Sheesh, this will take a while.
Abortion - I don't really have an opinion for it because I am not involved at all on either side. It should be the parents decision, not mine, or someone else's.
Budget/Economy - I prefer the Republicans IDEA of controlling spending and everything. Meanwhile, they have done just about nothing so far in recent memory to seemingly just piss me off. Tax breaks to the rich don't piss me off, they contribute a lot already. What DOES piss me off is when they piss away hundreds of millions of dollars on worthless research that does nothing except keep contracts in certain states so US Reps. and Senators keep their constituents happy while pissing our money away.
Civil Rights - Equal rights, what's so hard to understand?
Crime - Too much bullshit going on. Police are too worried about busting the small drug dealers, or getting the speeders in some speed trap. I would really wish we just start over and re-write the law books entirely.
Defense - The United States is doing damn good already. The military comes up with many great new technologies. Keep up the great work.
Drugs - I'll break this up into two sections. Illegal: Most illegal drugs should be legalized and sold publicly. Why? Because it is much easier to control everything that way, it creates new businesses and new tax opportunities for the government, and it also takes a great deal of power out of the hands of gangs and drug dealers. Legal: Legal drugs on the other hand are another story. This whole "Natural" crap makes me sick. Marketing people have shoved it down the morons throats that natural things can't hurt you and that all this stuff is great while in the meantime the only reason they label it "Natural" is so the FDA doesn't have to confirm it's claims. That along with all the side-affect shit, it's just become one big market to make money on these poor souls who need to take one subscription for this, one for another, and this too, and don't forget this other pill too. It's about money now, not the patients, and that's a damn shame. [/rant]
Education - Biggest problem, is many kids just don't care. You can't teach to those who aren't interested. That, and a lot of the material taught in some high schools is just pathetic. I feel we need to raise the requirements to get a high school diploma, and a college degree. That way, if someone wants to get either, they actually have to work to get it.
Environment - A great deal of environmentalists I find have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. If I hear one more moron scream about how using paper kills trees I'm liable to smack someone. Papers is made from trees grown to make paper. Meanwhile, recycling everything but aluminum cans actually creates MORE pollutants. As for big business, use vouchers. Every company gets some, and any company can buy or sell however many they can get their hands on. The end result is we cut polluting by whatever amount we wanted for the best price possible.
Families & Gay Marriage - Gay marriage, fine, whatever. Families I don't quite understand what you're getting at.
Foreign Policy - I've had it. We're not the police of the world, so why do we end up playing the part?
Free Trade is always best. Maybe not for you or me, but it always is.
Govt. Reform - Ugh.
Gun Control - Second amendment. There is no solid argument to get rid of it, so there's no reason to. I wouldn't be so against having automatic weapons as long as some were issued to the police and there be a nice long screening process.
Health Care - Eliminate welfare. 100%. Get rid of it. Take all of the welfare spending and put it towards a national health care system.
Immigration - Leave it how it is for now. We have far more important problems to deal with.
School Choice - Work hard to improve all schools. Then there would be no necessity to choose a school.
Social Security - Get rid of it. People need to learn how to save.
Tax Reform - Not going to happen.
Technology - Outside the military, NSA, NASA, etc., no other spending is needed. Private business takes care of plenty, while Defense fills in the gaps.
War & Peace - Has to be handled on a case by case basis. We all want peace. Meanwhile, millions of people want to kill us. I would never go so far as to say "No offensive actions" because situations like Isreal and the 6 day war were resolved very quickly and easily by offensive actions. But so far the USA has stayed back and waited to be attacked before retaliating. It's been working fine so far.
Welfare - as I said earlier. Get rid of it. 100%. Goodbye.
One day an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman walked into a pub together. They each bought a pint of Guinness. Just as they were about to enjoy their creamy beverage, three flies landed in each of their pints. The Englishman pushed his beer away in disgust. The Scotsman fished the fly out of his beer and continued drinking it, as if nothing had happened. The Irishman, too, picked the fly out of his drink but then held it out over the beer and yelled "SPIT IT OUT, SPIT IT OUT, YOU BASTARD!"