RB, my only point of disagreement with the article you posted above is this:
large elements of the country distrust the official story about anything. People assume, as the starting point on any issue, that they're being lied to.
Given the generations-long habits of the US Gov't in regards to honesty, I fail to see how this is an unreasonable position to take. I am hard-pressed to recall a single statement, by -any- President or Cabinet member in my lifetime, which was truthful.
No new taxes? Lie.
Ruby Ridge? Lies.
Monica? Lies.
Waco? Lies.
Kosovo? Lies.
No nation-building, humble foreign policy? Lies.
Iraqi WMD? Lies.
And those are just the biggest and most egregious of the lot. Given this, why is it unreasonable to suspect that when a politician speaks, they are lying? The experience of history certainly seems to bear out the truth of the old saw about when a politician's lips are moving.
I agree with you, more than you can possibly know, about the utter idiocy of much of the nonsense that swirls around Mr. Obama. However, the assumption that one is being lied to by one's Government is, as near as I can tell, the only reasonable starting position which remains.