I suppose I am hoping that one side or the other would "rise above" this media circus sideshow and publicly STFU. This issue speaks for itself - the correct side of this argument, from every angle, is for the building to be built. Let the crazies swing their signs in Lower Manhattan. Have the personal restraint to let NYC decide without influence.
I won't deny that I feel a bit of glee watching the federal politicians suck on their shoes; concurrently, I mourn the lack of true statesmen in our federal government, regardless of which aisle they slide their heinies into.
Just so we all have (some) context, this is what Pelosi said on a local San Francisco radio station:
there is no question there is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some. I join those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded. How is this being ginned up?
Prior to that part, she actually was doing a really good job. I'll leave it to my colleagues in NY, blah, blah. If she'd only stopped there...