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Old 10-19-2003, 04:39 PM   #1 (permalink)

Where could i get some more information on creatine. like how to take it, how long to take it and which brands are good. and possible places to buy it?
Boruki is offline  
Old 10-19-2003, 11:45 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Do a search for 'creatine', there is a thread somewhere in here about it. I've seed a lot of people stay on it for about 6-8 weeks then get off it. When I do it I am on it for 1 month then a take a few months off. I don't like it because it is hard on my stomach and I don't like gaining the water weight (i like to look at cut as possible), but it affects different people different ways. Make sure you get the pure creatine powder that you add to water/grape juice because the premixed packets and the liquid creatine is crap.
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Old 10-20-2003, 07:31 AM   #3 (permalink)
G5_Todd's Avatar
Location: Reichstag
every thing i heard from my nutrionist said creatine isnt good for you.....but what plan9 said makes sense...

the nutrionist said that you get all the creatine u need naturally..its made in your body....

and if you take to much creatine...you body will stop producing it.... and if you take if for a long period of time your body with forget how to produce it....

but in general this guy was against all supplements....
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Old 10-20-2003, 09:34 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Im with G5_Tpdd on this one. Although I have used it on several occasions, I have mixed feelings on advising people to take it. What it does is oversaturate your muscles with creatine which causes them to retain more water. While on it you need to drink a shitload of water to get the best results. Since your muscles are mostly all water, they get a little bigger while on the creatine and a little stronger, which helps you lift heavier weight while taking it. Lifting the heavier weight helps tear the muscle, thus stimulates more muscle growth. After you stop taking the creatine you will lose the water bloat, some of the strength that you gained, but you will have built new lean muscle mass.

Thats the story with creatine. Have I used it? Yes. Did I notice results? Some. Will I use it again? Doubt it.
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Old 10-20-2003, 07:14 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Boruki: A google search for creatine should give you a pretty good idea of what you are getting into. You should weigh the pros and cons and make a decision based on whats best for you.

You asked where you could get it from? I used a couple different brands but when it came down to it, I preferred the GNC brand creatine. Another place you might want to check is www.affordablesupplements.com They have good prices and fast service.

Plan9: I'm in the same boat as you. I've used it in the past and saw some results, but I probably won't use it again.
"Delight in excellence is easily confused with snobbery by the ignorant." -Joseph Epstein
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Old 10-20-2003, 07:29 PM   #6 (permalink)
Don't do it!

Coming at you from the physicians stand point I would like to urge you to avoid Creatine altogether since its long term health risks have not been studied yet. Just have patience and build muscle mass the old fashion way.
SofaKing is offline  
Old 10-20-2003, 08:18 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California

Originally posted by SofaKing
Coming at you from the physicians stand point I would like to urge you to avoid Creatine altogether since its long term health risks have not been studied yet. Just have patience and build muscle mass the old fashion way.
Yet ANOTHER reason that I forgot to mention which makes me very unsure of this product.
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Old 10-22-2003, 01:10 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Rotterdam
I have used creatine for three months in a row. It took a few weeks to take effect. I noticed that I could train harder and longer. But I sometimes got cramps the day after I trained, then I stopped using it. Quiting the creatine got me back where I were before I started using it, so I guess it's nice if you are looking for a temporary power-upgrade
Thumbs up
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Old 10-22-2003, 01:30 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
Originally posted by supafly
I have used creatine for three months in a row. It took a few weeks to take effect. I noticed that I could train harder and longer. But I sometimes got cramps the day after I trained, then I stopped using it. Quiting the creatine got me back where I were before I started using it, so I guess it's nice if you are looking for a temporary power-upgrade
It is during that temporary power upgrade in which you gain lean muscle mass. This is why a lot of people start taking creatine when they reach a plateau in their weight lifting. Remember, you cannot make muscle gains if you aren't steadily lifting heavier weights .

Example: When I decided to bulk up a little, I went from 6' 175 to 6' 200 lbs while taking creatine. My strength raised and I was able to lift heavier and also longer while on the creatine (like you stated). I then started my cutting plan, got off the creatine, and am currently back down to 173ish with less bodyfat then when I started. Yes, I cannot lift as heavy weights as I did when I was 200, but I have gained a lot of lean muscle mass and look better and can lift a lot more then I could previously before my bulk session when I was 175.

Last edited by Plan9Senior; 10-22-2003 at 01:32 PM..
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Old 10-23-2003, 06:04 AM   #10 (permalink)
generally its recommended to do 8 weeks on, 4 weeks off.

best to drink a gallon of water a day.

loading is optional, some people like to, some don't.... i've done it both ways and after the 4th week, i couldn't notice any difference in gains between loading and not loading
winsecure is offline  
Old 10-23-2003, 09:56 AM   #11 (permalink)
another forum site that I use is www.bodybuildingforyou.com they have a forum and a TON of information on supplements of all sorts and recommended brands to use or try. Hit that place up and let me know how you like it!!

And definetly cycle through the creatine don't keep hitting it straight and WHATEVER you do DO NOT stop working out while you are taking it my buddy kept taking it because he didn't want to have to load again (which is bullshit anyway) and he wasn't hitting the weights and now his abs look like something out of a horror movie because of the water weight he put on. He may never look the same again. So that is speaking from experience!!
petergriffin24 is offline  
Old 10-29-2003, 09:04 PM   #12 (permalink)
I stole my boyfriends TFP, hehe !!
RemyLebeau97's Avatar
Location: Galveston, TX
Personaly I think creatine is a waste of money. It's like this, once you cycle on it you might as well plan on taking it for the rest of your life in order to keep your muscle gains. Because once you cycle off, then you might as well say bye bye to all that water mass and gains, thats money down the drain. I'd suggest taking what Im on, egg whites and whey protein. Also I recommend a multi vitamin every day. Good luck.
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Old 10-29-2003, 09:11 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: STL, MO
I used to take it. It did help some when I worked out but at the time I did construction as well. After a little while I noticed my muscles getting a little sore. When I went to the doctor he told me I had strained a bunch of different muscles but my body had not reacted the way it was supposed to because of the creatine. Threw the stuff away and never went back... plus I can vouch for the stomach problems as well.
"Saints need sinners."
Alan Watts
31Friction is offline  
Old 10-31-2003, 08:39 AM   #14 (permalink)
I've used pure creatine before. I've noticed some results, but it did make me cramp up more often.

Just to answer your question. I've used GNC's pure creatine. That worked. And just as Plan9 suggested, don't waste your money on pre-mixed crap i.e Creatine Fizz Fuel - that shit was a waste of money.

oh, and I probably won't use it again b/c it hasn't been researched well.
stinkynutz is offline  
Old 08-25-2004, 11:46 AM   #15 (permalink)
G5_Todd's Avatar
Location: Reichstag
hey plan9......

i did an 8 week cycle of creatine....i gained 12 pounds and like you said i also could lift heavier.....

well i just took 8 weeks off and am ready to go at it again....

during the first 8 week cycle i gained 12 pounds, 8 of those pounds i have already lost......and i have barely maintained what i was lifting while at the end of that cycle....and havent made any gains upper body atleast...

but i am definately more defined.....

i saw that you said premixed creatine is crap and this is what i took for those 8 weeks


do you have any recommendations on a brand that i could take...if possible a brand that, that web site sells.....

im ready to order for my next cycle...

the reason i chose liquid creatine was convience....with my job it was just easier during the loading period to beable to run to the fridge do 2 table spoons and get back to work....

now that liquid creatine i took tasted like shit.....but seeing how it was only a tablespoon it was bareable......

in the past when i took powder i noticed it had no flavor and tasted like drinking a bunch of sand in water.....

last question....any recommendations on glutamine?
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Old 08-26-2004, 03:30 PM   #16 (permalink)
In transition
Location: north, no south abit, over to the right, getting warmer...there!
Take AST micronized creatine
This is the only thing I will ever buy. It is a fine powder, it is odorless, tasteless. Buy this and drink it with grapejuice. It disolves 100percent into liquid, and goes down easy. Also it is a very reputable brand, and I have seen significant results.
matteo101 is offline  
Old 08-27-2004, 12:06 AM   #17 (permalink)
Originally Posted by petergriffin24
another forum site that I use is www.bodybuildingforyou.com they have a forum and a TON of information on supplements of all sorts and recommended brands to use or try. Hit that place up and let me know how you like it!!
don't go there that forum is a joke
one of the mods created a topic called something like "cycling for atrophy". they got rid of it once I told them what atrophy was.
coash is offline  
Old 08-27-2004, 08:34 AM   #18 (permalink)
In transition
Location: north, no south abit, over to the right, getting warmer...there!
Go to www.bodybuilding.com for all of your needs.
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Old 08-30-2004, 03:35 PM   #19 (permalink)
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Location: Reichstag
matteo101 i ordered it i will try with my next cycle
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Old 08-30-2004, 04:03 PM   #20 (permalink)
In transition
Location: north, no south abit, over to the right, getting warmer...there!
I hope it works good for you. Are you going to load for your first week?
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Old 08-30-2004, 09:16 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Location: Reichstag

and i will drink plenty of water i usually drink 2 liters a day but ill bump it up while i load
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Old 09-02-2004, 05:39 PM   #22 (permalink)
creatine has been around for a long time, and long term studies have been done. Yes, creatine is found in meat, but in small amounts, not enough to create the results that creatine in supplement form give. All creatine does, is provide an extra source of phosphate, which will turn ADP(adenazine di-phosphate) into ATP(adenazine tri-phosphate) which is what your muscles use to work. So more ATP =heavier lifting=increased muscle gains, all of which will still be there, minus water weight, when you go off it. i recommend this site http://www.absolute-creatine.com/ for general info. And creatine has not been conclusively shown to stop your bodies ability to produce it in the long run. the best form of creatine is creatine monohydrate, don't get any other kind

now creatine is not necessary to build muscle, but many people have found it to help in their gains, it's up to you if you want to try it out, but make sure you're fully educated on the matter
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Old 09-02-2004, 08:12 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Location: Reichstag
Originally Posted by munkeynuts
creatine has been around for a long time, and long term studies have been done. Yes, creatine is found in meat, but in small amounts, not enough to create the results that creatine in supplement form give. All creatine does, is provide an extra source of phosphate, which will turn ADP(adenazine di-phosphate) into ATP(adenazine tri-phosphate) which is what your muscles use to work. So more ATP =heavier lifting=increased muscle gains, all of which will still be there, minus water weight, when you go off it. i recommend this site http://www.absolute-creatine.com/ for general info. And creatine has not been conclusively shown to stop your bodies ability to produce it in the long run. the best form of creatine is creatine monohydrate, don't get any other kind

now creatine is not necessary to build muscle, but many people have found it to help in their gains, it's up to you if you want to try it out, but make sure you're fully educated on the matter

thanks....good post
G5_Todd is offline  
Old 09-06-2004, 06:56 AM   #24 (permalink)
to creatine or not to creatine...

i've taken EAS phosphagen HP twice. i like the convenience of not having to find some juice whenever i need to drink it. it's also lower calorie than drinking it with juice. so i took the EAS stuff four years apart and about 2 months each time. i definitely noticed a quicker gain in amount i could lift while i was on it and a more solid 'pump'. some people have questioned it's long term affects on the heart since the heart is a muscle after all. that makes it sound scary. i did a ton of research before i took it and as someone who is a hyochondriac and also works in the scientific field i felt pretty safe given what i read and also the fact that creatine does occur naturally in beef (and other foods). i also don't eat beef so i figured i could use an alternative creatine source. it comes down to a personal decision of course. also, i personally have a pretty sensitive stomach (caffeine and wheat make me shit like crazy) but was not affected by creatine like some people are. i never got cramps either but i did make sure to drink a grip of water. my one word of advice is that if you're gonna take it you better stick to a regular lifting routine, otherwise you're just gonna get all pudgy. and don't take it if you are trying to lose weight because you'll see an immediate increase in weight from the water.

here are some links i found, i tried to go as neutral and scientific on my reading as possible:


http://www.musculardevelopment.com/sept99/crearound.html (opinions from 'experts')

(from a supplement company)

good luck.

oh, one last bit of advice is to not go ballistic on the weights. once you feel the 'pump' you may get ahead of yourself and end up with permanent damage.
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