violent, 1st time offenders (we all make mistakes, some of us were just lucky enough not to ever get caught) should be placed in work/rehab houses and depending on how serious regular house arrest, with the ankle bracelets and technology today we can do it.

Violent, or repeat offenders should get serious time and if rehabbed then let back into society to live normal constructive lives.

Defense- we need a strong defense but never to be used for false pretenses or overt offense

The enlisted military personnel definately need higher pay maybe 2 categories for each grade married and single but I'm sure that would lead to discrimination lawsuits.

Drugs- non narcotic non synthesized drugs (marijuana, perhaps a 5% cocaine) should be legalized but heavily regulated and taken on premises (a hotel like facility) bought and person cannot leave for a specified amount of time.
Education- our future it should be funded to where no public school cannot afford computers, paper and the newest textbooks.

College should be made affordable and available to ANYONE and loans should be able to be paid off by 2-4 years of a civil service duty.

Environment- we are not the only country on this Earth nor will this Earth survive if we continue tearing down rainforests and destroying wetlands. I would offer bigger tax breaks to those who buy alternative fuel autos. I'd offer tax breaks to electric companies that used clean re-useable fuels to power their plants and I would invest in research to find ways to get more power from solar, wind, geothermal and hydro-electric.

We worked on programs in the 70's that were working but Reagan cut the funds. I'd re-instate them.

Families & Gay Marriage-you fall in love with whom you fall in love with.

Children should not be pawns in some Religious neo political game nor should anyone's life partner be denied benefits because of sexual orientation.

Foreign Policy- any country that maintains human rights, and works toward giving all it's citizens equal oppurtunities and education should recieve our help

Any country with human rights violations or dictatorships should recieve NOTHING as a government but we can finance humanitarian aid delivered by the UN or Red Cross, if abused by that government, the leaders should be tried in World Court.

If a dictatorship refuses any help whatsoever then we should allow that country autonomous sovereignity but we should embargo that country, until human rights violations end.

Free Trade- if the trade policies are legitimately fair with each other (no government subsidized steel dumping to ruin our steel industry- patents are recognized we should maintain good relations and help each other.

Govt. Reform- we should look into how contracts are awarded and make sure we open bids to all companies interested. Have 3 independant firms (1 suggested by Dems. One suggested by GOP one totally Independant) study spending and offer ways to cut unnecessary beuaracracies, red-tape and spending

Gun Control- I am truly neutral on this I believe it is up to the community, cities, counties and states. NYC should have firmer gun control laws than say Cheyenne, Wyoming. But federally, other than assault/military weapons, a waiting period and some form of registration/background check it is not the governments job to dictate.

I do not believe anyone or any group should be better armed than the police though.

Felons should not be allowed any guns whatsoever.

Health Care- everyone should be entitled to affordable healthcare and preventative medicines. The government should subsidize medical/dental care by working on a scale. You make so much you pay this amount and the government will subsidize the rest.

Those subsidies would first be paid in non monetary ways such as tax breaks and research grants, then in grants for employees and finally if necessary money.

Pharmaceutical companies should be under strict guidelines on how to charge for a medicine and in return the government will subsidize TRUE research (not toenail fungus but life threatening diseases and viral infections.

Immigration- stricter border patrols, immigrants MUST register, get visas, go to classes and learn English and US history. Once they graduate they take a test and if they fail their visas get revoked, if they pass they can apply for citizenship and if they are not criminals in their home country then they become citizens.

School Choice- against, believe that we need to revamp public schools by financing them in better ways. We once had the greatest public schools in the world, we need to find out how we did it and do it again.

Also I believe we need to pay teachers better and promote teachers by paying off student loans and helping financially those who decide to teach in inner city schools.

Social Security- leave untouched use only for the purpose it is there for and if necessary to provide people money upon retirement allow the people to invest some of their money privately.

Also raise retirement age to 70.

Tax Reform- take away all loopholes and deductions have a flat tax rate and only those living under poverty level recieve tax breaks.

No corporate welfare.

Companies that export jobs or hire cheap labor overseas get heavily taxed on their imports and they have to pay their foreign employees income taxes. Also companies would have to pay $2 OVER minimum wage at any factory overseas. (The exceptions to these taxes are: if the products made overseas stay overseas then we do not tax at all. Or if you are talking about a subsidiary base overseas (like VOLVO is to Ford)

Technology- invest in research and development esp. in companies that employ in the US

War & Peace- defend ouselves and our allies only..... Absolutely NO aggresion or offensive actions

Welfare- Fathers of children hunted down and forced to pay their share. Anyone on welfare recieves training and job placement based on their abilities and talents.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"

Last edited by pan6467; 08-04-2004 at 02:36 PM..
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