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Old 07-11-2003, 09:25 PM   #1 (permalink)
Need help in deciding on my future career...plz help...WARNING: Get food and drinks!

Hey there...I'm 20 and have just started college...right NOW I'm majoring in General Studies..When I think of what I wanna be when I grow up it ends up being a list of about 6 different things all COMPLETELY differnt from each other...here's a list of things:[list=1][*]Something to do with computers (Can't be any more specific)[*]Soething in the movie busniess (somewhere where you're name in close to the top of regular end credits)[*]Musician (I play the guitar...well I've been getting lessons and I'm really good at it...I wanna learn bass guitar and piano...took piano lessons when I was a kid...still a bit interested)[*]Cook (I like cooking...I took a cooking class in high school and I made some good stuff and learned lots of stuff too)[*]Maybe some kind of teacher???[*]Work at Disney World (or other VERY fun place like it)[/list=1]
I know A LOT about computers...I've built my first pc already...VERY fast software learner...I've advised ppl on what computer parts they need to make their pc work better...I'm gonna build a pc for my sister after her family moves into their new house and gets settled in...I love pc's

I've just recently gotten interested in the movie busniess...I don't know ANYTHING about it tho...something that sounds/looks fun might be director, producer, cinematographer, cast director...maybe even film editor...film editing would involve computers too I think maybe so that would be a bonus if I go that way...Could anyone give me more info on becoming each of these things please???

Hmmmm...a musician...I have been taking guitar lessons for a few years now...I really don't think my guitar teacher is doing much good for me anymore tho...all he does with me now is have me pick out a song I wanna learn and then he teaches me how to play it...I might look for a new teacher someday...after I learned how to play the guitar for a while I wanna learn bass guitar...prolly won't take many lessons to learn it since I learned how to play the guitar before...after that I wanna learn how to play the piano...actually I should say I wanna CONTINUE my lessons from when I was still in elementary school...I quit cause my teacher was getting too impatient with me so we fired him....my brother still took lessons from him for a while after that tho...he came over to the house to teach us...I don't think being a musician would get me much money tho...I'll talk about what I want in life and other money issues below

OOOOhh...A cook...I'm talking about one of those good, popular, famous cooks...like Emeril...he's the only one I know tho...I'm talking about the kind that cook in those FANCY FANCY resturants...the one's that get mega bux...I like cooking...I think it's kinda fun...not sure why but oh well

A teacher...not sure why but I think it could be fun for awhile...you know what...the only time I think I'd consider being a teacher if all other things in the list are things that I've tried doing and don't work out for me for some reason...not sure what KIND of teacher I'd wanna be tho

Disney World worker...not sure what I could be in Disney World...I am planning on going to the Walt Disney World College Program (WDWCP)...I think I wanna do the Fall advantage...maybe next year or the year after...that'll be fun and be really good looking on my resume

See...these things are WAY different from each other...have nothing to do with each other at all cept for computers which is involved in EVERYTHING nowadays...I don't think I can do anything which deeply involves science or history or really hard math like trig, calculus, etc...I sux at those...I can do Algebra and stuff but haven't learned anything above that really...I've always sux0r'd at math...I got 2 A's in my Foundations of Math 1 & 2 so far tho...but that's cause I can use my math book and my calculator...I like the teacher I have too...

I like building/creating things...I've made 3 websites (which never really made it to the internet)...I'm gonna make one for my mom to sell her art work...I LOVE video games so maybe I could learn to do something in the gaming busniess...I like making food (cook) and creating computers and stuff like that...

I am a money person...I love $$$...I love it so much that I would be Uncle Scrooge's MOST FAVORITE nephew in the world...BUT unlike him I'm not stingy ('stin-jE)...I like buying/getting things...I like giving too but not as much as the latter (did I use "latter" correctly?)...I find MANY ways of saving money...that's what I really do...is save money...can't really explain how my and money are...but I'm loking for something that would give me ENUFF money to have me build a nice sized house (not into those really huge mansions)...big to most ppl but not mansion sized...like those other rich and popular ppl...I want to be able to buy whatever I want without worrying about what the pricetag is...I am not the kind of ppl that gets money and goes wild with it...I don't gamble...don't waste money on drugs or alcohol...can't smoke cause of allergies...

I seem to be able to be good at EDITING...I can play a MOD for a game (Quake 3, Half-Life, etc...) and I contact the ppl that made the mod I can give them ideas that would make the game MUCH better...I can read a book and come up with better ways to improve how the story goes...I can watch a movie and come up with ways to make it better...I can say that I can improve them cause I share my thoughts with different ppl and I mostly get things like "HEY that's a GREAT idfea or HEY that would make it MUCH cooler...I have come up with ways to make things (objects) better...maybe this falls into the inventor category a little bit...I dunno...I can FIX things...I am really good at figuring out how to FIX things...

I DON'T want something that would prevent me from having a relationship and prevent me from spending a decent amount of time with my family...I'm talking about MY family (parents, relatives) and my family (wife, kids, pets)...

I of course want something that I am GOOD at doing...here's the priorities I want in the job I might get:[list=1][*]Makes enuff money to do what I talked about above[*]Something I'm really good at[*]Something that's fun[/list=1]
I don't really know what I wanna do when I grow up...and that grown up part is coming up REALLY soon...parents are paying me to go to school so I don't need a job yet...it's enuff to keep me alive...I still live with my parents cause I don't wanna live by myself and leave most of the stuff I own at this house...I got lots of stuff...wouldn't all fit in a small apartment...and we have food here and a maid and a swimming pool and my own half of a garage and shelter and a bed to sleep on...hard to leave all that for a small stinkin apartment all alone with noisey ppl all around

So help me decide what you think I might wanna work toward...cause I don't know...The 3 things that I think I might end up doing is this:[list=1][*]Computer busniess[*]Movie busniess[*]Cook[/list=1]
thanx for reading this far...please help me...THANX
C'YA ?:-D

P.S. Check out the other posts that I'm still needing info/waiting for a response:
Metallica_Band is offline  
Old 07-11-2003, 11:54 PM   #2 (permalink)
Location: afk
Well, here's a bit of honesty.

To start with, your english is going to need a huge amount of help if your planning on passing your college level english classes.

Forget the computer industry if you dont play on going all the way up to differential equations in mathematics.

Working in any sort of graphic business will require heavy creativity and an exceptional ability to adapt to new technologies. This it would appear you don't have.

Working as a cook is doing something you love. Dont expect to make a lot of money at it. If you finish a culinary degree, expect to make around 30 a year. You dont seem quite fit for the movie business, so I'd have to give the honest opinion keep with the general studies till you can figure out exactly what works for you.

Yes, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but life is all about it. If you dont like math. Forget CS. If your planning on money, forget anything culinary.

Enough honesty for one night.


Edit: Shh jack has ahold of me.

Last edited by Leviathan[NCV]; 07-11-2003 at 11:58 PM..
Leviathan[NCV] is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 01:04 AM   #3 (permalink)
I don't think you need DiffEq for computers IRL.

Maybe you use Algebra at the most.
I think all that stuff is required by the school, but not employers.

But if you do get into computers,
you need to know how to think on your feet, analyze, troubleshoot, make things happen.
And you will always be learning to keep up with it all.
Even if you specialize in one platform
It all changes fast.
rogue49 is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 01:30 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Tempe,Az....until I figure things out...
Do what I did and go right for the blood and gore that tends to be a part of Forensic Investigations...

Hoping to be working on my BS in Forensic Science soon. trying to get all my pre req-s outta the way first though.
"Things can only get so bad before they have no choice but to get better.."

Nitz Walsh : It's not fair God. Why am I still a virgin?........ Stupid gnome.
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Old 07-12-2003, 01:41 AM   #5 (permalink)
A boy and his dog
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Location: EU!
Getting into the movies depends on luck. I'm guessing you'd like to write more then act. In that case you need to write a lot of diffrent stuff, beeing a journalist might help, read a shit load of books, study literature or something similar. Tough call, really. Same thing with musician, you need to play full time to get something out of it. I'd choose computers because that's the thing that seems to give you most pleasure, but not the programming part, but hardware. If you're not good with math, then I guess you should choose something else to study and start work in a computer store or something like that and work your way up, maybe start a business.
Schwan is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 07:27 AM   #6 (permalink)
Originally posted by Leviathan[NCV]
will require heavy creativity and an exceptional ability to adapt to new technologies
I am pretty creative...when I watch movies and play games and stuff I can always think of ways of making it better...I can't START things very well but I CAN edit/improve them...I'm good at editing and improving stuff...I can learn technology very fast...I am a fast learner...I barely ever read manuals...I can usually figure how stuff works within a few minutes...

Originally posted by Leviathan[NCV]
You dont seem quite fit for the movie business
Hows that??? What do you mean??? Gimme info on the things that I thought would be interesting...

Originally posted by Leviathan[NCV]
Forget CS.
CS?? Counter Strike???? That's the only CS I know
Metallica_Band is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 07:31 AM   #7 (permalink)
Originally posted by rogue49
I don't think you need DiffEq for computers IRL.
What's that??? What is diffeq and irl???

Originally posted by rogue49
Maybe you use Algebra at the most.
I can do algebra...I can do it much faster with a calculator

Originally posted by rogue49
But if you do get into computers, you need to know how to think on your feet, analyze, troubleshoot, make things happen.
think on my feet??? I can analyze....I think...what's that??? I can trouble shoot stuff...I'm good at figuring out what's wrong with stuff and why it's not working...I can make things happen...I think
Metallica_Band is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 07:33 AM   #8 (permalink)
Originally posted by BlueBongo
Do what I did and go right for the blood and gore that tends to be a part of Forensic Investigations...
Don't think so...how much does that pay??? Is it hard??? What kinda stuff do you do in that kind of job???

Originally posted by BlueBongo
BS in Forensic Science
I sux at science stuff...it's nothing REALLY hard is it???

Last edited by Metallica_Band; 07-12-2003 at 07:43 AM..
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Old 07-12-2003, 07:42 AM   #9 (permalink)
Originally posted by Schwan
I'm guessing you'd like to write more then act.
What does writing alot have to do with being a director, producer, cinematographer, cast director, or a film editor???How would one try to become one of these??? Do you have to start off at something else and work your way up there??? or do you study and go thru collage and stuff to get there??? Tell me more plz

Originally posted by Schwan
In that case you need to write a lot of diffrent stuff, beeing a journalist might help, read a shit load of books, study literature or something similar.
Like I said above...why do I need to write to do any of the things I mentioned??? I would sux at a journalist...I think...what does a journalist DO???? How much do they make??? I can read books...I used to LOVE to read stuff when I was a kid...I was a fast reader...don't know if that part is still in me tho...

Originally posted by Schwan
start work in a computer store or something like that and work your way up, maybe start a business.
Start work in a pc store doing what??? Work my way up to what??? Start a busniess??? Need money to start a busniess...need a job to get the money to start the busniess...need more info from you ppl to decide on the job that'll get me the money which will let me start up the busniess...I don't even know how to start up a busniess anyways
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Old 07-12-2003, 07:43 AM   #10 (permalink)
Originally posted by Schwan
Getting into the movies depends on luck.
I guess all I REALLY want in the movie busniess is to do something that would let me be active on the set and something fun maybe or something that would let me see the actors act...and something that would get me enuff money that I described in my first post...I don't know movie career job stuff...any help on this plz????
Metallica_Band is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 08:15 AM   #11 (permalink)
DiffEq is Differential Equations, IRL = "in real life"
I'm saying that you don't need that as much math as that in computers in the current computer industry.

But it doesn't seem like you are as technically inclined as you might think,
I wouldn't recommend the tech industry,
because the levels the would make a career reasonable in it,
require intensive skills in figuring out issues & keeping up with all the new tech.

Maybe the movie industry would be good, or culinary.
But be warned the movie industry only pays well for the top people.
Everyone else gets paid shit.
rogue49 is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 08:34 AM   #12 (permalink)
Originally posted by rogue49
But it doesn't seem like you are as technically inclined as you might think
How do you mean??? I know LOTZ about computers...I've completed an A+ class and will go after other computer related certificates...I still gotta get my A+ certificate..I'm studying on the networking part...I can pass the other stuff easily...it's the networking parts that I need to study on

Originally posted by rogue49
require intensive skills in figuring out issues & keeping up with all the new tech
I can figure out stuff on computers and stuff...I can keep up with new tech...I visit HardOCP, Slashdot, and other websites with pc related stuff on a daily basis...I built my computer with all the most up to date hardware there was at the time I built it

Originally posted by rogue49
But be warned the movie industry only pays well for the top people.
And how does one become one of the "top" people??? What do you mean by this???

ok ppl...I need websites with info about the movie busniess...I need info about becoming a director, producer, cinematographer, cast director, film editor, or anything else that you think I'd be good at and that pays real well and that might be fun...thanx for the help so far but I still need more info on stuff I think...THANX
C'YA ?:-D
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Old 07-12-2003, 09:32 AM   #13 (permalink)
Location: My own little world. 'Cause they know me there.
Try http://www.google.com/
Mongolguy is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 11:25 AM   #14 (permalink)
Location: afk
Well, it has a lot to do with your usage of 'l337' language. Using the psuedo word 'LOTZ' isn't going to get you very far.
CS stands for computer science, and is one of the more popular degrees. While, granted, most of the programming I do rarely requires the heavy math, the universities will still require at least calculus, and two quarters of physics.
Plenty of people have A+'s. And they work at CompUSA.
Jobs are filled in the computer industry by people with degrees and years of expereince, it's been estimated that around 7 years from now it will be impossible to start in the industry without one.
Lastly, HardOCP is run by a bunch of morons, and /. is not always the greatest place to learn.


Last edited by Leviathan[NCV]; 07-12-2003 at 11:37 AM..
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Old 07-12-2003, 02:03 PM   #15 (permalink)
And that's what I meant.
Getting certifications, and taking classes do not make a Tech.
I don't have my full BS yet, just an Associates, and not one certification under my belt.
And all my studies have been for physics, not computers.

What I do have is the ability to quickly figure things out,
sound like an expert, and be an expert in my specialty
And I learn fast, troubleshoot on the fly, and create things better than most.
This is why I get paid as well as I do.
And there is a lot of pressure that goes along with it.
I'm challenged & questioned everyday.
They want answers, they want solutions, they want results.

I have known many with all the paperwork,
that don't know what they are doing..and you only go so far.
Unless that is, you're a good bullshit artist...and sooner or later,
you're found out.

Think about what you want.
You're going to have to go to that job EVERYDAY.
People are going to pay you for being the man, for making things happen.
And it doesn't matter what career you do.
That is why people pay others,
to do what they can't or won't.

As to the movie stuff, I suggest you do your own research.
Talk to others in the same industry, try internships.
Think of it as training for your future.
rogue49 is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 02:44 PM   #16 (permalink)
Originally posted by rogue49
As to the movie stuff, I suggest you do your own research.
Talk to others in the same industry, try internships.
Think of it as training for your future.
That's what I'm trying to get from you guys...I've googled job descriptions and tried to find info on the movie careers but all I get are credits from other movies...I can't seem to find any info on the movie job descri[tions and stuff that I've already mentioned...so how bout posting any links that you might know of that'll help me out ppl...I don't know other ppl in the industry...that's why I'm here seeing if there IS anyone in the movie industry...don't know of any internships....anyone know of any???? I'll google it after I get some chores done around the house...THANX
C'YA ?:-D
Metallica_Band is offline  
Old 07-12-2003, 06:24 PM   #17 (permalink)
Location: The Kitchen
Unless you really, really love cooking, don't pick it as a career. You'll have to pay your dues for years and years to get to a position where you're earning big money. It's a sweaty, physically and mentally draining, thankless job with many long hours, most of which will be evenings and weekends, so kiss the bulk of your social life goodbye. Aside from that though, I love it because cooking is so much more active and creative than a desk job and I couldn't imagine a career doing anything else.
rockzilla is offline  
Old 07-13-2003, 09:59 AM   #18 (permalink)
Location: looking in a mirror
I have to agree with rockzilla.

I was supposed to be working on my bachelor's in Baking and Pastry Arts right now at the Culinary Insitute of America, Hyde Park right now, but I realized that before I committed to 12 hour days with not that great pay, I'd take a little time to work in a restraunt and get some art training (I love art as well). Trust me, I love my cooking, and I LOVE the atmosphere of a commercial kitchen, but it's TOUGH.

I recommend that if you're considering that, you get at least six months experience in a respected restraunt. Most culinary schools require some experience anyways, so you might as well get it now.

Good luck with whatever you decide, I'm trying to figure that whole career thing out for myself right now, too.
it's all about self-indulgence
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Old 07-13-2003, 11:26 AM   #19 (permalink)
Location: My own little world. 'Cause they know me there.
came up on a google search, Has job descriptions, schools, and links
Whew! I must have typed 12 keys to find this. I'm exhausted.
Mongolguy is offline  
Old 07-14-2003, 01:24 AM   #20 (permalink)
Go with cook or computers, youll have a good shot at those.

Cook if you like cooking but can handle the pressure and know your stuff

Computers if youre into solitary work etc unless you do consulting etc
Dnz is offline  
Old 07-14-2003, 03:11 AM   #21 (permalink)
Do what I did. I was in your shoes at 18. My Dad and I were sitting around the house one night and I asked for his advice on what I should do with my life.

He told me two things that might help you. I'll also tell you what I did with this advice.

Him- It's easy, find something you're good at, then figure out a way to make money at it.

Me--I was always good in Anatomy classes in High School. So Thought of medical.

I'm currently A Respiratory Therapist.

Him-- If you go to college, you can party for four years, and suffer the rest of your life.

OR, you can suffer for four years...and not really suffer THAT bad, and party the rest of your life. The choice is yours.

Guess which one I did?
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Old 07-14-2003, 07:05 AM   #22 (permalink)
Boy am I horny today
absorbentishe's Avatar
Location: T O L E D O, Toledo!!
Unless you become part of the old boy's network, your chance at making a load of money in any of the above is not good. Take a look at this thread, Bones posted this, it might be in line to give you a better idea?

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Old 07-14-2003, 10:19 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Northeastern US - please send help!
Like Leviathan[NCV], I'm not trying to offend here, but he offered some of the best advice I've seen in the thread. The key to success in virtually any field is the ability to write well. In any job, you're going to start at the bottom. If you want to climb to the top and make those Scrooge McDuck dollars, you'll need to be able to formulate your thoughts in a coherent and error-free manner. That's part of the reason English degrees are so popular.
"If you're walking on thin ice, you may as well go ahead and dance."
mrquackers is offline  
Old 07-15-2003, 01:23 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: London
Getting into the film business is often an extremely long, expensive and frustrating process. The jobs you're interested in - directing, producer, cinematographer, casting director & editor are all so wildly different that it's difficult to offer any specific advice.
You might want to give film school some consideration but it's expensive and certainly no guarantee of an easy way into the industry - I know a lot of film school graduates who never went on to do anything.
Alternatively, you could try to get a job as a runner on a film (or, more realistically for a TV company) and learn as much as you can when you're there. Be as helpful and enthusiastic as possible, ask lots of questions and maybe you'll find something to aim for.
Be warned though - the business is full of arseholes.
Diceman is offline  
Old 07-15-2003, 08:04 PM   #25 (permalink)
Do not choose your career because it pays well. Choose something you like. Seriously, money isn't everything.

Knowing your way around computer hardware and software doesn't make you more special than a lot of highschool kids. A+ isn't much to brag about either, personally I'm more scared of old info like ISA and the printer questions than any of the network related.

Movie Business - hope you don't expect the money anytime soon.

Cooking - only if you LOVE it, and want to work your way up the chain like in any other job.

Seriously if you want to make huge $$$ you have to earn it, there is no fast way. Start with a degree and learn to be a good social networker.
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Old 10-03-2003, 07:33 AM   #26 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
Cynthetiq's Avatar
Location: Manhattan, NY
just found this thread...

I work in computers... i've worked on a movie Beavis and Butthead Do America... credits on many TV Shows...

the path you are seeking will be revealed to you over time. you have to start on a path instead of asking what path you should be on.

I've been fortunate. I've worked in video games, I helped create several games in the late 80's... commericals, animation... but you have to start gaining credibilty buy just working, and that happens by doing something.

I've noticed that you also take umbrage to people's statements of bettering yourself. Your retorts about how your grammar isn't important on the internet, etc. Let me tell you, I make lots of friends online. I pass work to some of those people sight unseen based on how we interact in forums, in chat, in emails. Your impression that you leave should be important, because you never know who you are going to meet and where you are going to meet them.

Your persona is just that. What you see here from me is real. I'm not lazy here because I'm not lazy in real life. I take time to make sure that my thoughts come across clean and well.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 10-03-2003, 08:10 AM   #27 (permalink)
Location: Florida
Math is really not very relevant to most computer-related fields, except in that screwed-up alternate universe called college. I've been programming for years; the only math-related stuff I've ever used involved converting numbers to and from hex/octal, basic arithmetic, and some algebra here and there.

I know technical people; you don't strike me as being one of them. Things like A+ certification look good on a resume but they don't really help you. You need to have the mindset and the ability/willingness to learn on your own and through real experience, not by memorizing books.

You might want to look into getting a job at a local TV station. Depending on the job it would be a decent mix of creativity and technical stuff, and it would be a good start for a movie-related job later on.
irseg is offline  
Old 10-03-2003, 01:25 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: Nanaimo BC Canada
OK, I just read this thread, as it was linked to me (who knows why) and so I feel compelled to give my two cents.

First: The Movie Industry. the positions you name for the most part require you to fulfill certain requirements. You need to make a name for yourself, you need to know people and THEY need to know YOU. You need to have experience dealing with all sorts of areas on a set, from the shit work, to the more difficult areas. As was previously mentioned, try to find work in a small tv station, doing ANYTHING, move up the ladder and learn the deal, meanwhile keep your eyes open for opportunities to be better.

Cooking. Don't do it dude... just don't do it. ^_^

Computer Industry... unless you have a real talent for it, it's not worth following through, by lots of your questions your tech knowledge is greatly lacking. I'm not saying you cannot make it in the tech industry, I just don't feel it would be the best way to go. I know lots of people who have certificates in this that and the other thing that cannot find a job, but people who have no real education get hired in no time. The paper just gets your foot in the door, school doesnt teach you real life.

Most important for all of the above career moves, you need a few things. First you need patience and ambition. You will be moving into a realm where everybody is out to get everybody else, in order to move up. Second, you need communication skills. There is hardly a job in this world where you will not deal with people, many of whom you will want to keep happy. Third and very important, you are not going to find an entry level job in anything that will pay well initially, unless you have years of experience and education.

I've lost my train of thought so I'll stop here.
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Old 10-04-2003, 03:28 AM   #29 (permalink)
Huggles, sir?
seretogis's Avatar
Location: Seattle
Originally posted by Metallica_Band
CS?? Counter Strike???? That's the only CS I know
seretogis - sieg heil
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the most, forgot how it feels well almost
no one to blame always the same, open my eyes wake up in flames
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Old 10-04-2003, 07:19 AM   #30 (permalink)
Observant Ruminant
Location: Rich Wannabe Hippie Town
Re: Need help in deciding on my future career...plz help...WARNING: Get food and drin

Originally posted by Metallica_Band

A teacher...not sure why but I think it could be fun for awhile...you know what...the only time I think I'd consider being a teacher if all other things in the list are things that I've tried doing and don't work out for me for some reason...not sure what KIND of teacher I'd wanna be tho


That's the one career that's easiest to check out, so I suggest that you do. Your school probably offers an Intro to Ed class (aka "So You Wanna Be a Teacher?") that'll put you in a classroom as an aide for a semester. Or, you can volunteer; probably are posters all over your campus for volunteer opportunities, many involving children or teens.

This is not a great time to be going into teaching, but times can change rather quickly. And you have the kind of varied creative interests -- and, apparently, boundless energy -- that could find real expression in a classroom with a bunch of kids, teens, or adults.

Like I say, it's an easy career to check out with no risk. So why not?
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Old 10-04-2003, 12:25 PM   #31 (permalink)
World's King's Avatar
Location: Denver City Denver
Your English skills are lacking. Where you from?
heavy is the head that wears the crown
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Old 10-04-2003, 12:31 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: UCSD
Im with seretogis on that one.. nuff said
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Old 10-05-2003, 02:45 AM   #33 (permalink)
Location: SLC, UT
if you wanna get into computers...get yourself a job as the junior trainee computer whore in an office somewhere that does something computer related. gain experience that way, because reading books and getting certifications can only go so far. real world experience is the best thing to get you somewhere imho. i got an entry level position at an isp a long time ago, and by the time i left i learned BSD, Cisco IOS, Windows Networking, yadda yadda. the list goes on. so get yourself in on the ground floor and work your ass off and learn the trade. no better way to learn to swim then to jump your ass right in the pool.
<Arcane> so if you banged 2000 chicks then at least one had a pen0r?
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Old 10-05-2003, 04:10 AM   #34 (permalink)
1. Learn Photoshop
2. Learn PHP and SQL
3. Learn HTML

You will make a ton of money being a web site designer.
Old 10-11-2003, 06:20 PM   #35 (permalink)
Location: Orlando, FL
Honestly, also, whatever you think you might want to do now, is not always what you'll end up doing. I'm going to graduate in May with a BS in computer engineering, and then go right back to school for a degree in dietetics. I HATE engineering.

One thing I have to say about computer related majors is make sure that you absolutely love it. It breaks you. Also, most computer related majors have tons of math. I've been using DiffEq and calculus all four years.

Have you tried talking to career counselors at school? The ones at my school are useless (the technology one told me that with my CpE degree I should go to Dell or Gateway and put computers together. Riiiiiiiight), but possibly are better at other schools.

Oh, and teachers and people who work at WDW don't make anything. Which is sad on the part of teachers, I think they should have one of the highest salaries for what they do. But don't do either of those if you love money.
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