OK, I just read this thread, as it was linked to me (who knows why) and so I feel compelled to give my two cents.
First: The Movie Industry. the positions you name for the most part require you to fulfill certain requirements. You need to make a name for yourself, you need to know people and THEY need to know YOU. You need to have experience dealing with all sorts of areas on a set, from the shit work, to the more difficult areas. As was previously mentioned, try to find work in a small tv station, doing ANYTHING, move up the ladder and learn the deal, meanwhile keep your eyes open for opportunities to be better.
Cooking. Don't do it dude... just don't do it. ^_^
Computer Industry... unless you have a real talent for it, it's not worth following through, by lots of your questions your tech knowledge is greatly lacking. I'm not saying you cannot make it in the tech industry, I just don't feel it would be the best way to go. I know lots of people who have certificates in this that and the other thing that cannot find a job, but people who have no real education get hired in no time. The paper just gets your foot in the door, school doesnt teach you real life.
Most important for all of the above career moves, you need a few things. First you need patience and ambition. You will be moving into a realm where everybody is out to get everybody else, in order to move up. Second, you need communication skills. There is hardly a job in this world where you will not deal with people, many of whom you will want to keep happy. Third and very important, you are not going to find an entry level job in anything that will pay well initially, unless you have years of experience and education.
I've lost my train of thought so I'll stop here.