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Old 11-18-2006, 10:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Applying "The Secret"

On Thursday November 16th, 2006, at 9PM Pacific Standard Time, I was watching Larry King Live. His show was a second part of two about the Law of Attraction.

The panel were 4 of the speakers from "The Secret" and another therapist. If you havent' seen the movie I suggest you check it out.

One of the speakers, the Chicken Soup for the Soul Guy, Jack Canfield, talked about dividing up your life into three basic concentrations.

They were 1) Focus, 2) Buffer, and 3) Fun.

He divides the three concentrations into days. For example he would have an entire day where he concentrates on Focusing on his goals. Another day where he concentrates the entire day on having fun, and another day where he concentrates entirely on Buffering his life.

I decided to apply this to my life.

Jack said that he uses about 20% of his days on the Focus Days and about 80% of his success comes from these days. I find this credible as it is applying a scientific law known as the Pareto Principle.

A guy named Brian Tracy talks about this in his self-help serries Psychology of Selling as well to cross-reference.


Yesterday was my fun day. It was my first fun day I had, so I had trouble comming up with ideas of what to do. This is what I came up with.

*By the way the purpose of this post is to come up with ideas that fall into the catagories on the days.

First of all I skipped my Friday morning class. I also got a massage. I read a little from a book that I enjoyed until I ceased to get enjoyment out of it. Usually I would benchmark myself by ending on chapters or sections. And I went sarging at night. I must also add that this day was not 100% fun day as I had a community service date obligation set, so I spent a good three hours of my 24 hour day, I think could be classified as focusing, so that is 87.5% fun day and 12.5% focus day.

Future activities for fun days are:
-Go on a hike
-Go to the beach
-Shop for "toys" for myself
-Play music, not recording it (Jamming)

Help me out with any other ideas.

Today was my buffer day. Buffer days were defined by Jack as days to set you up so you don't have to do it on other days that are not buffer. Stuff like Errands. Refer to the list.

Today I went to the gym, planned and prepared future meals and E-mailed some contacts about projects and future plans. Still working on the constructiveness of buffer days.

Future activites on Buffer days are:
-Lifting Weights
-Re-fueling vehicle
-Paying Bills
-Organizing Workspace
-Organizing Living space
-Maintenance on vehicle
-Maintenance on wardrobe
-Scheduling for time management
-Maintenance on Social Circle

Lastly are my focus days. I have not had one yet as they will be kept at 20% to follow the Pareto Principle, Eventually I hope to get it down to 4% as 4% is 20% of 20% and ultimately to 1% of my time as 1% is rougly 20% of 4%, which is 20% of 20%, rounding to the nearest whole percentage.

Since there are 7 days in a week I am starting off with 2 days a week, which is roughly 28% of my time with one week being the time frame.

Activities on Focus days:
-Read Books
-Interview People
-Crossword Puzzles


I am still working on activities on focus days. The definition of an actual focus day is still a little unclear to me.

I am also working on comming up with ideas for fun days where I am doing a physical activity that I enjoy while also getting exercise, eliminating the need for a visit to the gym that day. This is why I picked the beach because bodyboarding works my shoulders and legs as well as my core. In the winter this is substitued with snowboarding.


I also heard some stuff from James Ray that interested me. How he broke down life into five things.

I remember:

1. Relationships
2. Intelligence (?)
3. Health (?)
4. Money (?)
5. (?)
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Last edited by Philangicality; 11-19-2006 at 12:12 AM..
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