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Old 06-17-2009, 02:21 PM   #1 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
Rate The Last Game You Played.

Following the Movie rating thread with a game related one. It's much easier to judge games imo.

UFC: Undisputed 9/10
I'm really liking this game because it takes skill. It's probably the first time I went through a game's tutorial voluntarily. The game looks really good and it plays intuitively unlike some of the MMA fighting games of the past. There's a decent selection of fighters and if you want to take the time you can probably create a good likeness of fighters from Strikeforce with the CAF mode.

The Career mode is fun but slow loading and saving is annoying as hell. I had a big long thing typed out but I think I'll just point out that saving is a pain and requires 6 dialog box popups in career mode. Going to an event has roughly 12 cutscenes you need to spam your OK button to get through and all the menus feel a little sluggish. I'm going to install it to the HD later to see if that improves any. I gotta say, If you can get past the sluggish menus, the actual fighting is great. Definitely worth playin if you're into MMA, and even if you don't really watch MMA, It's still a good fighting game.
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Old 06-20-2009, 03:44 PM   #2 (permalink)
Chicken scratch.
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Tom Clancy's HAWX for PC


Entertaining, visually impressive, and vapid. Gameplay is *extremely* arcade-y (even more than I would have thought for this type of game!). The landscapes are very cool and the # of jets is really pretty sweet --everything from the A-6 to prototype SU-47/YF-17 and all comers in between. For those of you on consoles, definitely worth a rent, wouldn't recommend a buy. As for us on the PC, wait until it's in the bargain bin!
One, two, three, four, fiiiiiiiifth.
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Old 06-20-2009, 10:22 PM   #3 (permalink)
big damn hero
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I've got two...

Not a bad game at all. Certainly a must have for the fan, but a pretty solid buy for the uninitiated as well. A little short and the story is a little weak, but it's got mulitplayer and a majority of the original actors from the film. It's a little glitchy in parts and it froze up a couple of times, but who's to say that's the disc, right? You get a couple really nice upgrades to the ol' proton pack and some genuinely spooky areas to tool around in. The game is fairly linear, but you hardly notice with all the scanning, collecting and capturing. Plus, any game where I get to give it to the Stay Puft marshmallow man is alright by me. 8.5 / 10

Let me preface this to say I love sandbox games. GTA IV, inFAMOUS, Crackdown, etc... Movement they do very well in this game. It's fast, quick, the camera keeps up nicely, making it a real blast to chuck a run across Manhattan. That said, I just can't get into this game. The story sucks, the voice acting is boring, the stealth stuff is a joke and every fight turns out the same... pick a fight, kill a bunch of dudes, get overwhelmed, blah blah blah. The enemies spawn instantly, so you never really "clear" an area. The objective is almost always behind a ton of bad guys, who respawn just as fast as you can kill them, all of them have ginormous guns and all of them are aimed at you, even if there are other bad guys in the area. You have an overwhelming number of tools at your disposal (five fighting forms, two kinds of "magic" vision, two different kinds of armor, plus disguises) each tailored for all the different enemies you'll face. Unfortunately, they're all tucked away in a ridiculous menu system that is a bit of a bitch to navigate while you're getting blown all to hell by the tanks, rocket soldiers, helicopter missiles or being kicked around by "hunters." "Easy" is easy for about 5 missions, "Normal" is ridiculously hard and "Hard" is only for sado-masochists who enjoy controller throwing rage and screaming profanity at the top of the lungs. I'll probably pick it up again eventually, but for now it sits unfinished 5.5 / 10
No signature. None. Seriously.
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Old 06-20-2009, 11:45 PM   #4 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
I'm really far behind on gaming so I'm going to Movie gallery every few days to pick up a new game.

I got Ghostbusters and it's a solid 8/10. The comedy is pretty good with tons of references to the movies. I personally like Dan Aykroyd's quote when he saw the Stay Puff marshmellow man for the first time. It's fun destroying hotels while trying to bag ghosts. One thing though, It really feels like there's a disconnect between the character models and the voice actors. They sound exactly like they're in a sound studio, not on the street with you blowing shit up. It's a minor complaint though. I've heard the game looks ALOT better on the 360 than it does on the PS3, so if you have both systems and wanting to play it you should go with the 360 version.
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Old 06-21-2009, 07:51 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Location: Central Central Florida
I have a Wii and mostly play those really bland and mellow games.

Keep in mind I'm a total novice, but a friend of my daughter's left his PS3 over for a couple of weeks. I had a blast playing GTA 4 (that's lingo for Grand Theft Auto ) so much that I downloaded GTA3 for my laptop. I also played Silent Hill 2 or 3? but that was a little freaky for me.
We are always more anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess, than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess.
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Last edited by jewels; 06-21-2009 at 08:15 AM.. Reason: duplicate weirdness
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Old 06-21-2009, 08:04 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Defense of the Ancients, a map for WarCraft III.

9/10. The next version should be 10/10 when they're finished rebalancing the huge updates.
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Old 06-21-2009, 10:45 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Jozrael View Post
Defense of the Ancients, a map for WarCraft III.

9/10. The next version should be 10/10 when they're finished rebalancing the huge updates.
I am totally interested. How would I acquire said map?
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Old 06-21-2009, 07:02 PM   #8 (permalink)
deadspace 9 out of 10 some real creepy moments
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Old 06-26-2009, 03:18 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Location: France
Assassin's Creed:
Very cool parkour-like free-running, incredibly good level design, both in terms of how it allows you to move and how lit looks, and a pretty decent fighting system(nothing revolutionary).
The bad part is that it's very repetitive. By the time you climb your 3rd viewpoint you get over the cool "camera circles around you allowing you to view the whole city," and you stop trying to sneak around. Sneaking around is too slow, and I feel it's weird that walking slowly with your head down and your hands joined in prayer gets you less suspicion from guards than walking normally, since you have throwing knives, a short blade/dagger, and a long sword, where anyone can see them.
Some annoying things are the fact that you can't swim, even though you can kill 20 soldiers(fixed in A. Creed 2), or the people that push you around because they're retarded, or grab on to you begging you for money.

I can't help but compare it to spiderman 2, and I think that it should have learned a few cool things from that game. In a game where you have a large, city/like environment, and you can move across it in an awesome, cool way (like web-swinging, or parkour), then you milk the fuck out of it. Because it's fun. Not as required things, but races, like in SM2, more silent kill missions (some missions in A. Creed have you running on rooftops stealthkilling archers). That's what I want more of. Not rescuing a woman who is being harassed by guards all the time. (Even tho SM2 had that kind of shit too)

7/10, I guess?

Also, I love talking about video games, and my feelings about the design of it. So excuse the long-ish review.
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Old 06-27-2009, 01:13 AM   #10 (permalink)
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Hey, I like longish reviews. The small details of the gameplay can really make or break a game for me. I agree with you about Assassins Creed. I really enjoyed the game but it did get repetitive and I ended up quitting before beating the game. I really hope AC2 fixes some of that.

Fuel 5/10
The only thing this game really has going for it is a huge environment. It's 14,400sq KM and you can literally drive in free roam for hours in 1 direction and not reach the edge of the map. The problem with such a huge area is that it's extremely generic. There are few landmarks, and almost every road looks the same. There are things to collect but they feel very useless. They just let you customize your ugly vehicle with designs that you'll never really be able to see because you never see the front of your vehicle.

The driving physics are a little floaty, You feel like you're going to slide off the road going around every corner. In the game's defense though, if you hit the turn right and don't have an "oh shit" moment and let off the gas or hit the brakes you'll usually make it through the turn. Object interaction is a little iffy also. Going off road is a risk because you really don't know what you can drive through. You can pretty much drive through huge bushes but a small tree or a tree stump can stop a monster truck in it's tracks. Other objects like fences, and junk cars can be easily pushed over sometimes and other times it's like they're super glued to the ground and much like trees will stop you dead in your tracks.

The AI in the game has to cheat to compete. It's not exactly rubber banding per se, but on easy difficulty the AI will be extremely competitive until the last bit of the race and then they'll just slow down you and fly past them. On harder difficulty it's the opposite. You can be winning and at the end they'll fly past you. Also, instead of driving better on harder difficulty they'll just adjust the max speed of the CPU cars and it's really upsetting to see the CPU using the same vehicle fly by you while you're going max speed. One thing I like about the gameplay is the GPS. Instead of a single arrow pointing in the general direction you need to go, it pretty much has arrows going down the road you need to go. This makes it extremely easy to navigate to your destination when there's so many twists and turns along the way.

The graphics look decent but that's pretty much expected nowadays. In the distance, the graphics are really muddy and under detailed though. There is a lot of pop-in. It's not horrible up close pop-in like old PSX games but seeing things constantly spawning in the distance can be distracting. I've not decided if I like the day/night cycle or not. When it gets dark, it gets really dark. You literally can't see anything that your headlights aren't shining on. It's cool visually and immerses you in the game, but it makes it extremely difficult and it lasts forever.

Honestly, I wouldn't have given this game a second look and definitely wouldn't have written so much about the game but Xplay gave it a 4/5 and pretty much convinced me to buy it instead of a racing game which I had played and enjoyed called Pure.
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Old 06-27-2009, 12:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Resident Evil 5 - 7/10

Good: Co-op is fun, better graphics.
Bad: Still can't run and shoot, nothing new brought to the franchise, no longer survival horror.

Resident Evil needs some upgrades. It's pretty pathetic that even in it's 5th outing the game still doesn't allow you to run and shoot at the same time. Survival horror has been gone since Nemesis and it has turned into an action game. Don't get me wrong I loved RE4 despite some of its flaws, but 5 is practically the same with the only notable additions being co-op and better graphics. Toward the end of the game I was hoping it would end soon so I could send it back to Gamefly and get something else. It's a good rental, but I wouldn't recommend purchasing it. Hopefully Resident Evil 6 goes in a new direction seeing as in 5 Spoiler: You finally(?) kill Wesker.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
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Old 06-27-2009, 06:07 PM   #12 (permalink)
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America's Army 3


To start, the release of the game was an utter failure. The authentication servers couldn't handle the load so if you were lucky enough to get to a training mission without the game freezing, even if you passed, you didn't pass. So if you did the obstacle course perfectly, it failed you anyways.

Second, now that the game has been up a week, the shit still isn't fixed. If you try and train you'll freeze the game up.

In game? Still no deathmatch so if you die, you have to sit for a long time waiting to get back in the action. For me, gaming isn't about sitting and staring at your screen. The lessons from Everquest 1 should have been learned by now. Gamers don't want to sit on a boat for 30 minutes, and they don't want to watch other people play for 10 minutes to wait their turn.

It looks ok but still doesn't look near as good as COD4 or even the upcoming Modern Warfare 2. The Unreal 3 engine is good, but not great.

The game play is alright. It's even harder now to tell the difference between an enemy and a friendly. There's no indication on radar, the crosshairs don't change colors, you just shoot and hope for the best.

The overal objective is to make this as real as possible to the Army's small groups tactical type missions. They succeed there. Where it fails is the majority of all the promised bells and whistles don't work. Actually none of them work. The sitting around with your thumb up your ass part is awful.

But, it's free. What should I expect from our government? Well, it's not really free. My federal income tax goes towards the salaries of this games developers. All US taxpayers income tax does.
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Old 06-27-2009, 07:58 PM   #13 (permalink)
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Location: Detroit, MI
Dawn of War II: 8/10 Nothing revolutionary, just good old fashioned gaming fun. Very good graphics and special effects.
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Old 06-28-2009, 12:43 AM   #14 (permalink)
SecretMethod70's Avatar
Location: Chicago
I'll list two here:

Plants vs Zombies - 9/10

For what it is, Plants vs Zombies is just about perfect. Entertaining enough for me and my other late 20's/early 30's friends, simple and cute enough for my 10 and 12 year old nieces.

And Yet it Moves - 8/10

Another very simple game, but captivating fun. You play a paper guy, roaming through worlds in which you have control over what "down" is.

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Old 06-29-2009, 07:47 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 7/10

I really don't care about the story of this one. It's just not as well thought out as the original FFT and since battles are so long and there's so many between story missions you just kinda forget about it. There aren't as many jobs to select and each job is limited to certain races. Also, It's very difficult to compare stats on items and you end up switching back and forth between items seeing what each of your stats are, putting on the other item, checking what your stats are.. It's very tedious. The game isn't hard, but for someone that likes to do everything the right way, it can become very overwhelming to make sure your party members are leveling as the right class and making sure they have the right item equipped so they're always learning a new ability while keeping track of which clan members are off doing solo missions. There's a law system for each battle that has a list of outlawed abilities that you will be punished for using. You always need to keep an eye on the rules for the battle early on because if your mage's #1 ability happens to be outlawed for that fight he'll be useless so you should choose someone to take his place. Later on you get cards that abolish laws so if there's an ability outlawed that you make use of alot, you can play your card and you won't be punished for using it. You'll also be able to make new laws so if you're fighting against a full Fire mage team you can outlaw fire and they won't be able to use that attack. It sucks at the beginning but once you start using it to your advantage it's not so bad. I'm really not far into the game in the grand scheme of things, There's something like 300 missions and I've done maybe 75. I keep thinking about quitting and playing the original FFT again for like the 4th time heh..
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Old 07-06-2009, 07:43 AM   #16 (permalink)
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I am nowhere near finishing this game so I can't give it a true grade, but trust me, it should most definitely be played.
Fallout 3. It combines elements of shooters and RPGs, lets you switch between 1st and 3rd person view. I usually hate RPGs because out of what I've seen, most stick to a turn-based combat system, which, to me, is a ridiculous form of combat, is unrealistic and is everything that action is not. There is, however a RPG-ish component to shooting. At any time in a fight, you can bring up the VATS (Vaultboy Assisted Targeting System), which will let you select different body parts to shoot at (head, torso, etc) and gives you different percentages for each part, representing the likelihood that you'll hit it. You can choose to try and disarm them by shooting their arm, or slow them down by popping them in the knee. Each VATS-assisted shot takes AP, so if your AP is low and yo have multiple enemies you should try and pop a few shots without VATS assistance.

What makes me crazy over this game is the immersion. Extremely well designed, feels exactly like a post apocalyptic world, an it'll truly give you the creeps when you're walking in the bushes, and a 6 foot long scorpion comes out of nowhere.
The amount of freedom is also something I haven't experienced before. You can choose to be a good guy and help out people, or to dick them over, and steal from them, or kill anyone you want to.
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Old 07-06-2009, 08:03 AM   #17 (permalink)
Laid back
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Location: Jayhawkland
Me and the woman have been playing Dokapon Kingdom on the Wii and it is super-fun! I don't know of anything to compare it to but it's similar to a board game as it's turn based. Anyway, lots of fun with that one, but I'm not sure if I'd enjoy it single player. 8/10

I've also been playing Resistance 2 which is alright, but nothing special. Gorgeous graphics, cool guns, average gameplay. 6/10

I'm still running through Infamous too, and that's a good game, though it's a bit repetitive. If you like Assassin's Creed, you'd like this game as well I think. 7/10
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Old 07-06-2009, 09:35 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Braid - 10/10

What a great game!

The trailer shows most everything you need to know, but it's a side scroller puzzle game in which you can manipulate time and collect puzzle pieces as your journey through the levels.

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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:01 AM   #19 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
God of War (PS2) 10/10

The developers of God of War "get" it. They know what makes a game fun, and they know how to make a game look good and animate smoothly. Plus the story of Kratos and how he interacts with Mount Olympus and the gods of Athens is very interesting. Devil May Cry wishes it controlled as good as this game. All of the action movies are balanced, finishing moves are the answer to in-game cut scenes in videogames, and the polish/level of detail of this game sets the bar for games to come. I played this game 4 years late but holy hell I'm glad I did. Plus this game runs in 480p and looks amazing with PS3 upscaling on. Play this game if you haven't, it's worth it.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 07-07-2009, 09:05 AM   #20 (permalink)
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Location: The Danforth
Crazy 8's. I totally lost the countdown version against my 11 year old son. How do these kids do it?

7/10 because it was fun.
You said you didn't give a fuck about hockey
And I never saw someone say that before
You held my hand and we walked home the long way
You were loosening my grip on Bobby Orr

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Old 07-28-2009, 12:17 PM   #21 (permalink)
biznatch's Avatar
Location: France
COD4, just finished the single-player campaign. I had gotten COD: World at War for free with my GPU, but I didn't like it, and didn't go very far in the game before I uninstalled. It felt bland, and like any other WW2 shooter.
However, COD4's campaign was amazing. As you may know, you play as either a marine, or a british SAS soldier, in a middle-est conflict in an unnamed middle-eastern country, trying to catch a terrorist leader before he can set off an atomic bomb.
Fine, the story isn't very compelling, or new, but the game does a few things to make it more interesting, which I don't wanna spoil.
Some cool missions were: the one where you're in the airplane, shooting some badass weapons while circling above a battlefield at night. It feels really cool, and looks just like you'd expect it to look.
The other really cool mission puts you in the perspective of your CO, when he was younger, in the Chernobyl incident. He was training as a sniper, with his own CO/partner, wearing heavy camouflage, and sneaking around this Easter European town, sniping stealthily, and avoiding contact with enemies at short range. Feels kind of like the movie Enemy at the Gates.

EDIT: Did I mention that upon finishing the game, one unlocks "Arcade mode," which allows for choosing any mission at any difficulty and challenging your best score/time, etc?
This feature also helped me realize that I was wrong about that sniper mission. It actually took place several years after the Chernobyl incident, to attempt to prevent a terrorist from obtaining nuclear material in the area.

It had been a while since a realistic war FPS pleased me. This one hit all the right buttons.
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Old 07-28-2009, 03:10 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: England
I'm also playing UFC Undisputed at the moment, but it's probably a little early to give a score on it. I am loving it though, and in answer to the comment about it running slowly, have you tried installing it to the hard drive - I saw significant improvements when I did that?

The last game I really played through (apart from Monkey Island Special Edition, which is awesome but doesn't really count as really aside from the funky graphics I first played it 15 years ago) was Mirror's Edge. I can safely say I will not be getting the upcoming sequel. 6/10 and I think that's being generous. Good concept, Fun in parts and it looks good, but the most genuinely frustrating game I have played in years. It's not even hard, it's just the controls are awful, and it's like the most annoying of precision accuracy platformers, only in 3D.

Good calls on COD4 and GOW, a couple of my favourite games. I'm actually in the process of moving now, and really should get rid of some old crap, like all my PS2 games seeing as I don't have a PS2 anymore, but I can't bring myself to part with Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 and GOW. I really know what you're saying with your comparison to Devil May Cry - I got DMC4 for the 360 hoping it would be close to GOW in terms of style and playability, but it doesn't really come close. The first Devil May Cry was pretty damn good in it's day, but GOW has destroyed it. Did you ever play GOW 2? I never got round to it before my brother somehow inherited my PS2!

Last edited by Chilly McFreeze; 07-28-2009 at 03:16 PM..
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Old 07-28-2009, 09:32 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Chilly McFreeze View Post
I'm also playing UFC Undisputed at the moment, but it's probably a little early to give a score on it. I am loving it though, and in answer to the comment about it running slowly, have you tried installing it to the hard drive - I saw significant improvements when I did that?
Oh yeah, I installed it. It's just the menus are slow and if you're doing career and once you have your cardio/speed/strength maxed you do 10 straight sparring matches between each fight. The loading and auto-saving is ridiculous.

I'm still playing UFC Undisputed regularly. I've really gotten better at my ground game after turning it to the hardest difficulty and losing 10+ games straight. Now I'm doing pretty good with all around fighters like GSP but still not great using strikers against ground fighters.,

I've also started playing Need for Speed: Most Wanted again. To me it's the best of the more recent NFS games. It has it's flaws but it's fun. I'm thinking about picking up NFS:Undercover because I've pretty much memorized every street and getaway tactic in most wanted. The game still holds up well in the graphics department though. It's still a good 8/10.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 07-29-2009, 11:51 AM   #24 (permalink)
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Location: Europe
9/10 - Resident Evil Wii edition.

I played the game for several days. it gets tough sometimes but completed it thanks to a strategy guide. Nice graphics (better than the Playstation version), good game but I find difficult to control your character. That's something resolved in RE 4.
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Old 07-30-2009, 04:52 AM   #25 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Originally Posted by Chilly McFreeze View Post
Did you ever play GOW 2? I never got round to it before my brother somehow inherited my PS2!
I'm actually playing it right now. So far it's just as good as the first!!!!!
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 08-02-2009, 07:43 PM   #26 (permalink)
biznatch's Avatar
Location: France
Played the first couple of missions of Prototype, and laid it down. I might try again, but I didn't like it too much. Just seems very repetitive, and a bit bland.
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Old 08-02-2009, 08:06 PM   #27 (permalink)
Pogue Mahone's Avatar
Location: Denver, Colorado

The good: Great graphics, good story, solid and intuitive controls.
The bad: Side missions can be a little repetitive, karma system

So far, Infamous has been my favorite game to come out this year. It's just been an absolute blast from start to finish. On my second go-through right now. First time I played it was a good guy. Now I'm being a bad guy. The only issues I've had with it are you basically repeat the same four or five side missions throughout the whole game (each island with their own special side missions), and I don't like how the karma system only goes from absolute saint to baby eating SOB. But other than that it's absolutely awesome. Oh and the ending plot twist just blew my freakin' mind.

Bionic Commando
The good: Solid controls (with exception of aiming) and great graphics
The bad: Horrid story, worse acting, swinging can take some time to get used to.

I was extremely disappointed with this one. It looked so awesome, but Capcom failed to deliver. The visuals are amazing and it has some really cool moments during gameplay. However, the story is absolutely miserable with one of the worst plot twists and endings I've seen in a game (on par with Army of Two in both regards). The acting and dialogue are laughably horrendous while the controls are pretty good, I found aiming to be pretty slow. It's really not a complaint, but the game's swing mechanics were somewhat difficult to get usd to. Oh and the whole idea of activating those minefields to advance got extremely tiresome. This game wasn't worth the rental.
I still wave at the dots on the shore
And I still beat my head against the door
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Old 08-09-2009, 05:34 PM   #28 (permalink)
Knight of the Old Republic
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Location: Winston-Salem, NC
God of War 2 -- 10/10

Another amazing game from SCEA. They took everything good about the first and made it better. Then they took anything remotely annoying about the first one and removed it. I can't think of a single thing wrong with this game except that it's over.
"A Darwinian attacks his theory, seeking to find flaws. An ID believer defends his theory, seeking to conceal flaws." -Roger Ebert
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Old 08-09-2009, 09:51 PM   #29 (permalink)
super paper mario (wii)

7/10 -- some pretty brilliant parts, but too many drudgy repetitive tasks, too
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Old 08-10-2009, 06:54 AM   #30 (permalink)
Reese's Avatar
Batman: Arkham Aslylum demo 8/10

What I liked:
- It's got Paul Dini writing it and the voice actors from the animated Batman series.
- The game has style. Character Design is great. The Joker looks diabolical. Harley Quinn's new outfit looks freaking wicked.
- Controls are simple and intuitive. It makes it easy to take down an enemy and get back to the dark ceiling before his friends arrive easy.
- Heart rate BPM for enemies. The AI changes as you screw with enemies. They'll start shooting at random environmental sounds when they get panicked enough when you're stealthed.
- Your suit gets damaged throughout the game. It's not realtime damage but as your progress your suit gets more and more damaged. You only get a small cut in the demo after a cutscene but I've seen gameplay videos where Batman's cape is shredded,

What I didn't like:
- The camera sometimes gets a little close to Bats when fighting and you can't see everything you want to see. It also bouncy when running that causes massive eye strain for me and could cause simulator sickness after a while for those that have experienced it before.

What could go either way depending how things play out in the full game:
- Detective mode could possibly be over used. There's no reason to turn it off in the demo. You'll see interactive objects better, Enemy X-rays appear through walls so you always know where the enemy's at and things generally look brighter and more distinct. The only reason to actually turn it off it to see people instead of X-rays.
- Fighting is really simple but the demo really only covers tutorial level thugs so I can't really make a judgment. It looks great though and counters look seamless.
- Stealth seems great. There are many ways to take down enemies from stealth. You have glide kick, inverted takedowns which hang thugs upside down and you can choke out thugs and there's a variety of ways to use the environment to take out enemies like busting through a glass ceiling. You can also pop them with your baterang from 50 yards away for short duration stun to raise their heartrate. You can hang someone upside down and take off and as their friends come close, you can throw your baterang and cut the rope and have the guy land on the nearby thugs for a good scare. Unfortunately, Just Glide kicking, Ziplining back into the ceiling, and glide kicking someone else is just as effective as any of the above mentioned methods..

I was pretty skeptical about this game until the demo. Now it's definitely a rental.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 08-11-2009, 01:54 AM   #31 (permalink)
Location: U.K.
Mostly I Used to Play a Puzzels game they are really a good brain teasers games The porta puzzle board is one Of My Favourite game and is absolutely fantastic! The unique jigsaw puzzle holder provides a rigid, non-slip surface, allowing you to complete your jigsaw puzzle anywhere. Now you can enjoy the challenge of your jigsaws in the garden, lying in bed or watching television!
The Porta Puzzle Board has lightweight fold out flaps for holding the loose pieces in place while you work. There is a large area in the centre where you complete your jigsaw. When you want a break, simply remove the spare pieces and close the flaps. Perfect to hide underneath the sofa!
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Old 08-14-2009, 07:48 AM   #32 (permalink)
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Trials HD 8/10
I do believe that some of the XBLA game are a better value than full priced games. Where else will you find a side scrolling motorcycle puzzle game. This game will definitely keep me occupied until Shadow Complex comes out.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 08-14-2009, 08:03 AM   #33 (permalink)
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Location: France
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows.
I've been playing this game for PC (as I don't own X360 or PS3, and I don't want my Wii to try and render Manhattan) and what can I say?
Well, you gotta like Spider-Man games. I loved Spider-Man 2 on PS2 because of the web-swinging mechanic, and this game has some cool web-swinging. If you've grown up wanting to be Spider-Man like I have, you should probably try either, just for the joy of zipping between buildings, bouncing off huge building walls, and all that fun stuff.

This particular Spider-man game is centered around Symbiotes (you know the stuff responsible for Venom, black suit Spider-Man, Carnage...etc), and it also deals with alignment (which path will you choose). I hadn't realized that it made a difference at first, but apparently the characters you interact with (whether it's fighting, or allying yourself with them) differ based on your alignment.

The city starts crawling with symbiote, and normal every day citizens get "infected" and become these venom-like creatures, with a few cool twists.
For example, Vulture, who appears in the game, has goons who fly with him. These get infected and become flying Venom-like creatures.
The game is kind of sandbox-y, as in you get to explore the city as you want, take on side-missions, or just web-swing everywhere (which is what I did all the time). A few cool bosses are the symbiote versions of yours allies. I got to take on a Symbiote Wolverine, and a Symbiote Black Cat (not as hot as regular black cat).
The combat is pretty cool. You get XP which allows you to add moves to your combos. You can be regular Spidey or Black suit spidey, and black suit spidey fights a lot better, but doesn't get Mary-Jane approval.

Well, I could go on a lot, but suffice to say if you like spider-man games, you should like this one. And with all the side missions you can clock in quite a few hours, if you don't mind quite a bit of repetition.
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Old 08-23-2009, 12:31 AM   #34 (permalink)
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Shadow Complex 9.5/10

If you've heard ANYTHING about Shadow Complex it was most likely a comparison to Metroid. I don't think anyone would deny that it's a Metroid clone. What this game does is take a formula we know and love and brings it into a 3d world while keeping to it's sidescrolling gameplay. The game looks amazing and plays amazingly. This is one of the best games I've ever purchased and it's only 15 bucks! I had a lot of fun playing the game and had my dad watching the entire time I played it laughing his ass off as I continually failed on bosses or stupidly easy jumps. If you like Metroid and have a 360, get this game.
“It is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick” - Dave Barry
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Old 08-23-2009, 08:01 AM   #35 (permalink)
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Location: Jayhawkland
Originally Posted by cybermike View Post
Trials HD 8/10
I do believe that some of the XBLA game are a better value than full priced games. Where else will you find a side scrolling motorcycle puzzle game. This game will definitely keep me occupied until Shadow Complex comes out.
I'd give it the same score. The hard difficulty has some levels that I don't know if I'll ever get gold on...
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Old 08-24-2009, 01:45 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Location: Nottingham, England
Going through some old games I brought but never got round to playing- Both on the PC
Bioshock 9/10 - Very good, in fact so good after I finished it once I started again on the hardest level and did it again. Excellent game and if you have not played it you must give it a go. Things I did not like - no mods and no multiplayer.

Gun - 5/10 Ok a wild west game. It was far too easy and the graphics were too cardboard cut out. It did not pull me in, but it is different and hopefully somone will do a better version on a western game. Have completed it and the deleted from my drive and will not play it again. Is worth a go and buying second hand at a cheap price.
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Old 08-30-2009, 06:37 AM   #37 (permalink)
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Location: Florida
Batman: Arkham Asylum

Good: Superb graphics, you are the Batman , challenges/Riddler challenges add replay value, combat is simple yet rewarding and fucking gorgeous.
Bad: Length is short (about 10 hours or so on normal), boss fights are underwhelming, more villains could've been used.

I got Batman from GameFly this Monday and I have to say I'm impressed. This is the definitive Batman game. If you're a Batman fan and you don't play this game, you're doing yourself a disservice. Hopefully they'll bring in some villains via DLC since that's what every developer seems to be doing this generation.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins

Last edited by Esoteric; 08-30-2009 at 06:39 AM..
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Old 08-30-2009, 10:25 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Location: Jayhawkland
Originally Posted by Esoteric View Post
Batman: Arkham Asylum

Good: Superb graphics, you are the Batman , challenges/Riddler challenges add replay value, combat is simple yet rewarding and fucking gorgeous.
Bad: Length is short (about 10 hours or so on normal), boss fights are underwhelming, more villains could've been used.

I got Batman from GameFly this Monday and I have to say I'm impressed. This is the definitive Batman game. If you're a Batman fan and you don't play this game, you're doing yourself a disservice. Hopefully they'll bring in some villains via DLC since that's what every developer seems to be doing this generation.
Jesus, you got it Monday? They sent it Monday, but it didn't get here til Thursday...

Anyway, I've only played about 2 hours into it, but so far this game seems totally awesome!
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Old 08-31-2009, 05:14 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Location: Florida
Originally Posted by Bacchanal View Post
Jesus, you got it Monday? They sent it Monday, but it didn't get here til Thursday...

Anyway, I've only played about 2 hours into it, but so far this game seems totally awesome!
Actually, I made a mistake. They sent it Monday, and it arrived on Tuesday. I beat it on Friday. I think having a Tampa distribution center really helps in my case. Tampa is only about a half an hour from where I am.
From a head full of pressure rests the senses that I clutch
Made a date with Divinity, but she wouldn't let me fuck
I got touched by a hazy shaded, God help me change
Caught a rush on the floor from the life in my veins
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Old 09-01-2009, 09:53 AM   #40 (permalink)
Location: venice beach, ca
i'm currently immersed in fallout 3... and i do mean immersed. it's a LOT like oblvion and elder scrolls (same engine) but they added the post-apoc theme and the VATS kind of final fantasy targeting. what really brings it over the top is how it's written and how fun the quests are. there's a mix of different dialog options from different stats and skills, and there are little notes from computers or actual audio recordings you pick up and listen to to find your way.

it's a massive world and each little area i get sent to feels like i just starred in a movie along with taking about the same 2 or 3 hours.

8.5 outta 10
-my phobia drowned while i was gettin down.
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