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Old 08-18-2010, 06:49 PM   #201 (permalink)
Mine is an evil laugh
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Originally Posted by Pearl Trade View Post
Everyone should just look at the Constitution as the end-all for problems.
This made me think of an episode of The West Wing:

Peyton, do I have the right to put on an ugly plaid jacket and a loud
polka-dot tie and
walk down Main Street?


Where in the Constitution is that right guaranteed?

First Amendment. Freedom of expression.

What about the use of cream in my coffee? Surely, there can be no free speech
to be made there?


So you have no objection to the state of New Hampshire passing a law banning
use of cream
in coffee?

I would have strong objection, Mr. President, as I like cream as well,
but I would have no
Constitutional basis to strike down the law when you brought this case to
the Supreme Court.

As I lose the votes of coffee drinkers everywhere.
This is quoted from:
Search or Browse The West Wing Transcripts -- View or Search transcripts and summaries

The constitution really isn't a catch all.
who hid my keyboard's PANIC button?
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Old 08-18-2010, 07:03 PM   #202 (permalink)
has all her shots.
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Originally Posted by dogzilla View Post
The Democrats have made an even more offensive move now with Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation of how the opposition to the mosque is being funded....
Granted it sounds like grandstanding, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it is 'even more offensive.' Of course, that's just a matter of opinion...or taste.

Another thought...
The one good thing that may come of this is that the blowback may take some of the glitter off of the previous overblown xenophobic hacky sack issue - illegal immigration.
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:24 PM   #203 (permalink)
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Really, Nancy? You support "looking into" how private citizens are funding themselves to express an opinion about a controversial issue? Yeah that sounds like a good idea lets make the financial backing behind any expressed view point public! That way nobody will ever want to express themselves out of fear of the US govt rooting through their organizations or personal banking account with a fine tooth comb. The 1st amendment was getting a little old anyway, I think its time has passed. At the very least most everyone involved with this cluster fuck seems to think so.

Oh well another chapter of stupid is being written for future generations to scratch their heads over. On the plus side we have about 3 more months of politicians saying and doing incredibly dumb things every time a camera or microphone is around, those votes are important. If it wasn't always based around such serious issues this stuff would be comic gold.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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Old 08-19-2010, 04:13 AM   #204 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Originally Posted by dogzilla View Post
"Looking into something" is an investigation. But the government has no business even asking for transparency from either side. Who is funding either side is none of the government's business. Nancy Pelosi is way off base on this.
There are investigations of varying degrees, then, aren't there?

I'll take this to mean that this is no one else's business either.
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Last edited by Baraka_Guru; 08-19-2010 at 04:16 AM..
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Old 08-19-2010, 04:39 AM   #205 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
There are investigations of varying degrees, then, aren't there?

I'll take this to mean that this is no one else's business either.
Yes, there are differing degrees of investigations. I'd take an investigation initiated by Congress pretty seriously.

Regardless of the degrees of investigations, this is none of the government's business and hints at intimidation.

Individuals can ask all the questions they want since the first amendment only applies to the government. The people being questioned are also free to ignore the questioner.
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Old 08-19-2010, 05:32 AM   #206 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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She was speaking within the context of the ADL's position.
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Old 08-19-2010, 05:34 AM   #207 (permalink)
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let's recap, shall we?

first a racist blogger creates a canard about a mosque at ground zero.

that gets picked up by the conservative media apparatus and made into a cause célèbre all for the greater good of the conservative media apparatus which always enjoys higher ratings and bumps in advertising rates from viking international (don't be caught with fiat currency when helter skelter comes! buy gold now!) when a group hate is underway. double plus good, that. always double plus good.

the group hate acquires enough media-momentum that it starts to freak out the moderates and some ultra-rightwing strategists who say to themselves:

wait....where's the advantage of being seen as racists?

and that unleashes a bit of a pushback from the remarkably passive non-conservative media apparatus, including a theatrical suggestion that an investigation might be in order because


just maybe

there's some conservative astroturf being spread again.

which means of course that conservatives are the victims.
not the people who happen to be muslim around the united states who have had to endure the spectre of yet another round of conservative-driven racism directed their way.

o no.

conservatives are the victims.

a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite

Last edited by roachboy; 08-19-2010 at 05:36 AM..
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Old 08-19-2010, 06:04 AM   #208 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by roachboy View Post
let's recap, shall we?

first a racist blogger creates a canard about a mosque at ground zero.

that gets picked up by the conservative media apparatus and made into a cause célèbre all for the greater good of the conservative media apparatus which always enjoys higher ratings and bumps in advertising rates from viking international (don't be caught with fiat currency when helter skelter comes! buy gold now!) when a group hate is underway. double plus good, that. always double plus good.

the group hate acquires enough media-momentum that it starts to freak out the moderates and some ultra-rightwing strategists who say to themselves:

wait....where's the advantage of being seen as racists?

and that unleashes a bit of a pushback from the remarkably passive non-conservative media apparatus, including a theatrical suggestion that an investigation might be in order because


just maybe

there's some conservative astroturf being spread again.

which means of course that conservatives are the victims.
not the people who happen to be muslim around the united states who have had to endure the spectre of yet another round of conservative-driven racism directed their way.

o no.

conservatives are the victims.

I don't see anything in your above scenario where the government is involved until we get to Nancy Pelosi's comments and the pesky little issue of the first amendment. Granted, the blogger that started this is way off base, but it is his or her constitutional right to speak without threat of congressional investigations.
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Old 08-19-2010, 06:24 AM   #209 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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I don't recall reading anything about Pelosi calling for congressional investigations.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
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Old 08-19-2010, 06:24 AM   #210 (permalink)
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dog: i understand the point and personally will worry about it when there is an actual investigation. at the moment, i think it's theater.

but really, i don't see what the right has to worry about--so what if there is an investigation? it's not like the speech would be the object, so the first amendment complaints are beside the point. it'd be a matter of diverting money, of potential criminal actions at that level. that's not free speech. that's corruption. unless you imagine corruption to be a form of free speech...
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

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-kamau brathwaite
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Old 08-19-2010, 06:56 AM   #211 (permalink)
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In my completely unscientific observation of the coverage of this issue, I think it is beginning to peak and we'll all be moving on soon.

I'm starting to see coverage of staunch conservatives offering more nuanced positions.

For example, Gene Healey of the CATO institute:

Debate Is a Red Herring | Gene Healy | Cato Institute: Commentary)

...and even Pat Buchanon on CBS News:

Building an artificial intelligence that appreciates Mozart is easy. Building an A.I. that appreciates a theme restaurant is the real challenge - Kit Roebuck - Nine Planets Without Intelligent Life

Last edited by fresnelly; 08-19-2010 at 07:00 AM..
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Old 08-19-2010, 07:44 AM   #212 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
I don't recall reading anything about Pelosi calling for congressional investigations.
bg- While I've said everything I want to say on the actual mosque already, I would like to make a point with regards to this. If the Speaker of the House says "something needs to be looked in to", by default, "Congress" is calling for an investigation. It doesn't really matter who investigates at that point or if it is publicly funded, it's that Congress said it needed to be looked into. She made the statement in her role as Speaker so the statement cannot be separated from Congress.

Semantics, perhaps, but her purpose was to intimidate. Why the Federal fucking government is even talking about this is beyond me.

I take that back, it's not beyond me. This is one more example of the Federal government's desire to be involved in every aspect of American lives. It's one building in one city in one state in our nation. Yet, they can't resist telling those people how they should feel about it and what they should do about it.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

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Last edited by Cimarron29414; 08-19-2010 at 07:47 AM..
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Old 08-19-2010, 07:50 AM   #213 (permalink)
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^^ exactly. That's why Obama shouldn't have comment and that extend so Mrs. Pelosi. speaking with the position alone can cause people to believe that it's from that position.
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Old 08-19-2010, 07:57 AM   #214 (permalink)
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there is something between unfortunate and unnervingly bad in the degree to which the ship of state continues to be run by people who seem to watch a whole lot of tv. like a whole lot of it and who calibrate actions and/or statements by what plays there. it gives the impression of an entire government of people in offices watching c-span and game shows. this isn't a new impression, either. but from time to time it seems more present....
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 08-19-2010, 07:59 AM   #215 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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I chalk all of this up to the American (human?) penchant to remove enough---if not all---context from something so that it fits within a structure they can adequately target with their fears, anger, or paranoia.

Yes, Pelosi is a powerful politician, yes, she's in Congress. But let's not forget she was talking on the radio in response to another organization's position on the matter.

Jesus...context, people.

Maybe I'm reacting to this differently because I live in a place where politicians aren't considered tyrants by default.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön

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Old 08-19-2010, 08:41 AM   #216 (permalink)
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I'll bet they introduced her as "Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi". Jesus knows they did.

Here would be a proper response (for a responsible leader), "As a resident and representative of the state of California, it is inappropriate of me to insert myself into the business of the great state of New York. I'm certain they will find a resolution to this matter without need of my opinion. Next topic?"
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
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Old 08-19-2010, 09:28 AM   #217 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Ah... so "Pelosi the Pussyfooter"?

"Way to sidestep the issue, Pelosi. Yet another Democrat fails to show leadership. No wonder no one knows where Dems stand on the issues.... blah blah blah.... "
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön

Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot
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Old 08-19-2010, 09:50 AM   #218 (permalink)
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the stupidity keeps growing...

Are Americans total numbskulls?

God help us. Could so many Americans really be that dumb, ill-informed, paranoid, gullible and goofy? It must be tricky being Barack Obama, winding down the U.S. presence in volatile Iraq, trying to keep Afghanistan from degenerating, pondering war with Iran, even as, according to the latest bulletin, one in five Americans thinks he is a Muslim.

Why not just believe he's an alien from outer space? Or a Manchurian Candidate, programmed by, say, the Chinese to bring America to ruin?

Crazy times.

It's also dismaying that so many Americans are opposed to the mosque near Ground Zero. In America you can worship wherever you want, regardless of religious belief. We protect religious minorities here. This isn't merely the law: It's a core value. This goes back to the Pilgrims, I seem to recall. The backers of the mosques are the good guys, the ones who preach tolerance. There should be no hedging on this at all from American leaders: If we can't allow a mosque in lower Manhattan we might as well close shop for good and turn out the lights.

A lot of times, polls are deceiving, through vague wording, or perhaps by not giving people enough information to start with. For example, the question about the mosque may not have been framed in a way that made clear that this would not be a place to advance the cause of radical Islam, jihad, death-to-the-West, etc. But it's hard to see how the Obama question could be confusing. Obama is a Christian, and famously attended a Christian church led by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, whom no one would take for a Muslim.

What this shows is that disinformation remains powerful and infectious, and that large elements of the country distrust the official story about anything. People assume, as the starting point on any issue, that they're being lied to. Maybe they want to believe that because it offers an explanation, of sorts, for why the world isn't the way we think it ought to be
Achenblog - Are Americans total numbskulls?
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

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-kamau brathwaite
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Old 08-19-2010, 10:17 AM   #219 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru View Post
Ah... so "Pelosi the Pussyfooter"?

"Way to sidestep the issue, Pelosi. Yet another Democrat fails to show leadership. No wonder no one knows where Dems stand on the issues.... blah blah blah.... "
That is probably the weakest retort I've seen you make. You haven't seen me say such a thing about any other national figure who has remained silent. It's as if you are arguing a point which was never made.

...or, perhaps, you are so accustomed to your level of government control that it actually seems unreasonable for your federal leaders to remain silent on every private, state matter which exists??

You know, it's okay to agree with me once in a while, no one will tell your teammates. This one is so obvious, it's almost as if you are trying too hard.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

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Old 08-19-2010, 10:24 AM   #220 (permalink)
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you know, cimmaron, if the speaker of the house says something in passing on a radio show, that isn't "government control".

just saying.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 08-19-2010, 10:32 AM   #221 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Originally Posted by Cimarron29414 View Post
That is probably the weakest retort I've seen you make. You haven't seen me say such a thing about any other national figure who has remained silent. It's as if you are arguing a point which was never made.
I wasn't talking about you. Sorry for the confusion.

...or, perhaps, you are so accustomed to your level of government control that it actually seems unreasonable for your federal leaders to remain silent on every private, state matter which exists??
They don't remain silent. Quite often they're forced to talk about them in official meetings of parliament; you know, where these things usually should be talked about. And they've been known to be flushed out of power when enough people don't like what they're saying, or doing. How does that work down there where you are?

You know, it's okay to agree with me once in a while, no one will tell your teammates. This one is so obvious, it's almost as if you are trying too hard.
No. I'm flabbergasted at how people are ignoring the context in which Pelosi said what she said.

Originally Posted by roachboy View Post
you know, cimmaron, if the speaker of the house says something in passing on a radio show, that isn't "government control".
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
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Old 08-19-2010, 10:48 AM   #222 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
^^ exactly. That's why Obama shouldn't have comment and that extend so Mrs. Pelosi. speaking with the position alone can cause people to believe that it's from that position.
It's funny how many things the President is expected to stay out of (when his statement was a response to a question, not a totally unsolicited response) while potential 2012 candidates and dozens of other national figures are free to wharrgarble at will.
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Old 08-19-2010, 10:51 AM   #223 (permalink)
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I suppose I am hoping that one side or the other would "rise above" this media circus sideshow and publicly STFU. This issue speaks for itself - the correct side of this argument, from every angle, is for the building to be built. Let the crazies swing their signs in Lower Manhattan. Have the personal restraint to let NYC decide without influence.

I won't deny that I feel a bit of glee watching the federal politicians suck on their shoes; concurrently, I mourn the lack of true statesmen in our federal government, regardless of which aisle they slide their heinies into.


Just so we all have (some) context, this is what Pelosi said on a local San Francisco radio station:

there is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded. How is this being ginned up?
Prior to that part, she actually was doing a really good job. I'll leave it to my colleagues in NY, blah, blah. If she'd only stopped there...
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

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Last edited by Cimarron29414; 08-19-2010 at 11:04 AM..
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Old 08-19-2010, 10:55 AM   #224 (permalink)
RB, my only point of disagreement with the article you posted above is this:

large elements of the country distrust the official story about anything. People assume, as the starting point on any issue, that they're being lied to.
Given the generations-long habits of the US Gov't in regards to honesty, I fail to see how this is an unreasonable position to take. I am hard-pressed to recall a single statement, by -any- President or Cabinet member in my lifetime, which was truthful.

No new taxes? Lie.
Ruby Ridge? Lies.
Monica? Lies.
Waco? Lies.
Kosovo? Lies.
No nation-building, humble foreign policy? Lies.
Iraqi WMD? Lies.

And those are just the biggest and most egregious of the lot. Given this, why is it unreasonable to suspect that when a politician speaks, they are lying? The experience of history certainly seems to bear out the truth of the old saw about when a politician's lips are moving.

I agree with you, more than you can possibly know, about the utter idiocy of much of the nonsense that swirls around Mr. Obama. However, the assumption that one is being lied to by one's Government is, as near as I can tell, the only reasonable starting position which remains.
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Old 08-19-2010, 11:07 AM   #225 (permalink)
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If someone called me with that polling question, I would have to answer "unknown". Religion is personal and its practice is also personal. There's no way for me to know to whom he prays. I don't really care, either. Balance the budget, and I don't care if you sling chicken blood all over the Lincoln bedroom in ritual sacrifice.
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
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Old 08-19-2010, 11:33 AM   #226 (permalink)
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thing is, folks, is that the "confusion" about obama's religion is a direct function of the kind of baiting that we've all watched come to the surface from the right---again---over this non-issue of the fictional "ground zero mosque." that's why i posted it: the effects of this campaign to situate obama as "one of them" appears to have a statistically significant effect. which would mean that conservative media disinformation resonates.

and there is no parallel media apparatus "on the left" so don't even start with that nonsense.

as for the line in the article dunedan bit---i'm not particularly interested in it. you may be right. no doubt there's reasons to treat things most in power say with suspicion to some extent--but that sentence seems a weak consideration of an alternate explanation for the poll results. it's a step or two away from the data logically in an area wherein almost anything can appear correlative. but really, i think the writer is just speculating. so it's good to pull that line out.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

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-kamau brathwaite
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Old 08-19-2010, 11:56 AM   #227 (permalink)
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rb -

I agree with you. There is no doubt that a fringe of people as bloggers, media, etc. intentionally create a "mystery" in order to group the people they don't like together. This would be an example of the an element in the right doing just that. "We don't like muslims, we don't like Obama. Let's turn Obama into a Muslim. That way, people who don't like muslims won't like Obama, and people who don't like Obama won't like Muslims."

I believe it went from 11% to 18% in 2 and a half years. That's quite a jump. What I don't understand, is that I don't see much media surrounding this issue. Granted, I don't look at extreme right stuff like, World Net something or other. Maybe, that's where it comes from? I can't imagine 1 in 5 Americans read that crap, though. So, where's the source of the rumors? I get all sorts of crazy forwards in my email from both sides, and I don't really get any about his religion. Surely, +7% didn't just decide that without something showing up on the media radar?!

(Of course, I do view this as the same tactic being used against the tea party - turning them all into racists.)
Gives a man a halo, does mead.

"Here lies The_Jazz: Killed by an ambitious, sparkly, pink butterfly."
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Old 08-19-2010, 12:01 PM   #228 (permalink)
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I don't know, in my opinion its pretty weird for the speaker of the house to support looking into the funding behind any of this (she also seems to supports looking into the funding behind the Mosque as well which is in my opinion is just as bad). What could possibly be the purpose behind doing so? What would she hope to find? How would it be used? It seems like it would do nothing more then add fuel to an already raging fire...it might not have been the best idea to put forth.

Anyway it appears she clarified her statement later on and I didn't see it before I made my comments above. Regardless the idea of bringing transparency to the finances behind either side of this issue is ridiculous as its nobodies business. There is nothing illegal about trying to build a Mosque and there is nothing wrong (legally anyway) with protesting it, let everyone involved be. It should work itself out in time, we don't need anybody making it worse by digging up where the money came from in all of this.
“My god I must have missed it...its hell down here!”
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Old 08-19-2010, 12:47 PM   #229 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cimarron29414 View Post
rb -

I agree with you. There is no doubt that a fringe of people as bloggers, media, etc. intentionally create a "mystery" in order to group the people they don't like together. This would be an example of the an element in the right doing just that. "We don't like muslims, we don't like Obama. Let's turn Obama into a Muslim. That way, people who don't like muslims won't like Obama, and people who don't like Obama won't like Muslims."

I believe it went from 11% to 18% in 2 and a half years. That's quite a jump. What I don't understand, is that I don't see much media surrounding this issue. Granted, I don't look at extreme right stuff like, World Net something or other. Maybe, that's where it comes from? I can't imagine 1 in 5 Americans read that crap, though. So, where's the source of the rumors? I get all sorts of crazy forwards in my email from both sides, and I don't really get any about his religion. Surely, +7% didn't just decide that without something showing up on the media radar?!

(Of course, I do view this as the same tactic being used against the tea party - turning them all into racists.)
Honestly, nowdays if a pollster called me I'd probably say he's a Muslim just for the lulz.
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Old 08-21-2010, 09:02 AM   #230 (permalink)
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My personal guess is that Nancy Pelosi already has a pretty good idea of who is funding opposition to the Mosque At Ground Zero, assuming that its Rupert Murdoch or someone similar. Therefore, assuming there was any actual thought to her response to the question, I would interpret it as veiled threat to go public with that information. Its one thing to manipulate "conservative Republican GOP" members of the American public, and its another thing to be fairly well known to be manipulating the "conservative Republican GOP" members of the American public, but its an entirely different thing to be blatantly, obviously called out for manipulating the "conservative Republican GOP" members of the American public. Don't turn the sheep into mules.

As far as the public statements from the White House on this topic, I don't see much of a way they could pragmatically do otherwise. The basic premise at the base of this - freedom of religion and speech versus fascist fear-induced decisions complete with pitchforks - is something you can't just ignore if your job is to serve as the nominal figurehead of the American People. I do find it amazing that it seems a strong undercurrent of the "conservative Republican GOP" politicians campaign is essentially "Fuck the poor (i.e. yourselves), fuck the hispanics (i.e. one of the fastest growing sectors of the American public), and fuck the Muslims (i.e. a large percentage of everyone else in the world)" and that it will probably work better than I would anticipate. Americans are some scared-ass motherfuckers these days.
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Old 08-21-2010, 09:26 AM   #231 (permalink)
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here's an item from the guardian about pamela geller, the racist blogger at the heart of the "ground zero mosque" fiction. check out her political affiliations.

The US blogger on a mission to halt 'Islamic takeover' | World news | The Guardian

just in case you thought referring to this business as fascist was overstating things.
of course, all the neo-fascist groups that geller supports are victims of bad press, not really so bad, not really so...
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite

Last edited by roachboy; 08-21-2010 at 09:32 AM..
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Old 08-23-2010, 08:09 AM   #232 (permalink)
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Here he is "vlogging" from the beach.

There is a lot of crazy packed into that bikini.
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:43 AM   #233 (permalink)
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http://gothamist.com/2010/08/23/vide...yesterdays.php Tensions almost came to a head at yesterday's heated rally over the planned mosque and community center near Ground Zero. A man wearing a white athletic skull cap was mistaken for a Muslim as he walked through the crowd, which prompted an angry confrontation, all of which was captured on video. One protester in a blue hard hat calls him a "coward" at one point, which almost incited a fight; later, someone chants "Mohammed is a pig." You can see the full video below.
Sides Square Over Proposed Downtown Mosque Site - Gothamist
  • Supporters: "America! When did it become OK to be a bigot!" "Hallowed ground, that's a lie!" Opponents: "Obama, your middle-name is Hussain [sic], we understand. Bloomberg, what's your excuse." [Daily News]
  • Supporters: "Fascists get out!" "Stop the fear and hate." Opponents, while chanting "USA!": "No clubhouse for terrorists." [NY Post]
  • "Thousands of people died here. I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of religion, but just because you have the right to do something doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do."—Jersey City resident Bob Brennan [NY Post]
  • "It’s a disgrace to have a mosque at this sacred site."—Kali Costas, Tea Party member [NY Times]
  • "Land of the free. Stop sharia before it stops you." "No mosque here. Preserve the dignity of our loved ones killed on 9/11." [CNN]
  • "The mosque shouldn't be here! ...There is an un-Godly, unholy thing gonna go up two blocks away from this site. Absolutely not!"—Barry Bledsoe, a West Virginia resident who brought his 9-year-old son to the protest [Daily News]
  • "We support religious freedom but at some point in our lives, we have to have a little common sense, and a little sensitivity."—retired firefighter Daryl Patterson [WCBS 2]
really just pathetic. embarrassing and pathetic
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.

Last edited by Cynthetiq; 08-24-2010 at 08:58 AM..
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:50 AM   #234 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
really just pathetic. embarrassing and pathetic
I want to hope that this "Ground Zero Mosque" donnybrook is an isolated incident, but I'm not going to invest too much into that.

I don't want to think about it, but what's happening to you, America?

Islamofascist terrorists are winning another victory mere blocks away from your most devastating battlefield.

Swallow your fear and ignorance before it consumes you like fire.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
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Old 08-24-2010, 08:57 AM   #235 (permalink)
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I forgot to include that the guy in the white cap isn't Muslim but is taunted as being so incorrectly.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:09 AM   #236 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Yeah, that's how fear and ignorance works.
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön

Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:20 AM   #237 (permalink)
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this is what fascism looks like.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear

it make you sick.

-kamau brathwaite
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:22 AM   #238 (permalink)
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Location: Greater Harrisburg Area
Gotta keep all those dang communists muslims in check.

Seriously. I may not be wise to the ways of the world yet, but when I look at this; I can't help but think this must be how McCarthyism got started.
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:25 AM   #239 (permalink)
warrior bodhisattva
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Oh, no, Hektore. My thoughts go back further than that—back to American internment camps during WWII.

If enough people think they are "at war" with Islam (as opposed to Islamofascism), then how much further do you need to go before you start viewing Muslims as "enemy aliens"?
Knowing that death is certain and that the time of death is uncertain, what's the most important thing?
—Bhikkhuni Pema Chödrön

Humankind cannot bear very much reality.
—From "Burnt Norton," Four Quartets (1936), T. S. Eliot
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Old 08-24-2010, 09:32 AM   #240 (permalink)
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Location: Greater Harrisburg Area
I guess we can chalk an awful lot of this up to a complete failure to teach accurate history to the masses. You know, as opposed to the hero worship version of history. Anyone with even a basic understanding of the ugly things this country has done has to look at this and think - deja vu.
The advantage law is the best law in rugby, because it lets you ignore all the others for the good of the game.
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built, groud, mosque, planned

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