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Old 08-31-2005, 07:42 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Cross Fit and you... POST HERE

If you are feeling like you want to puke right now, you are doing it right. Look into the website and post your results.

I am not about to post my comments on CROSSFIT.COM and have people look at my "I think I am having a heart attack" post so that they can laugh at me.

Having TFP'ers join me in the misery (and results) will help me continue.

HEY supplecow, the muscle spasms are (IMHO) a natural reaction of your body desperately begging you to stop, because the results will change your structure too much.

Having said that, I have not witnessed your form: ARE YOU SURE YOU ARE DOING ALL OF THE EXERCISES WITH PERFECT FORM?

These guys (and the program in general) are VERY picky about proper form. Wait until you can get in front of a mirror before you do the exercises again. Study the proper form, and then critique your own. Have an expert look at your technique.

Remember, 10 good ones is better than 50 bad ones.

Note to self: Crank it up a notch, to set an example for other TFP'ers.
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.
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Old 09-01-2005, 08:32 AM   #2 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
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Location: Washington, D.C.
No, I'm not quite sure I'm doing the exercises with perfect form. So far, I haven't had time to get out and do my workouts with other people. This last couple of weeks in particular have been very busy, so I've been doing push-ups and the chin/pull-up negs for a couple of minutes here and there throughout the day. I think my push-ups are okay (or at least getting there) because my karate instructor watches me do them three times a week and hasn't said anything to me about my form in a couple of months. The rule of thumb I've been using for the chin/pull-ups has basically been to keep my arms slightly wider than shoulder width and do only what I can without feeling joint pain. I'll certainly look into the proper form and get in front of the mirror soon.

In any case, the muscle spasms have ceased and push-ups require less effort lately. I guess my body just needed a little time to adjust. The chin/pull-ups on the other hand--gah! I'll get there eventually. The progress just seems so slow compared with how quickly I was able to start doing push-ups comfortably. Don't even talk to me about muscle-ups. Yet.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 09-04-2005, 10:20 PM   #3 (permalink)
Here's the link for the exercises for quick reference. (mainly for my benefit).

I finally found this thread after you mentioned that you were going to make one.

Edit: Adding a link to a crossfit faq.

Last edited by FngKestrel; 09-05-2005 at 09:04 PM..
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Old 09-08-2005, 12:45 PM   #4 (permalink)
Vincentt's Avatar
Location: Tokyo, Japan
I've been reading this, and getting real excited.

I want to do this when I return to America..

I'd like to do it now, but it is hard here.

I have no equipment.
And I can't buy anything because I have no room to store it.

I do have a gym access, but I can't go crazy in there because it is Japan

I will practice pullups and dips, I hope to install some rings in my house :P

What should I do to "get ready" for cross fit?
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Old 09-08-2005, 01:05 PM   #5 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
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Location: Washington, D.C.
Uhh... do whatever it is that you are able to do SO INTENSELY that you want to throw up. Seems like that's the most straight-forward way to go about it, at least. Can you do handstand push-ups? Those will be handy. You can practice those against a wall.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 09-08-2005, 01:31 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: Tokyo, Japan
I guess I can try them. Just seems like a shit storm waiting to happen though.
If I fall in my room here, I take out half of it :P

I'm really interested in the rings.
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Old 09-08-2005, 02:23 PM   #7 (permalink)
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It's really more of a painstorm than a shitstorm. You'll like it anyway.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam
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Old 09-09-2005, 08:26 AM   #8 (permalink)
BigBen's Avatar
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The rings are the worst for me.

I throw up just looking at them, the pair of them, hanging there... accusing me.

Remember to go to full extension on those pull-ups! I see people cheating at the very bottom. DONT DO THAT!

Hey guys, I just put the weight up a bit on my squats and jerks, and noticed that I am ready for a SECOND PLATE. It looks sooooo fucking cool to see two 45s on each side.

I feel like I am in the olympics, and the judges are looking at me in awe.
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Old 11-18-2005, 09:07 AM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: Ellay
Where's the cardio?

All right, so CrossFit NYC met last night. Supple Cow and I were the only TFPers in attendance that I know of.

Warmup was 3 rounds
Samson stretch
8 pullups (assisted)
8 dips (assisted) or pushups (not)
10 situps (full range, ankles secured)
8 overhead squats with pvc

Workout was 21-15-9 of
Dumbell Power Clean
Frog-style sit-ups

Supple Cow rocked her first appearance with 15 pounds in each hoof and a time of 10:33!

I lumbered through with 20 pounds in each hand and a time of 12:55.

Pukie wasn't around, but a few of us glimpsed his sidekick, Blackout. Much gasping and moaning frightened the poor guy next to us doing double ankle crossovers on the cable crosser while balancing on two beauty bars. (HA!)

Dessert = power rings with a sampling of ring dips/holds, various ring pushups, and an introduction to skinning the cat (which both of us can do the 1st half of in a tuck).

If you want to join us, check out CrossFit NYC or CrossFit general site.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam

Last edited by ubertuber; 11-18-2005 at 10:22 AM.. Reason: entered SC's time
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Old 11-18-2005, 01:58 PM   #10 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
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Location: Washington, D.C.
That was so. much. fun.

About skinning the cat, though... I don't think we're supposed to be using the momentum of our legs to get up. We'll have to work on that early part - maybe some tuck holds? A little easier than L-sits, I'd imagine, but still a good amount of work.
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 02-09-2006, 01:47 AM   #11 (permalink)
Americow, the Beautiful
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Location: Washington, D.C.

Ever since the NY Times wrote an article about those scary CrossFit workouts, everyone I know has been telling me to "be careful" like I'm going to attempt some kind of death-defying feat. I can happily report that I've gone to the official NYC class once more since that article was written and I'm not dead yet.

It was about three weeks ago. I got there a couple of minutes late and found the guys doing tabata squats. I thought we were already in the workout so I joined in (it must have been the third or fourth round) balls out - butt to the heels, pumping hard. My quads were throbbing so madly that I thought they would break through my skin and scamper away. That was when I heard, "Nice warm-up, guys." I almost fell down when I heard that.

The actual workout was 5 stations each for a minute (dumbell swings, pull-ups, thrusters, ring dips and Burpees) and then a minute of rest, x3. I'm still working on being able to do a real pull-up and ring dip so those were nice little struggles for me. The dumbell swings and thrusters just shredded my quads further until I swore I could hear my own legs screaming at me. And of course, with my luck, I ended up with Burpees for my final station. I saw Pukey's face taunt me all three times I was in that corner of the room, though I managed to keep him at a manageable distance. Then I spent nearly all of the next two weeks cringing in pain and handling staircases like a toddler. (Seriously - I think the soreness only stopped a few days ago.) I'd never been so happy to have handrails in my life.

Still... not dead yet! How's everybody else doing?
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
(Michael Jordan)
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Old 02-09-2006, 05:34 AM   #12 (permalink)
BigBen's Avatar
Location: Use the search button
Originally Posted by Supple Cow
...Still... not dead yet! How's everybody else doing?
Those "do as much as you can in 1 minute" workouts are a pure bitch.

Sad to say my work is getting in the way lately. I should kick my own ass for that.

Yes, handrails were my friend after the "scottish mile", but remember to work the muscles (and stretch) for a couple of days, to get that lactic acid outta there.


And I want you guys to meet Pukey. He is a great guy. His buddy blackout hangs out in the back of college bars, but when he makes an appearance, you are hitting it hard...
Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis.
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Old 02-09-2006, 05:43 AM   #13 (permalink)
ubertuber's Avatar
Location: Ellay
Weighted Tabata squats were my first Crossfit workouts - that was when I learned to fear what can happen to me in 4 minutes. It doesn't seem like long, but 7 days of incredible soreness opened my eyes. It was great.

Oh yeah, I'm not dead yet either. Still working on it.
Cogito ergo spud -- I think, therefore I yam
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