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BadNick 04-16-2011 09:20 AM

!!Palindrome alert - trela emordnilaP!! ....24642 coming up soon!

Jetée 04-16-2011 10:08 AM

Oh, you took my tippy-top.


BadNick 04-16-2011 01:11 PM

at least you didn't say poty-ppit

Ourcrazymodern? 04-16-2011 01:49 PM


He wouldn't say that,
but he's keeping an eye here
he cannot deny.

(I also like extra equivalents.)

Ourcrazymodern? 04-17-2011 10:08 AM


Manners suck again:
What you'd never say outright
is worth attempting.

BadNick 04-17-2011 06:17 PM

2: 46 & 46

BadNick 04-18-2011 06:36 AM


Ourcrazymodern? 04-19-2011 04:06 PM

4/19, @ East Lake Library:

A colorful crowd.
That often makes me wonder
more than I ought to.

The auditory
leaves not much to be desired
by the same token.


BadNick 04-19-2011 04:49 PM

When I grow up and ready to retire, I think I'd like a stint as a librarian or library helper.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-19-2011 04:54 PM

A few of those here,
not just seemingly surly,
seem somehow...not glad.

I'd enjoy the job, too, I think.

BadNick 04-19-2011 05:25 PM

Melk Benedictine Abbey Library in Austria is generally considered the oldest library in Europe. The abbey was established in 1089. I was born not far away in 1949, only 860 years later!

Other than visiting and studying the beauty of such a place, I prefer warmer, homier libraries. The murals on the ceilings of Melk remind me of the work my dad did his whole life.

Jetée 04-19-2011 07:26 PM

Odd, no, when shadows remain silent?

I just 'saw' NoSoup AND Embic online at the same time, yet I have little inkling if they uttered a phrase.

- - -

+ bonus:

BadNick: what led you to discovering / featuring your post above - how did it come about? Did you know anything at all about the MBAL, say, a week ago? This is all terribly interesting to me, yet still... somehow, can be classified as nonsense. Odd.

BadNick 04-19-2011 08:25 PM

Jet, not trying to be obvious, but the process simply went like this. I consider it a serendipitous collaboration of TLTE participants:

Ocm? posted about his local East Lake Library; I mentioned that I've always thought about working in a library; Ocm? replied that the people working in his place didn't seem happy but he thinks he'd also like that kind of work; this reminded me of a link I saved about the greatest libraries in the world, including the the Royal Library of Alexandria which was the largest and most significant great library of the ancient world, built around 3rd century BC; but when I looked for my link, I remembered that I have that one on my work computer not at home; so I started hunting around for other "great library" information and stumbled upon the fact that the oldest one in Europe was not far from where I was born. The rest is history, so to speak.

I didn't previously add the story of when I was in elementary school and my most beloved girl friend Christine lived across the street from our local library, so needless to say, I would go there as often as possible. This was the same library where a year or so later, another little beauty named Maria, the only Italian girl in our class, raced and beat me around the library. It wasn't even close, she was fast!

Jetée 04-19-2011 08:30 PM

That was awesome (and I only use that word around once a month, so you know it still has that OOMPH!)

- - -

Additionally, you have just reminded me that I, too, just recently saved a link about the legacy of our local libraries. Hold it a few...
(I wish I could recount my rountine in how, eactly, I came around to this point again, but you probably already know, and besides... I filter through thousands of links daily, as well as maybe a dozen thoughts, so re-finding something is like jumping back into a virtual sea.)



What’s at stake here is more than access to a room full of books. The modern American public library is reading room, book lender, video rental outlet, internet café, town hall, concert venue, youth activity center, research archive, history museum, art gallery, homeless day shelter, office suite, coffeeshop, seniors’ clubhouse and romantic hideaway rolled into one. In small towns of the American West, it is also the post office and the backdrop of the local gun range. These are functions that the digital public libraries of the future will never be able to recreate.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-20-2011 07:57 AM


The virtual sea
where we're all treading water
begs to be swum in.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-21-2011 09:53 AM


Minus six oh six,
Plan9 failing to creep out,
& more trivia...

BadNick 04-21-2011 05:36 PM

1) what is the root cause of TLTE not being tlte?
Not enough people are interested in, and involved enough, in this thread to allow it to achieve its destiny at this time.

2) how can we remedy this problem?

Jetée 04-21-2011 07:08 PM

The above: sounds eerily similar to once, & still, not popular, venture, Prblm / Sltn
(3 ???

4) Change the world.

-- (explained: get people to care about what doesn't pertain to them by showing them why it does, indeed.)

- - -
It is because the ghost outline once known as 'Zooks' was the first to refer to it as the shortened-derivative, TLTE, which then evolved shortly thereafter to TLTE!

Jetée 04-21-2011 07:19 PM

+ bonus: CSfilm was the first person to apply sentience to the thread, when he thought to apply personality, as well as a name(s) to the endeavor.

You can read about it below (the entirety of page 13)


Originally Posted by NoSoup (Post 1996110)
Alright... another page down.

Who's up to take down 13?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996303)
Ooh ooh, Me, me, pick me....


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996304)
I win the prize


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996305)
what prize?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996308)
You know....the prize


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996309)
the prize of pride of winning


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996311)
thats no prize!


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996313)
is there not like...you know....a new sports car.....


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996316)
...or a holiday in the sun?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996318)
or a big pile of cash?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996319)
Or a big pile of cash in a new sports car which I pick up from the dealership while on my holiday in the sun?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996320)
no? nothing like that?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996321)
Pah! What a rip off!


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996322)
I demand a refund. A full refund!


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996323)


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996324)
I'm still waiting......


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996326)
Fine! Keep it! I don't want any of it anyway!


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996327)
All this hard work.....


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996328)
for nothing! NOTHING!


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996329)
except of course for the aforementioned pride of winning


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996330)
and the pride of a job well done


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996331)
yeah! All that stuff


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996332)
Come on....are we near 14 yet? At all?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996333)
Although I do noticed that we passed post number 500.....


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996336)
very unceremoniously though...


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996338)
maybe we should have had a Big Five-Oh-Oh party for this thread


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996339)
I'm sure it would have liked that


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996340)
Do you think something is wrong, when I start attributing consciousness to a forum thread?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996342)
Not at all! Let's give him a name.


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996344)
Lets call him michael.


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996347)
or maybe michelle.....


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996348)
we don't want to be accused of sexism, now do we?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996350)
So Michael/Michelle, how are you keeping?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996351)
You don't mind all these posts being piled on top of you, right?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996354)
Of course you don't!


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996356)
In fact you quite like it, don't you...


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996357)
filthy bitch


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996359)
you disgust me


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996360)
hmmm.....I seem to have lost the run of myself


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996362)
just a bit though......


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996364)
And that must be page 14 now?


Originally Posted by CSflim (Post 1996366)


Originally Posted by NoSoup (Post 1996110)
Alright... another page down.

Who's up to take down [618]?

Ourcrazymodern? 04-22-2011 08:00 AM

^That, I do not get,
& I ain't quite a purist.
Check more recent clues.

Putting those all in,
overstuffing not numbers,
like Esoteric.

BadNick 04-22-2011 05:35 PM

CSflim did all of that in about 20 minutes, with all the above being multiple sequential posts that now adays would be merged if done within such short duration...unless you know the "secret", which I decided I don't want to use here as we strive toward our goal, even if I knew how, which I don't. I wouldn't mind knowing how but I would still not use it to generally increase the posts in such a blatantly wanton ;) manner.

Jetée 04-22-2011 06:17 PM

I've mentioned the "secret" [to longevity] at the very, least, half a dozen time; more recently, maybe twice in the past couple months. I think it is just you averting your eyes to shield your integrity that you still remain oblivious.
I'm still getting the backburn that OCM? is castigating me for posting in twos-threes in too-creatively-snippy way that I've now come to not understand them, but I can't help that. I have too much to say at times, and I've been "barred" from automerged double-postings, and I really dislike the red underlined edit markers, so... the "+ bonus" hccup post happens from time to time.

Me? I've just reminded myself that I'm good at finding things out (but not very adept at finding where I am going with this).

BadNick 04-22-2011 08:23 PM

Somewhere I have a herringbone sport jacket with leather patches on the elbows.

I did try to decipher your clues about how to get around the post merging monster, but I gave up before figuring it out. You do make it sound like it's something simple, but I haven't figured it out yet.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-23-2011 08:16 AM

Did you see Plan9,
claiming "totally creeped out"?
I mourn when I hurt.

Jetée 04-23-2011 12:31 PM

Three videos in a row, we have combined for (though mine, #1, was hyperlinked).

Here's a substitute (mainly because the one I posted about librarians was awful).

Ourcrazymodern? 04-23-2011 01:06 PM

What I'd never take
is maybe's, given back you;
Am I remorseless?

Zooksport2 04-23-2011 03:36 PM

Happy Easter, everyone!


Ourcrazymodern? 04-23-2011 04:24 PM

Eggs without faces
are only eggs, but are they?
Happy Easter, too!

Happy to see you, mostly!

BadNick 04-23-2011 05:53 PM

I'm formulating a theory that Zooksport might be the Easter Bunny. Hi Zooks!

I'm not sure how long my theory will hold up because I used to think Jetee was the Easter Bunny. Some of these theories are too complex to prove or disprove.


Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern? (Post 2894903)
Did you see...claiming "totally creeped out"?...I mourn when I hurt...

When I saw the post a few minutes ago about banning I was wondering who got the boot, but then it was clarified deeper in the thread.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-23-2011 09:06 PM

Theories tend to hold
only when they have support
'ere dissipation.

On a brighter note
come cryptic apologies
well-worded thank yous.


lies no deeper, I'm thinking,
than what we see through.

...I need to tell you something you probably already know...

BadNick 04-24-2011 08:53 AM

Usually when I think I know something it turns out I know less than I thought.

Ourcrazymodern? 04-24-2011 09:09 AM

Most times, if I think,
only lead to further thoughts,
most largely pointless.

I had excellent conversation with younger brains 'til 3am:
I feel...resurrected?

Jetée 04-24-2011 01:36 PM

I'm trying to finish what I've had going on for years.
Unless you didn't know, I'm also a completionist.

This is relevant because: I don't rest unil I see something thru.
(which, to add, explains why I am tired all the live-long day)

- - -

I'm going to find out who made this.

BadNick 04-24-2011 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2895376)
...I'm going to find out who made this.

I hope I'm not spoiling your fun...see this: Juxtapoz Magazine - Doze Green: New works | Current

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Ourcrazymodern? (Post 2895287)
...I had excellent conversation with younger brains 'til 3am:
I feel...resurrected?

I can relate to that! At least once a week my younger son and I take a long rides through/around Philly. He likes to just ride around random neighborhoods and see what they look like. We talk while we're riding and that's my favorite part :)

Ourcrazymodern? 04-26-2011 09:30 AM

Ours came starting out
with a half-&-half reference
so my picture changed...

Jetée 04-26-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by MexicanOnABike (Post 1997832)
if you read this, then I bet you can't post 10 times in 1 day for 1 week strait. that's 70posts total. can you really manage that?

I'm all for randomly finding, and then trying. Let's go. {#1}

- - -

random insert:

Jetée 04-26-2011 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by doodlebird (Post 2085285)
i'm generally not into dares,
but i dare you to go back and read this thread from the 1st post,
up to this one.



I'm currently going underway with this venture... for the third time.
TLTE!-historian, is what I hope to one day affix to my death resume.

- - -

random insert: (from my so bad, it's awesome webnote)


Jetée 04-26-2011 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by BadNick (Post 2885163)
I was longing for something so I came back here.

As did I. (it always takes me an inordinate amount of time invested to complete any one thing. and then... I still do not think of it is as done, unless it is perfect.)

/ just completed a blog post.

- - -

random insert:
The Best I Can - Plastic Man in Disguise by ~skutterfly on...

Ourcrazymodern? 04-26-2011 02:40 PM

partial reuse:

Historians aren't
as historians could do
if not researching.


Jetée 04-26-2011 03:42 PM

Historically illogical (ie, I do not understand.)

I guess that fits the first aim of this thread: proliferate nonsense.
(secondary aim, ironically, is to become the longest thread ever.)

- - -

random insert:

orbit "tu puedes tocarmelo" (* -)


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