Abortion - I'm all for it. The more the better.
Budget/Economy - We have the world's strongest economy. Running deficits is not significant. The economy is its own engine. It is the sum total of our resources, our ingenuity, and our hard work. The simple fact is that economies fluctuate. Government taking credit for a good economy is nonsense. Criticizing government for its poor "management" of the economy is also nonsense. There is a very minor relationship between the US economy and the US government. That's a good thing.
Civil Rights - Who the hell is against that?
Crime - Enforce the laws. We have enough laws.
Defense - The strongest defense is the best. Offense is the best defense.
Drugs - We should do all we can to eradicate those who produce and distribute them - the illegal ones. And as for the legal, ones, we should force the pharmaceutical industry by regulation into participating in a socially responsible health system.
Education - Except for higher education, which is threatened by the political activism of its staff, we have one of the worst educational systems in the world. The reason is that we have the most destructive and powerful popular culture in the world. There will be no changing this and it is destroying us from within. Stupid gullible people make bad citizens.
Environment - In the US the environment is overprotected. In the rest of the world, it is underprotected - especially as a result of the Kyoto treaty and its ridiculous designation of "developing nation" status to China and other eco-destructive countries.
Families & Gay Marriage - I don't care about families or gay marriage. They are what they are. People are people. Popuar culture has destroyed the family.
Foreign Policy - Real geopolitics is power and the perception of power. Every nation has always and will always act according to what it perceives are its best interests. Period.
Free Trade - The more the better. There is ultimately only one economy and it is global. It was ever thus.
Govt. Reform - Whatever. It's a time-waster. Sounds good - isn't going to happen. Who's going to do it? The government?
Gun Control - We have more than enough laws. Enforce them.
Health Care - It should be a national goal. We should work to lower the cost of it and use our wealth for the benefit of our citizens' health.
Immigration - It' one of our strengths. People want to come here. We need to make sure indivuduals are not coming to destroy us. That's all.
School Choice - Whatever. Education in this country is an individual matter. The rest is simply a failure. Our culture creates a situation of mass uneducatability.
Social Security - People want it. It's a political plum.
Tax Reform - Never going to happen in any major way.
Technology - The unstoppable force for both good and evil.
War & Peace - Will always be with us. They are the two sides of human nature. We want peace. Too bad but we are also killers with a mean streak. Tribalism is the reason.
Welfare - Another political plum. It's a way of buying the votes of poor people. That's never going to change.
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