Originally posted by Schwan
I'm guessing you'd like to write more then act.
What does writing alot have to do with being a director, producer, cinematographer, cast director, or a film editor???How would one try to become one of these??? Do you have to start off at something else and work your way up there??? or do you study and go thru collage and stuff to get there??? Tell me more plz
Originally posted by Schwan
In that case you need to write a lot of diffrent stuff, beeing a journalist might help, read a shit load of books, study literature or something similar.
Like I said above...why do I need to write to do any of the things I mentioned??? I would sux at a journalist...I think...what does a journalist DO???? How much do they make??? I can read books...I used to LOVE to read stuff when I was a kid...I was a fast reader...don't know if that part is still in me tho...
Originally posted by Schwan
start work in a computer store or something like that and work your way up, maybe start a business.
Start work in a pc store doing what??? Work my way up to what??? Start a busniess??? Need money to start a busniess...need a job to get the money to start the busniess...need more info from you ppl to decide on the job that'll get me the money which will let me start up the busniess...I don't even know how to start up a busniess anyways