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Old 11-18-2006, 10:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
Philangicality's Avatar
Applying "The Secret"

On Thursday November 16th, 2006, at 9PM Pacific Standard Time, I was watching Larry King Live. His show was a second part of two about the Law of Attraction.

The panel were 4 of the speakers from "The Secret" and another therapist. If you havent' seen the movie I suggest you check it out.

One of the speakers, the Chicken Soup for the Soul Guy, Jack Canfield, talked about dividing up your life into three basic concentrations.

They were 1) Focus, 2) Buffer, and 3) Fun.

He divides the three concentrations into days. For example he would have an entire day where he concentrates on Focusing on his goals. Another day where he concentrates the entire day on having fun, and another day where he concentrates entirely on Buffering his life.

I decided to apply this to my life.

Jack said that he uses about 20% of his days on the Focus Days and about 80% of his success comes from these days. I find this credible as it is applying a scientific law known as the Pareto Principle.

A guy named Brian Tracy talks about this in his self-help serries Psychology of Selling as well to cross-reference.


Yesterday was my fun day. It was my first fun day I had, so I had trouble comming up with ideas of what to do. This is what I came up with.

*By the way the purpose of this post is to come up with ideas that fall into the catagories on the days.

First of all I skipped my Friday morning class. I also got a massage. I read a little from a book that I enjoyed until I ceased to get enjoyment out of it. Usually I would benchmark myself by ending on chapters or sections. And I went sarging at night. I must also add that this day was not 100% fun day as I had a community service date obligation set, so I spent a good three hours of my 24 hour day, I think could be classified as focusing, so that is 87.5% fun day and 12.5% focus day.

Future activities for fun days are:
-Go on a hike
-Go to the beach
-Shop for "toys" for myself
-Play music, not recording it (Jamming)

Help me out with any other ideas.

Today was my buffer day. Buffer days were defined by Jack as days to set you up so you don't have to do it on other days that are not buffer. Stuff like Errands. Refer to the list.

Today I went to the gym, planned and prepared future meals and E-mailed some contacts about projects and future plans. Still working on the constructiveness of buffer days.

Future activites on Buffer days are:
-Lifting Weights
-Re-fueling vehicle
-Paying Bills
-Organizing Workspace
-Organizing Living space
-Maintenance on vehicle
-Maintenance on wardrobe
-Scheduling for time management
-Maintenance on Social Circle

Lastly are my focus days. I have not had one yet as they will be kept at 20% to follow the Pareto Principle, Eventually I hope to get it down to 4% as 4% is 20% of 20% and ultimately to 1% of my time as 1% is rougly 20% of 4%, which is 20% of 20%, rounding to the nearest whole percentage.

Since there are 7 days in a week I am starting off with 2 days a week, which is roughly 28% of my time with one week being the time frame.

Activities on Focus days:
-Read Books
-Interview People
-Crossword Puzzles


I am still working on activities on focus days. The definition of an actual focus day is still a little unclear to me.

I am also working on comming up with ideas for fun days where I am doing a physical activity that I enjoy while also getting exercise, eliminating the need for a visit to the gym that day. This is why I picked the beach because bodyboarding works my shoulders and legs as well as my core. In the winter this is substitued with snowboarding.


I also heard some stuff from James Ray that interested me. How he broke down life into five things.

I remember:

1. Relationships
2. Intelligence (?)
3. Health (?)
4. Money (?)
5. (?)
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Last edited by Philangicality; 11-19-2006 at 12:12 AM..
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Old 11-18-2006, 10:36 PM   #2 (permalink)
Alien Anthropologist
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Location: Between Boredom and Nirvana
What is "sarging"?
"I need compassion, understanding and chocolate." - NJB
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Old 11-19-2006, 12:05 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by hunnychile
What is "sarging"?
Sarge - The act of explicitly going out and picking up women using pick-up and seduction techniques.
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Old 11-19-2006, 12:15 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Sounds way to structured for me. Some people need a lot of stucture in their life and this type of regime might be a great motivator. I like my day to have a little bit of everything in it. I think I would come to dread certain days if I followed the schedule above. I also wouldn't like to calculate my time so strictly and micromanaged. I also find that some of the things you listed under focus or buffer I find fun. For example, I enjoy crossword puzzles, cooking, shopping for groceries, and some cleaning.

I think that everything in life should be done in moderation. Just like a nutritional diet. Therefore, your life should have all 3 of those parts that you listed (focus, fun, buffer time). However, I would rather have my day broken up, which I have kind of done now without really thinking about it. I work from 6:30-2:30. Then I'm home doing some cleaning...I just clean here and there instead of making a huge deal of it. One day I might clean the bathroom, then next day I may vacuum, etc. Then after dinner, I spend the rest of the evening relaxing and doing whatever I want to do.

The goal in life is to find a way of living that makes you happy. I could help you with some fun activities, but what is fun for me may not be fun for you. I enjoy doing puzzles, playing video games, surfing the internet, watching movies or reruns of old shows, playing with my cat, walking around the city, talking to friends, sleeping, and some of the things that you mentioned.

It seems like the goal of the living theory is for you to discover what you want out of life. So for us to give you ideas would be a shortcut and prevent you from gaining the full experience of this life journey.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it

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Old 11-19-2006, 01:34 AM   #5 (permalink)
Philangicality's Avatar
My goal in life is to maximize my number of fun days and minimize my number of buffer days. My focus days are a constant. The Buffer and fun days are my variables.

Think of it like this.

We must eat every day contrary to popular belief. Our bodies do not phisiologicaly need food every day, but our minds do physiologicaly need food, but that is besides the point of this thread.

Ok so let us say that somebody enjoys cooking.

On a buffer day they would cook some rice, because all you have to do is put the rice in the rice cooker, plug it in, push a button, and then wait for it to be done. While the rice is cooking they can call up their banker and see how their assets are doing. They hang up the phone, and the rice is ready to eat along with the sandwhich they picked up earlier at the deli while shopping for the dill pickles that their sister likes and will want to eat when she comes over next Tuesday.

On a fun day they would cook a steak. They enjoy creating a marinade from scratch. Getting the garlic and seperating it to their desired texture and consistency, adding certain ingredients to their marinade, just the right amount of vinegar, tasting it every so often until the taste is where they want it. The cut of meat is just the way that they enjoy it. The exact texture, the exact leanness just the way they want. The grill is heated up to the temperature that cooks the marinated cut.

Than on a focus day they would cook up a steamed vegatable dish over a filet of salmon. Our hypothetical person has a bad heart, so they want to increase the omega oil's and get minerals to make their levels of nutrients in their blood more potent to aid in the regeneration of cells.


Last edited by Philangicality; 11-19-2006 at 01:09 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 11-19-2006, 06:12 AM   #6 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Originally Posted by Philangicality
Lastly are my focus days. I have not had one yet as they will be kept at 20% to follow the Pareto Principle, Eventually I hope to get it down to 4% as 4% is 20% of 20% and ultimately to 1% of my time as 1% is rougly 20% of 4%, which is 20% of 20%, rounding to the nearest whole percentage.
I think you're misunderstanding Pareto Distributions.

The theory goes that 80% of consequences stem from 20% of causes. It's also known as "the law of the vital few". It's commonly misused to imply that the same outcomes can be realized with 20% of the effort--which isn't at all what the theory says. If you could identify the "vital few" 20% and only took those actions, you could theoretically realize 80% of the result you'd realize by taking 100% of these hypothetical actions.

It's further theorized that the top 80% of that 80% are caused by the top 20% of those 20% of actions. Distilling out the "top 80% of that 80%" turns that into a "64-4" law (80% of 80% is 64%). So you could cut out all but 4% of your focus, which would leave you with 64% of the results you could otherwise accomplish.

Said another--somewhat reductive, but more common-sense--way, 1% of 365 days is 3 or 4 days per year of focussed productivity. Doesn't sound like enough time to accomplish much, even if you are hyper-productive in that time.
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Old 11-19-2006, 09:26 AM   #7 (permalink)
Extreme moderation
Toaster126's Avatar
Location: Kansas City, yo.
This kind of structure is what a lot of people find so comforting in organized religion. It's cool to see it in action from a non-religious standpoint.

I think this, like organized religion, is too much fluff for my taste, though.
"The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me." (Ayn Rand)
"The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers." (M. Scott Peck)
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Old 11-19-2006, 01:03 PM   #8 (permalink)
Philangicality's Avatar
Originally Posted by ratbastid

The theory goes that 80% of consequences stem from 20% of causes. It's also known as "the law of the vital few". It's commonly misused to imply that the same outcomes can be realized with 20% of the effort--which isn't at all what the theory says.
I have allocated "effort" as my causes and "success" as my consequences.

The top 20% of my effort is "focus", which in theory, will produce 80% of my "success".

The bottom 80% of my effort is "fun" and "buffer". These will than account for the other 20% of my "success".

Within this bottom 80% of "effort", my goal is to maximize "fun" and minimize "buffer".

Originally Posted by ratbastid

It's further theorized that the top 80% of that 80% are caused by the top 20% of those 20% of actions. Distilling out the "top 80% of that 80%" turns that into a "64-4" law (80% of 80% is 64%). So you could cut out all but 4% of your focus, which would leave you with 64% of the results you could otherwise accomplish.
If I allocate 64% of the remaining 80% of effort(the other 20% is "focus") to fun than this should produce 4% of my remaining 20% of "success"(the other 80% is locked in by "focus".) With the remaining 16% of the 20% "success" being produced by the bottom 80% of my "effort" I would allocate to "buffer" producing the completing portion of "success" which would be 20%.

CAUSES (Effort)
-Focus (20%)
-Fun (64%)
-Buffer (16%)

-Focus (80%)
-Fun (4%)
-Buffer (16%)

Last edited by Philangicality; 11-19-2006 at 01:19 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
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Old 11-19-2006, 01:24 PM   #9 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Okay, now I'm certain you're misunderstanding Pareto Distributions. But more power to you.
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Old 11-19-2006, 03:56 PM   #10 (permalink)
Fade out
Location: in love
this is a complex way to look at life. It's just life... go out, live it.

I just have one question.

Are you happy?

If you feel following this program is going to make you a happier, more fulfilled person, then by all means, follow it.

it appears to me though... that you are looking for something in it that you think you are lacking in your life.
I'm a highly structured person, i'm ultra responsible... but I found that adding more and more structure to my life, only made me less productive and left me feeling like i couldn't deviate from the structure if i wanted to. This didn't end up making me happy.

now, I just try to live my life, with balance.
and I've found productivity and happiness for that matter comes so easy now.

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Old 11-19-2006, 04:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
Leaning against the -Sun-
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Why would you want to do this to yourself - we spend our entire lives trying to organize and make sense of what ultimately will never fit into exactly the slot you allocate it. Life is in the living, and not in the planning.

Just one little question - where does work fit into all this?
Whether we write or speak or do but look
We are ever unapparent. What we are
Cannot be transfused into word or book.
Our soul from us is infinitely far.
However much we give our thoughts the will
To be our soul and gesture it abroad,
Our hearts are incommunicable still.
In what we show ourselves we are ignored.
The abyss from soul to soul cannot be bridged
By any skill of thought or trick of seeming.
Unto our very selves we are abridged
When we would utter to our thought our being.
We are our dreams of ourselves, souls by gleams,
And each to each other dreams of others' dreams.

Fernando Pessoa, 1918
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Old 11-19-2006, 07:58 PM   #12 (permalink)
immoral minority
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I saw that Larry King, and it is an interesting concept. It is kind of like the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book. You don't really need to plan out your day, you just need to apply yourself to areas that will make your life better.

My life is, and has been out of balance for quite some time. But I have a hard time finding time to do the buffer tasks in my life. Maybe I need to disconnect from the Internet for a while and clean the dishes that have been in my sink for the past 6 weeks...maybe not, they will be there tomorrow.

As for Pareto Distributions, in my entire life, last week is the first I had heard of them, and this is the second time within 7 days. That is kind of strange.
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Old 11-19-2006, 09:53 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Princeton, NJ
It's important to note that the Pareto Principle is NOT some kind of scientific law, but rather a rule-of-thumb principle that is easy to misuse. It was not developed by famous economist Pareto. It makes intuitive sense, but doesn't necessarily apply in all situations.

I point this out because the real danger I see in self-help phenomenon like this is when we start to treat them like scientific law. What the authors offer is that this is a way of looking at life that helped them, and might help you. Generally this method is based on some form of lay (i.e. not scientific) psychology; the best add in observations from decades of personal coaching. The worst are selling snake oil, knowing that offering people an easy solution to life is an great way to sell books, whether their solutions work or not.

So I say take these with a big 'ol grain of salt. Which is not to say that they are useless. David Allen's Getting Things Done system has done a lot for me and helped my gain a more productive view of what work is. That said, I quickly realized that blindly implementing his system would do more harm than good, because it would trick me into believing I'd done everything I needed to live a happy, productive life. Life isn't that easy.
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Old 11-19-2006, 11:29 PM   #14 (permalink)
Philangicality's Avatar
Originally Posted by ratbastid

The theory goes that 80% of consequences stem from 20% of causes.
If this definition of the Pareto Principle is accurate, then that means that there is a 100% of consequences as well as a 100% of causes.

A worded formula for this would be that 100% of consequences are the result of 100% of causes.

Is this accurate?

If it is, then the formula could also say that 80% of consequences are the result of 20% of causes.

Originally Posted by ratbastid

If you could identify the "vital few" 20% and only took those actions, you could theoretically realize 80% of the result you'd realize by taking 100% of these hypothetical actions.
I have identified my "vital few" as my focus on the goals I want accomplished (20% of my efforts.) Having done that, then theoretically, I have accounted for 80% of the result, which I have identified as success, I would have realized by taking 100% of my actions, which I have defined as efforts.

Originally Posted by ratbastid
It's commonly misused to imply that the same outcomes can be realized with 20% of the effort--which isn't at all what the theory says.
This is not what I am saying. I am looking at my effort as a whole, because effort is whatever I put into it. Then, out of whatever amount I decide to apply, I am defining that my focus on my goals is the 20%.

I am not saying that all I have to do is place 20% of my effort and I will get 80% of my success rate. I am saying that specificaly "the focus on my goals" will account for 80% of whatever output my success is.

I am not picking on you ratbastid, it is just that you have the most understanding of the Pareto Princapal thus far so I am explaining myself based upon my understanding of your understanding.

Realize that I have not done much research on the Pareto Principal, my beliefs are based off of material I have heard. Including your explanation.

Originally Posted by ASU2003
I saw that Larry King, and it is an interesting concept. It is kind of like the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book. You don't really need to plan out your day, you just need to apply yourself to areas that will make your life better.
I own the book but have to finish my current read before starting it. Maybe it will move up a few slots in the queue.

Originally Posted by iccky
It's important to note that the Pareto Principle is NOT some kind of scientific law, but rather a rule-of-thumb principle that is easy to misuse. It was not developed by famous economist Pareto. It makes intuitive sense, but doesn't necessarily apply in all situations.
According to Wikipedia: "management thinker Joseph M. Juran" discovered the Pareto Principal.

Also according to Wikipedia a man by the name of Richard Koch teaches how to apply this principal in all walks of life, so I am not the first person to apply this stuff.

I have also read about the Principal in my Operations Management book used in Total Quality Management (TQM.) You figure if multi-billion dollar coorporations use this principle, it has more credibility than just a "rule-of-thumb."

Originally Posted by iccky
I point this out because the real danger I see in self-help phenomenon like this is when we start to treat them like scientific law. What the authors offer is that this is a way of looking at life that helped them, and might help you.
Right, but this particular self-help method that I am using is rooted in from Scientific Law. The Law of Attraction.

Originally Posted by Sweetpea

I just have one question.

Are you happy?
Sometimes yes, but happiness is not permanant, it is an emotion. Emotions only last in the human body for like 8 seconds before another emotion can take its place.

Originally Posted by Sweetpea
If you feel following this program is going to make you a happier, more fulfilled person, then by all means, follow it.
Which is why I am currently implementing it in my life.

Originally Posted by Sweetpea
it appears to me though... that you are looking for something in it that you think you are lacking in your life.
Yes, structure. At the moment, I have a lot of freedom, which means I have a lot of free time on my hands. It is difficult for me to be productive with that time. I see life as something that I do not have very much of. If I do not have a skeleton of time to place myself into, then I will spend more than half of my time contemplating what I want to do with that time, thus wasting a lot of it.

Originally Posted by little_tippler

Just one little question - where does work fit into all this?
For now work falls under buffer. It makes it so I have liquid finances to distribute where I choose in the future.

However work is not the only way to make money, which is why we "work" right?

You can have fun playing poker, I personally do not, and come out with money in the end. But that creates a profession of being a poker player, which becomes a "job," which is grounds for an entire new thread.

I am in the works of starting my own business, so "work" will not be much of a factor. It will just be life.

Last edited by Philangicality; 11-19-2006 at 11:31 PM..
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Old 11-20-2006, 12:19 AM   #15 (permalink)
Lover - Protector - Teacher
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Location: Seattle, WA
As long as you're not buying new Nike's and putting on purple armbands wearing "Heaven's Gate Away Team" I think you're alright. Whatever makes you happy, whether it be through structure or not, more power to you.
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel
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Old 11-20-2006, 01:10 AM   #16 (permalink)
Sounds too gimmicky. I prefer my life "not from concentrate".

Also, no matter what "day [of the three] it is", skipping class is never a good idea. If you skip a class to accommodate one of these "days", you're always harming yourself more than you're helping.

Right, but this particular self-help method that I am using is rooted in from Scientific Law. The Law of Attraction.
All due respect, one day you'll realize how incredibly misguided the above statement sounds and you'd have wondered why no one pointed it out to you. I'm now pointing it out to you. Think about why it might be absurd to say that a way of living is a provable science.

ratbastid is right, you're misapplying the Pareto principle.

I think, as sweetpea said, that you're looking for something missing, and this lifestyle concept seems to fit the bill. While we're glad it's made you happy, we're just trying to make sure you're not buying into every ounce of it- because to everyone not enamored by this lifestyle concept like you are, it looks like a gimmick... another "flavor of the month" self-help thing.

I think we're just trying to help you understand that there are plenty of options out there, and that this one may not be the best idea in the world. Think of it like a puzzle- you're missing a piece somewhere. You can't just plop down any old piece you come across that fits in the hole, or the picture is all messed up. I think many of us are just suggesting you take a step back and really look at the whole picture... and determine if this piece really belongs there, or if it simply satisfies what's "missing".

- analog.
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Old 11-20-2006, 05:43 AM   #17 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Location: Yonder
Originally Posted by Philangicality
I have identified my "vital few" as my focus on the goals I want accomplished (20% of my efforts.)
Part of the deal with Pareto Distributions is, it's most effectively distinguished after the fact. You look back on a process or epoch and see that, hey, look, 80% of the consequences stemmed from those 20% of causes over there. That's why it's used as a measuring stick in QA processes, where you're looking back at results and figuring out what worked and what didn't. Distinguishing the key 20% of causes in advance is well neigh impossible.

I am not picking on you ratbastid, it is just that you have the most understanding of the Pareto Princapal thus far so I am explaining myself based upon my understanding of your understanding.

Realize that I have not done much research on the Pareto Principal, my beliefs are based off of material I have heard. Including your explanation.
I'm pretty clear on what you think you know about Pareto Distributions, and I have studied it, and I'm telling you, you're misapplying it, and you're doing so in a very common way. It's not intended to be used to force out that 80%. It's a commentary on the uselessness of most actions.

Right, but this particular self-help method that I am using is rooted in from Scientific Law. The Law of Attraction.
Now look, I'm a BIG believer in the Law of Attraction, but to actually put it on the same shelf with the Law of Gravity is another misapplication of a concept. For sure you get what you ask for in life--in my personal cosmology, the universe is one giant Intention Fulfillment Machine. But there's nothing linear or demonstrable or repeatable about that. The necessary conditions for a scientist to call something a law aren't applicable to Attraction. I don't care what two recent popular films have told you, the "Law of Attraction" isn't a scientific law the same way gravity is. I've enjoyed those two films, don't get me wrong.

If you're empowered by applying this structure to your life, then--as I said above--more power to you. I'm interested to see how it works for you. Might be great. I'm not telling you not to do it, or that it's a stupid idea, in other words. Literally my ONLY quibble with this is the use of the term Pareto Principle to describe it. (Well, and that and the idea of factoring the Pareto Distribution to cut your focus time down to 3 or 4 days a year seems to me like a bad idea).

Do you not like focus? Are you trying to avoid it, and have lots of fun instead? Because you've got "work" in your buffer time... So what sorts of things will you use focus time for?

By the way... how old are you? What do you do for a living?
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Old 11-20-2006, 11:04 AM   #18 (permalink)
Registered User
so umm, if you're planning each day out.. wouldn't every day be a focus day? I mean you are focused on having fun one day, buffering one day, and focusing another day.

As for me, I would rather just wing it. Seems to work for me so I don't plan on changing it.
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Old 11-20-2006, 11:26 AM   #19 (permalink)
Tilted Cat Head
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Location: Manhattan, NY
life doesn't happen in little bundles of pigeonholed moments, maybe in the movies, sitcoms, TV, books, and other media, but people are born, die, get ill, have excitement, have boredom, all based on being.

life is the ability to roll with it as it ebbs and flows, not how you can control it more.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 11-20-2006, 12:01 PM   #20 (permalink)
buffering is good, and i've found the most success by interweaving buffering into fragmented time that I usually waste by surfing the web.

I think its best to spread each of the 3 (buffer, focus, fun) into a every day, but weighted appropriately (monday to wednesday has much more on focus and buffer, thursday is focus and fun, friday is fun, saturday is any combo that I need, and sunday is usually focus and buffer)..
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Old 11-20-2006, 12:08 PM   #21 (permalink)
Please touch this.
Halx's Avatar
Location: Manhattan
This is from that "documentary" that that one cult put out. Someone linked a clip about it a while ago.

Funny stuff. Kind of amusing to see someone taking it seriously.
You have found this post informative.
-The Administrator
[Don't Feed The Animals]
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Old 11-20-2006, 03:21 PM   #22 (permalink)
abaya's Avatar
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Originally Posted by analog
Also, no matter what "day [of the three] it is", skipping class is never a good idea. If you skip a class to accommodate one of these "days", you're always harming yourself more than you're helping.
Yeah, I have to say that this was my first thought, too... skipping class is never a good idea (though you should always do it *once*, to fall in love or feed the ducks, as my undergrad English prof used to say).
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.

--Khalil Gibran
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Old 11-20-2006, 10:15 PM   #23 (permalink)
Philangicality's Avatar
Originally Posted by Halx
This is from that "documentary" that that one cult put out. Someone linked a clip about it a while ago.

Funny stuff. Kind of amusing to see someone taking it seriously.
The "documentary" I think you are refering to is based upon Law of Attraction.

My post is based upon Law of Attraction, but the structure of my time management, which is the basis of this thread, is not refered to in the "documentary." It was briefly mentioned by a speaker on Larry King. The term "Pareto Principal" did not even come out of his mouth. I just associated it to a thread he was talking about.

Originally Posted by guccilvr
so umm, if you're planning each day out.. wouldn't every day be a focus day? I mean you are focused on having fun one day, buffering one day, and focusing another day.
I think that "focus" day is focusing on the goals that I want to accomplish and how to methodically, using common sense, achieve them.

Originally Posted by ratbastid
I'm pretty clear on what you think you know about Pareto Distributions, and I have studied it, and I'm telling you, you're misapplying it, and you're doing so in a very common way. It's not intended to be used to force out that 80%. It's a commentary on the uselessness of most actions.
You do understand more about Pareto Distributions than I do.

Originally Posted by ratbastid

If you're empowered by applying this structure to your life, then--as I said above--more power to you. I'm interested to see how it works for you. Might be great.
I genuinely thank you for your support.

Originally Posted by ratbastid
(Well, and that and the idea of factoring the Pareto Distribution to cut your focus time down to 3 or 4 days a year seems to me like a bad idea).
Ya I am a little unsure of it myself, but once I get some focus days under my belt I can more easily see the validity in this. Theoretically I think it may work.

Like one day per season, maybe another mid season if needed. I dunno.

For now it is 20% on a weekly time frame so that QC is easier obtained.

Originally Posted by ratbastid
Do you not like focus? Are you trying to avoid it, and have lots of fun instead? Because you've got "work" in your buffer time... So what sorts of things will you use focus time for?
I do like focus. A little too much infact. Sometimes my mind will just wander off and I will do some hardcore philosiphizing, but in reality, I do not get anything done and have nothing to show for it except when I write it down. By allocating days of focus, my focus will be much more intense also because I have saved it up and conditioned myself to focus my focus so to say.

I was thinking during my other focus day about Yoga. I missed the class time that day but I may have to hit it up soon.

Originally Posted by ratbastid
By the way... how old are you? What do you do for a living?
I am Twenty Three Years old. Currently I am a student and just quit my job so I do not have a career. Ya I know I shoulda gotten laid off or ateast put in a two weeks, but my management really did not respect me. However, just be cause I have not job does not lessen my credibility.

Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
life doesn't happen in little bundles of pigeonholed moments, maybe in the movies, sitcoms, TV, books, and other media, but people are born, die, get ill, have excitement, have boredom, all based on being.
When I apply my way of thinking, which is something that neither you or anybody else, ANYBODY else, can define for me. Other people can only show me their way of life and then leave me free to decide if I want to apply how they live to my own life. Life does happen in bundles of pigeonholed moments. It is pretty cool. It is like I ama movie that I can create, feel, smell, taste, hear, and see all at the same time. Almost like controlling my dreams which is a completely different thread.

Yes I am going to die, get sick, get hurt, whatever, but to me, that is part of life, taking these obstacles and eliminating from my life. The only thing that I am sure of is death and taxes. That is Benjamin Franklin I think. Everything else is up in the air at the moment.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
life is the ability to roll with it as it ebbs and flows, not how you can control it more.
Controlling life is how I deal with my ebbs and flows. If I have the opportunity to live a life that I am not in control of or simply change the way I live to have complete control of my life, I will take the later even if it means death, which is certain anyways.

Originally Posted by match000
buffering is good, and i've found the most success by interweaving buffering into fragmented time that I usually waste by surfing the web.

I think its best to spread each of the 3 (buffer, focus, fun) into a every day, but weighted appropriately (monday to wednesday has much more on focus and buffer, thursday is focus and fun, friday is fun, saturday is any combo that I need, and sunday is usually focus and buffer)..
I like that, but for me it is easier to create blocks of time by using my sleeping patterns as barriers.

I am still working on the buffering though. It's a challenge to roll from one buffer activity to another.

Originally Posted by analog
Also, no matter what "day [of the three] it is", skipping class is never a good idea. If you skip a class to accommodate one of these "days", you're always harming yourself more than you're helping.
Not really. If you do not agree with the material the teacher is teaching, it is more harmful to subject yourself to a change that you are going to resist anyways. Or a waste of time.

Originally Posted by analog
All due respect, one day you'll realize how incredibly misguided the above statement sounds and you'd have wondered why no one pointed it out to you. I'm now pointing it out to you. Think about why it might be absurd to say that a way of living is a provable science.
No, it does sound absurd right now, but a lot has changed since I wrote that. Just because I am going to see things from a different perspective does not mean that I should cut myself off from self-development. Which enforces the power of facts.

Originally Posted by analog
ratbastid is right, you're misapplying the Pareto principle.
Fine, I'll make my own new principle.

Originally Posted by analog

I think, as sweetpea said, that you're looking for something missing, and this lifestyle concept seems to fit the bill. While we're glad it's made you happy, we're just trying to make sure you're not buying into every ounce of it- because to everyone not enamored by this lifestyle concept like you are, it looks like a gimmick... another "flavor of the month" self-help thing.
I appreciate your concern. You have a good heart looking out for another's well being. The problem is, not to be an asshole, I did not ask for your concern. I asked for your help in creating activities that would fall under specifications.

Originally Posted by analog
I think we're just trying to help you understand that there are plenty of options out there, and that this one may not be the best idea in the world.
There is no way for me to tell if this option is right for me unless I experience it first hand.

Originally Posted by analog
Think of it like a puzzle- you're missing a piece somewhere. You can't just plop down any old piece you come across that fits in the hole, or the picture is all messed up.
If I had a puzzle that was complete except for one piece. I would take the whole thing apart, glue the pieces together to make a cabin, and then donate it to charity.

Originally Posted by analog
I think many of us are just suggesting you take a step back and really look at the whole picture... and determine if this piece really belongs there, or if it simply satisfies what's "missing".
The only thing that I am missing when I wake up to the sun each morning is yesterday.

Last edited by Philangicality; 11-21-2006 at 12:20 AM..
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Old 11-21-2006, 02:36 AM   #24 (permalink)
Ok well first of all...

Originally Posted by Philangicality
I appreciate your concern. You have a good heart looking out for another's well being. The problem is, not to be an asshole, I did not ask for your concern. I asked for your help in creating activities that would fall under specifications.
Asking for help is not a prerequisite to receiving or needing help.

Second, regarding the following exchange...

Originally Posted by me, analog
I think we're just trying to help you understand that there are plenty of options out there, and that this one may not be the best idea in the world.
Originally Posted by Philangicality
There is no way for me to tell if this option is right for me unless I experience it first hand.
Perhaps it's my fault for not having been more directly articulate with what I meant, but "this one may not be the best idea in the world" was a nicer way of saying "this is the worst idea in the world"- just to clear up confusion.

With regard to going to class, there's a big difference between withdrawing from a class you don't want/need to take, and just randomly not showing up to a class because it falls on a "fun day" or whatever.

And then there's this...

Originally Posted by me, analog
All due respect, one day you'll realize how incredibly misguided the above statement sounds and you'd have wondered why no one pointed it out to you. I'm now pointing it out to you. Think about why it might be absurd to say that a way of living is a provable science.
Originally Posted by Philangicality
No, it does sound absurd right now, but a lot has changed since I wrote that. Just because I am going to see things from a different perspective does not mean that I should cut myself off from self-development. Which enforces the power of facts.
I'm sorry, but you wrote that almost exactly 24 hours ago... what has changed, precisely, since yesterday? Why is it now absurd when it wasn't yesterday, and why do you recognize it as absurd but stick with it?

You're dealing with a "quick fix", akin to a catchy slogan on a shirt or bumper sticker- not a life solution. Consider that for every "self-help" book that insists it contains "the answer", there are a few dozen others that all insist the same thing. Some books can truly offer an education on constructive ways to live a successful, happy life, and some are simply an author's attempt to subjugate the easily-lead into buying their books. I think many of us are trying to convince you that this is the latter.
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Old 11-21-2006, 03:16 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: Manhattan, NY
Originally Posted by Philangicality
When I apply my way of thinking, which is something that neither you or anybody else, ANYBODY else, can define for me. Other people can only show me their way of life and then leave me free to decide if I want to apply how they live to my own life. Life does happen in bundles of pigeonholed moments. It is pretty cool. It is like I ama movie that I can create, feel, smell, taste, hear, and see all at the same time. Almost like controlling my dreams which is a completely different thread.

Yes I am going to die, get sick, get hurt, whatever, but to me, that is part of life, taking these obstacles and eliminating from my life. The only thing that I am sure of is death and taxes. That is Benjamin Franklin I think. Everything else is up in the air at the moment.

Controlling life is how I deal with my ebbs and flows. If I have the opportunity to live a life that I am not in control of or simply change the way I live to have complete control of my life, I will take the later even if it means death, which is certain anyways.
So then the days you are to focus, and something comes up like illness in the family/friends, you can't ebb and flow if you have rigid expectations and systems. You can't control life, no matter how hard you try. No matter how much you want that job/girl those are things you cannot control, but yet they directly affect your life and the quality of it.

Jack Canfield had in his first Chicken Soup for the soul book the 10 Rules of Being Human, IMHO a much more fluid way at looking at life than the 3 Days you've presented in your OP.
I don't care if you are black, white, purple, green, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, hippie, cop, bum, admin, user, English, Irish, French, Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Buddhist, Muslim, indian, cowboy, tall, short, fat, skinny, emo, punk, mod, rocker, straight, gay, lesbian, jock, nerd, geek, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, driver, pedestrian, or bicyclist, either you're an asshole or you're not.
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Old 11-21-2006, 04:12 AM   #26 (permalink)
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Location: Out on a wire.
I don't know anything about the Pareto principle or the law of attraction. This doesn't seem like something that would be very workable to me, not that I really understand it all that well, and I'm a very structured person. I do maintenance chores every day so that there's never any need for a day to focus on them--buffer activities are spread out a bit. I enjoy my job--I get to go to work and talk about literature and poetry and children's books and get paid for it. Sometimes I have to pinch myself. So my focus days, those days that I focus on my work, are also fun days because my job is fun. I also like to make housework fun by popping on my iPod while taking care of the dishes or cooking, so I'm combining there.

The unstructured time I have left over is what causes me the most problems. I'm not sure why, but focusing on fun is a sure way to end up in a dark mood.

Separating fun out of buffer or work activities wouldn't work for me. Setting aside buffer activities to a certain day would leave me anxious about not having done things that need doing.

If this works well for you, wonderful. But there is no formula for a good life. If there were, I'd use it in a heartbeat.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.

~Steven Colbert

Last edited by Gilda; 11-21-2006 at 04:15 AM..
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Old 11-29-2006, 10:37 PM   #27 (permalink)
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I am beginning to not like this.

It is too powerful.

When I am getting everything I want, but I am still not happy.

I am beginning to see that there is no formula for happiness.

Last edited by Philangicality; 12-06-2006 at 04:54 PM..
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