thing is, folks, is that the "confusion" about obama's religion is a direct function of the kind of baiting that we've all watched come to the surface from the right---again---over this non-issue of the fictional "ground zero mosque." that's why i posted it: the effects of this campaign to situate obama as "one of them" appears to have a statistically significant effect. which would mean that conservative media disinformation resonates.
and there is no parallel media apparatus "on the left" so don't even start with that nonsense.
as for the line in the article dunedan bit---i'm not particularly interested in it. you may be right. no doubt there's reasons to treat things most in power say with suspicion to some extent--but that sentence seems a weak consideration of an alternate explanation for the poll results. it's a step or two away from the data logically in an area wherein almost anything can appear correlative. but really, i think the writer is just speculating. so it's good to pull that line out.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite