Originally Posted by Philangicality
Lastly are my focus days. I have not had one yet as they will be kept at 20% to follow the Pareto Principle, Eventually I hope to get it down to 4% as 4% is 20% of 20% and ultimately to 1% of my time as 1% is rougly 20% of 4%, which is 20% of 20%, rounding to the nearest whole percentage.
I think you're misunderstanding Pareto Distributions.
The theory goes that 80% of consequences stem from 20% of causes. It's also known as "the law of the vital few". It's commonly misused to imply that the same outcomes can be realized with 20% of the effort--which isn't at all what the theory says. If you could identify the "vital few" 20% and
only took those actions, you could theoretically realize 80% of the result you'd realize by taking 100% of these hypothetical actions.
It's further theorized that the
top 80% of that 80% are caused by
the top 20% of those 20% of actions. Distilling out the "top 80% of that 80%" turns that into a "64-4" law (80% of 80% is 64%). So you could cut out all but 4% of your focus, which would leave you with 64% of the results you could otherwise accomplish.
Said another--somewhat reductive, but more common-sense--way, 1% of 365 days is 3 or 4 days
per year of focussed productivity. Doesn't sound like enough time to accomplish much, even if you are hyper-productive in that time.