Well, here's a bit of honesty.
To start with, your english is going to need a huge amount of help if your planning on passing your college level english classes.
Forget the computer industry if you dont play on going all the way up to differential equations in mathematics.
Working in any sort of graphic business will require heavy creativity and an exceptional ability to adapt to new technologies. This it would appear you don't have.
Working as a cook is doing something you love. Dont expect to make a lot of money at it. If you finish a culinary degree, expect to make around 30 a year. You dont seem quite fit for the movie business, so I'd have to give the honest opinion keep with the general studies till you can figure out exactly what works for you.
Yes, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but life is all about it. If you dont like math. Forget CS. If your planning on money, forget anything culinary.
Enough honesty for one night.
Edit: Shh jack has ahold of me.
Last edited by Leviathan[NCV]; 07-11-2003 at 11:58 PM..