And that's what I meant.
Getting certifications, and taking classes do not make a Tech.
I don't have my full BS yet, just an Associates, and not one certification under my belt.
And all my studies have been for physics, not computers.
What I do have is the ability to quickly figure things out,
sound like an expert, and be an expert in my specialty
And I learn fast, troubleshoot on the fly, and create things better than most.
This is why I get paid as well as I do.
And there is a lot of pressure that goes along with it.
I'm challenged & questioned everyday.
They want answers, they want solutions, they want results.
I have known many with all the paperwork,
that don't know what they are doing..and you only go so far.
Unless that is, you're a good bullshit artist...and sooner or later,
you're found out.
Think about what you want.
You're going to have to go to that job EVERYDAY.
People are going to pay you for being the man, for making things happen.
And it doesn't matter what career you do.
That is why people pay others,
to do what they can't or won't.
As to the movie stuff, I suggest you do your own research.
Talk to others in the same industry, try internships.
Think of it as training for your future.