Sounds way to structured for me. Some people need a lot of stucture in their life and this type of regime might be a great motivator. I like my day to have a little bit of everything in it. I think I would come to dread certain days if I followed the schedule above. I also wouldn't like to calculate my time so strictly and micromanaged. I also find that some of the things you listed under focus or buffer I find fun. For example, I enjoy crossword puzzles, cooking, shopping for groceries, and some cleaning.
I think that everything in life should be done in moderation. Just like a nutritional diet. Therefore, your life should have all 3 of those parts that you listed (focus, fun, buffer time). However, I would rather have my day broken up, which I have kind of done now without really thinking about it. I work from 6:30-2:30. Then I'm home doing some cleaning...I just clean here and there instead of making a huge deal of it. One day I might clean the bathroom, then next day I may vacuum, etc. Then after dinner, I spend the rest of the evening relaxing and doing whatever I want to do.
The goal in life is to find a way of living that makes you happy. I could help you with some fun activities, but what is fun for me may not be fun for you. I enjoy doing puzzles, playing video games, surfing the internet, watching movies or reruns of old shows, playing with my cat, walking around the city, talking to friends, sleeping, and some of the things that you mentioned.
It seems like the goal of the living theory is for you to discover what you want out of life. So for us to give you ideas would be a shortcut and prevent you from gaining the full experience of this life journey.
Whatever did happen to your soul?
I heard you sold it
Choose Heaven for the weather and Hell for the company