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Old 08-04-2004, 06:46 PM   #8 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Location: CT
-It is not the government's place to regulate individual choice. A government that gives itself the right to regulate something can easily use that precedent to impose the will of the few who are in charge upon the masses, who do not necessarily agre with those in charge

-The less that there is in the budget, the less ther is to screw up. Whenever possible, expenses should be cut from the budget.

Civil Rights
-They're rights. You can't get rid of peoples' rights and hope to stay in power for any serious amount of time.

-Address the causes such as poverty and social inequality whenever possible, and punish those who are still unable to coexist peacefully. Focus on rehabilitation whenever possible.

-Without strong national defense, what use is anythign else on this list? Pay decent wages to those in the armed services and benefits to their families. Strictly a volunteer military. Why would anyone want to be defended by anyone who doesn't want to do the job?

-Legalize, regulate, and tax everything. This will lessen the stigma associated with drug use and allow the real problems to be addressed. A cokehead will benefit a lot more from being housed in a rehab facility with doctors and social workers than he will from being shoved in a cell with Bubba.

-Teachers' unions are destroying our public school systems by preventing bad teachers from being disciplined or reprimanded. If teachers' jobs depended on how well they did their jobs and not whether or not the school could get rid of them wihtout risking a strike, public schools would be able to compete with private schools. In the event that public schools still fail to provide quality education, several private school options including faith-based schools and secular schools should be offered.

-It should be protected, but not to the point that human advancement is halted.

Families & Gay Marriage
-see [Abortion]

Foreign Policy
-All efforts should be made to build relations with the rest of the world. If there is an immediate threat, it should be dealt with by the international community.

Free Trade
-Encourage higher standards in underdeveloped areas of the world by awarding development contracts to areas that make latent efforts to increase the standard of living and repsect for human rights. Once everyone is on the same level, we can truly have an international community. At this point, production and labor should occur wherever they can be done most efficiently.

Govt. Reform
-Work toward building a worldwide community. Reduce government to the bare minimum necessary. Historical precedents have proven that private industry can carry out most tasks with significantly higher efficiency than government agencies.

Gun Control
-Gun control is inversely proportional to the amount the hand that is holding the gun is shaking.

Health Care
-Competition reduces prices. Force companies to compete in order to achieve the lowest prices for the consumer. Work for a higher standard of living so that nobody has to resort to resurrecting gevernment-provided healthcare.

-The international community should work toward a universal standard of living and comaptible societies so that immigration is not a problem, and can eventually be deregulated altogether.

School Choice
-see [education]

Social Security
-Ideally, this would not be necessary. As it is, it's just a big savings account for the government to pinch pennies from when they think they need it. Its function should be combined with welfare.

Tax Reform
-By privatizing government functions whenever possible, taxes can be reduced to what is necessary to fund basic operations, public schools, the military, and a few other functions

-Keep it going and hope that it doesn't get so far ahead of human comprehension that we don't wipe ourselves out with it. If we do, it's been a good run anyway.

War & Peace
-1: Long book, worth reading. 2: War is the direct result of the breakdown of diplomacy, the use of the teeth to untie a know that could not be loosened with the tongue. Peace is a fleeting but praiseworthy accomplishment.

-Government aid should be used as a last resort, and as a crutch to help the fallen get back up, not a full-body cast to keep them standing. It should be reserved for a person in one of these three situations, 1: unemployed and actively searching for employment, 2: unemployed but pursuing education in order to be able to pursue a career, 3: disabled and unable to work.
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