( is a pretty spiffy website that shows the leanings of a lot of politicians. I was interested in knowing how the members of TP feel about some of these issues. So what are your thoughts on...
Civil Rights
Families & Gay Marriage
Foreign Policy
Free Trade
Govt. Reform
Gun Control
Health Care
School Choice
Social Security
Tax Reform
War & Peace
For me, it's the following.
It should be legal, although I'm not too comfortable with it. I would prefer we live in a world where contraception of pushed far more heavily than it currently is, and abortion is emphasized as a last choice after adoption.
The government's job is to protect its citizens from threats foreign and domestic. Regulation of necessary industries is an important part of protecting citizens, but the government should not be in the business of supporting failing industries (such as the RIAA).
Civil Rights
Freedom should be first and foremost in our minds; a freedom should not be taken away unless there's a clear and present reason to do so.
Capital punishment should be legal against perpetrators of multiple violent felonies; it is a punishment and not a deterrent. Nonviolent criminals should not be incarcerated on their first offense, and mandatory sentencing should be abolished.
The world has changed, and the military must change with it. A smaller, leaner force of exceptionally trained individuals should act as a surgical knife against threats to national security.
Legalize marijuana, and reduce the drinking age to 18. If you can vote, you should be able to drink and smoke whatever you want. Nonviolent drug offendors should be placed in hospitals and treatment facilities, not prisons.
Our children our are future, and education through all levels must be supported as fervently as our defense budget. What good is a country that has nothing to defend? Our teachers should be the highest paid civil servants we have.
Blatant violators of environmental harm (such as dumping toxic chemicals) should be punished for their actions, but a balance must be struck between environmental needs and those of the economy. Research in the fields of conservation and alternative power should be conducted. Nuclear power should be emphasized; it is far cleaner and far less harmful to the environment than conventional methods, and far cheaper than alternative method.
Families & Gay Marriage
It is not the governments place to decide what a family unit is, nor restrict those who wish to marry. The government should be in the job of handing out civil unions to everyone, gay or straight. In essence the civil union would be a contract with the same benefits as marriage, and would apply to any two consenting adults who wish to apply for one. Whether or not they're "married" is not the government's decision.
Foreign Policy
We live in a global community, and we cannot afford to alienate our neighbors. We cannot stand alone, but nor should we be the world's police force. The US should be equal in both responsibility and burden with other nations.
Free Trade
Trade cannot be free if all players are not playing by the same rules. Countries which actively promote violations of US Patents or copyright should be made aware of our displeasure, and economic action should be taken to protect our commerical interests.
Govt. Reform
If we can't afford it, we shouldn't spend money on it. Balancing our budget should be a primary concern; this can be accomplished through the reduction of unnecessary regulation (such as the FCC's morality watch) and through stringent reduction of waste.
Gun Control
There is no reason Americans should not be allowed to protect themselves with the same tools criminals are using against them. A federal concealed carry license should be made available to every citizen not convicted of a violent crime, and the procedure should be similar in nature to that of getting a drivers license. Citizens would have to take and pass an extensive course, demonstrate knowledge and proficiency with firearms, and have their license periodically updated. Gun registration should be mandatory (in the same way that car registration is), and individuals found using an unregistered weapon should be prosecuted in the same manner as those who violate driving laws. The National Firearms Act of 1934 adequetly covers restrictions by requiring a license to own a Class III weapon.
Health Care
Health Care should be freely available to everyone. Individuals should be able to choose their doctor;.
Illegal immigrants should be sent back, and legal immigrants should be welcome with open arms. Border patrols should be strengthened to prevent unlawful entry into our country.
School Choice
Vouchers hurt public schools. Rather than take money away from public schooling, put more money where it belongs. People won't want to leave if public education is better than private, and that requires funding.
Social Security
I really don't know enough about this to make a decision either way.
Tax Reform
A national sales tax is needed. An NST would allow us to bring in funds from previously untaxed sources (such as drug money), but is regressive. Tax breaks for lower income brackets would help alleviate this.
We must invest heavily in the future. Assuming we bolster our education, supporting technology will allow our bright population to bring great achievements into the world.
War & Peace
Fight when attacked, and strive for peace at all other times. We have enough trouble with our own nation; we do not need to "build" others.
Welfare should be temporary and supplementary to a regular form of income. If all else fails, have people work in the welfare department or in soup kitchens.
So that's what I thought off the top of my head. What is your opinion?