Hey there...I'm 20 and have just started college...right NOW I'm majoring in General Studies..When I think of what I wanna be when I grow up it ends up being a list of about 6 different things all COMPLETELY differnt from each other...here's a list of things:[list=1][*]Something to do with computers (Can't be any more specific)[*]Soething in the movie busniess (somewhere where you're name in close to the top of regular end credits)[*]Musician (I play the guitar...well I've been getting lessons and I'm really good at it...I wanna learn bass guitar and piano...took piano lessons when I was a kid...still a bit interested)[*]Cook (I like cooking...I took a cooking class in high school and I made some good stuff and learned lots of stuff too)[*]Maybe some kind of teacher???[*]Work at Disney World (or other VERY fun place like it)[/list=1]
I know A LOT about computers...I've built my first pc already...VERY fast software learner...I've advised ppl on what computer parts they need to make their pc work better...I'm gonna build a pc for my sister after her family moves into their new house and gets settled in...I love pc's
I've just recently gotten interested in the movie busniess...I don't know ANYTHING about it tho...something that sounds/looks fun might be director, producer, cinematographer, cast director...maybe even film editor...film editing would involve computers too I think maybe so that would be a bonus if I go that way...Could anyone give me more info on becoming each of these things please???
Hmmmm...a musician...I have been taking guitar lessons for a few years now...I really don't think my guitar teacher is doing much good for me anymore tho...all he does with me now is have me pick out a song I wanna learn and then he teaches me how to play it...I might look for a new teacher someday...after I learned how to play the guitar for a while I wanna learn bass guitar...prolly won't take many lessons to learn it since I learned how to play the guitar before...after that I wanna learn how to play the piano...actually I should say I wanna CONTINUE my lessons from when I was still in elementary school...I quit cause my teacher was getting too impatient with me so we fired him....my brother still took lessons from him for a while after that tho...he came over to the house to teach us...I don't think being a musician would get me much money tho...I'll talk about what I want in life and other money issues below
OOOOhh...A cook...I'm talking about one of those good, popular, famous cooks...like Emeril...he's the only one I know tho...I'm talking about the kind that cook in those FANCY FANCY resturants...the one's that get mega bux...I like cooking...I think it's kinda fun...not sure why but oh well
A teacher...not sure why but I think it could be fun for awhile...you know what...the only time I think I'd consider being a teacher if all other things in the list are things that I've tried doing and don't work out for me for some reason...not sure what KIND of teacher I'd wanna be tho
Disney World worker...not sure what I could be in Disney World...I am planning on going to the Walt Disney World College Program (WDWCP)...I think I wanna do the Fall advantage...maybe next year or the year after...that'll be fun and be really good looking on my resume
See...these things are WAY different from each other...have nothing to do with each other at all cept for computers which is involved in EVERYTHING nowadays...I don't think I can do anything which deeply involves science or history or really hard math like trig, calculus, etc...I sux at those...I can do Algebra and stuff but haven't learned anything above that really...I've always sux0r'd at math...I got 2 A's in my Foundations of Math 1 & 2 so far tho...but that's cause I can use my math book and my calculator...I like the teacher I have too...
I like building/creating things...I've made 3 websites (which never really made it to the internet)...I'm gonna make one for my mom to sell her art work...I LOVE video games so maybe I could learn to do something in the gaming busniess...I like making food (cook) and creating computers and stuff like that...
I am a money person...I love $$$...I love it so much that I would be Uncle Scrooge's MOST FAVORITE nephew in the world...BUT unlike him I'm not stingy ('stin-jE)...I like buying/getting things...I like giving too but not as much as the latter (did I use "latter" correctly?)...I find MANY ways of saving money...that's what I really do...is save money...can't really explain how my and money are...but I'm loking for something that would give me ENUFF money to have me build a nice sized house (not into those really huge mansions)...big to most ppl but not mansion sized...like those other rich and popular ppl...I want to be able to buy whatever I want without worrying about what the pricetag is...I am not the kind of ppl that gets money and goes wild with it...I don't gamble...don't waste money on drugs or alcohol...can't smoke cause of allergies...
I seem to be able to be good at EDITING...I can play a MOD for a game (Quake 3, Half-Life, etc...) and I contact the ppl that made the mod I can give them ideas that would make the game MUCH better...I can read a book and come up with better ways to improve how the story goes...I can watch a movie and come up with ways to make it better...I can say that I can improve them cause I share my thoughts with different ppl and I mostly get things like "HEY that's a GREAT idfea or HEY that would make it MUCH cooler...I have come up with ways to make things (objects) better...maybe this falls into the inventor category a little bit...I dunno...I can FIX things...I am really good at figuring out how to FIX things...
I DON'T want something that would prevent me from having a relationship and prevent me from spending a decent amount of time with my family...I'm talking about MY family (parents, relatives) and my family (wife, kids, pets)...
I of course want something that I am GOOD at doing...here's the priorities I want in the job I might get:[list=1][*]Makes enuff money to do what I talked about above[*]Something I'm really good at[*]Something that's fun[/list=1]
I don't really know what I wanna do when I grow up...and that grown up part is coming up REALLY soon...parents are paying me to go to school so I don't need a job yet...it's enuff to keep me alive...I still live with my parents cause I don't wanna live by myself and leave most of the stuff I own at this house...I got lots of stuff...wouldn't all fit in a small apartment...and we have food here and a maid and a swimming pool and my own half of a garage and shelter and a bed to sleep on...hard to leave all that for a small stinkin apartment all alone with noisey ppl all around
So help me decide what you think I might wanna work toward...cause I don't know...The 3 things that I think I might end up doing is this:[list=1][*]Computer busniess[*]Movie busniess[*]Cook[/list=1]
thanx for reading this far...please help me...THANX
C'YA ?:-D
P.S. Check out the other posts that I'm still needing info/waiting for a response: