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ShaniFaye 12-25-2009 06:18 PM

O.M.G part one of Doctor Who was friggin awesome!! agh I have to wait a week for the 2nd part....Im dying here!!

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------

ooo yeah and it appears that in part two I will get my Captain Jack fix!!!

Daniel_ 12-26-2009 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye (Post 2742763)
O.M.G part one of Doctor Who was friggin awesome!! agh I have to wait a week for the 2nd part....Im dying here!!

---------- Post added at 09:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------

ooo yeah and it appears that in part two I will get my Captain Jack fix!!!


I'd not heard that - where did it come up?

ShaniFaye 12-26-2009 04:03 AM

If you IMDB the 2nd episode, Rose, Jackie, Jack and Sarah Jane and the "new" Doctor are all listed.

I just checked the cast list for epi 1 and Jack was listed but none of the others were....hmmmm

Having Jack in it (for me) would make the regeneration easier for me. I was almost in tears in that seen in the Cafe when he was looking at Donna :(

Im gonna give the new guy a chance....but Tennant is "my" doctor and things are never going to be the same.

I do think Simms did an awesome job in his part, and the cliffhanger, while I dont really understand it has totally blown Dave away

Daniel_ 01-01-2010 12:24 PM

End Of Time Part II.

It's fantastic. The final "goodbyes" were a little heavy, but I think that was needed.

The story was great, and the new Doctor looks good - there's a lot of the Second (Patrick Troughton) and the Fifth (Peter Davison) in his performance, but it's hard for any new Doctor to not reflect previous ones after so many people have been in the show over the decades.

Willravel 01-01-2010 07:13 PM

A wonderfully fitting end to Tennet's tenure. I'm really going to miss his Doctor a great deal, as I miss Christopher Eccleston, Tom Baker, and the others that I've managed to see.

Good luck to Matt Smith. Those are some big Chuck Taylors to fill.

highthief 01-03-2010 05:46 AM


Originally Posted by Daniel_ (Post 2744367)
End Of Time Part II.

It's fantastic. The final "goodbyes" were a little heavy, but I think that was needed.

The story was great, and the new Doctor looks good - there's a lot of the Second (Patrick Troughton) and the Fifth (Peter Davison) in his performance, but it's hard for any new Doctor to not reflect previous ones after so many people have been in the show over the decades.

Yeah, I saw a little of Peter Davison in that little cameo as well.

Tennant is the guy who brought me back to Doctor Who (my Doctors being Tom Baker and Davison) so I will miss him. He's a very good actor. I'll be happy to give the new a guy a chance, although I understand some of the creative team are also departing so it might be more than just a change of Doctors and there is going to be a breaking in period.

fresnelly 01-03-2010 07:06 AM

He's awful young but he is goofy looking so he has that going for him. :)

Daniel_ 01-03-2010 09:10 AM

I'm not sure when it airs, but series 6 will start in "Spring 2010", so it's probably only a couple of months away.

ShaniFaye 01-04-2010 10:29 AM

I teared up several times in the episode, his speech about the Master being able to be beautiful was awesome, but it was at the end when he said "I don't want to go" that I totally lost it.

It was interesting to see that Martha and Mickey had married, and I NEVER complain about seeing Jack, it was interesting to see him hook Jack up with the Titanic guy. I could have done without Rose, especially since that wasnt a "current" goodbye, and Sarah Jane....she's great in any capacity they use her.

I will give Mr. Smith (ahahahahaha) a chance, but I have a feeling he will never be as good as "my" Doctor.

SecretMethod70 01-04-2010 02:23 PM

For those of you who need another David Tennant fix, I highly recommend seeing him in Hamlet. Ono and I flew to Britain to see it, and it was well worth it. This past December, BBC televised a screen version with the same cast:

Willravel 04-03-2010 04:59 PM

FINALLY. Oh my god, finally Doctor Who is back on the air and it's frakking glorious. Matt's Doctor and Moffet (or is it Moffat?) knocked this new Doctor right out of the park, atmosphere, solar system, and galaxy.

This is something to watch.

SecretMethod70 04-03-2010 11:11 PM

OK, I'll admit... I enjoyed it.

I still have some reservations, but for the most part the things I mildly disliked are all things that have persisted since Doctor Who restarted in 2005. (Oh, and Stephen Moffat's love of repeated phrases as a device to create fear: kind of getting old, but I'll let it go this one last time.)

Anyway, enough with the minor complaints. If you enjoyed Doctor Who with David Tennant and Christopher Eccleston, you'll probably enjoy Matt Smith just fine. At least in this first episode, I never felt "gee, these two are young." Granted, there's still plenty of time for that to creep in, but we're off to a good start. :)

ShaniFaye 04-04-2010 12:37 PM

I was prepared to hate it, really hate it...and while he will never be "my" doctor, that will always be David I thought Matt did a wonderful job.

I dont think the story line was all that hot in and of itself, but I'm sure from here it will only get better. It was hard to watch it and have zero frame of reference because everyone in it is new, but there were some awesome oneliners in it, my fav being "you're scottish, fry something!"

And I love the part on the roof when he "come into his own" so to speak.

Amy is going to make for good eye candy, and I know she will have her own personality, but I hope its more along the lines of Donna instead of Rose.

The only thing I can really complain about from epi 1 is the awful new theme music....ick

SecretMethod70 04-04-2010 04:28 PM

Oh yes, the new theme arrangement was jarring. There have been far worse in the history of Doctor Who though, so I'll get used to it.

ShaniFaye 06-26-2010 01:06 PM

over two months and no comments on the current season? geez

The season is over tonite in the UK right?

Daniel_ 06-26-2010 01:12 PM

It is. Want to know what happens? ;)

Nikilidstrom 06-26-2010 01:53 PM

I enjoyed the new Doc, but I found Amy obnoxious. The relationship between the two never seemed to gel either, which is a shame because the set up in the first episode of the season was the best Doctor/Companion meeting I can remember.

Daniel_ 06-26-2010 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Nikilidstrom (Post 2801484)
I enjoyed the new Doc, but I found Amy obnoxious. The relationship between the two never seemed to gel either, which is a shame because the set up in the first episode of the season was the best Doctor/Companion meeting I can remember.

Have you seen the whole season? It does grow and develop, and in the two part finale the relationship is important.

ShaniFaye 06-26-2010 03:19 PM

Amy was no where near as annoying and obnoxious as Rose was IMO

ShaniFaye 06-26-2010 07:01 PM

OK...loved loved loved the finale!!!

SecretMethod70 06-27-2010 04:01 AM

I don't think you can compare Rose and Amy... they're just different. I like them both. I'm also happy to say that I was skeptical of both Matt Smith and Karen Gillan going into this season, and both have done a great job :)

The finale was very good... a few disappointing holdovers from RTD, but nothing to keep me from enjoying it. It's nice to see that there will apparently be a multi-season story arc in discovering who was behind the Tardis explosion :)

ShaniFaye 06-27-2010 05:21 AM

and according to the confidential, we'll find out who River is in season 6 woooo I love River

Nikilidstrom 06-27-2010 11:31 AM

Loved the finale, and the season as a whole. Still don't care for Amy, and their relationship feels forced, even in light of the Big Bang 2 episode. They took such care in creating the relationship dynamic between Rose and Eccleston's Doctor, and then kinda rewriting the whole thing as Rose "rediscovered" the Doctor when Tennant took over. This one feels rushed, and I'm sure it doesn't help that I don't like Amy as a character.

As a side note, Steven Moffat is a genius writer. All of his episodes were amazing this season.

SecretMethod70 06-28-2010 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye (Post 2801631)
and according to the confidential, we'll find out who River is in season 6 woooo I love River

I liked River the first time they introduced her. Her character this season has been very different, though, and much more annoying. I'm glad to hear that they're planning to deal with her story next season though. She'll need to be a major part of the season if they're going to believably create such a close relationship between her and The Doctor.

Daniel_ 09-08-2010 11:08 PM

Think y'all might like this.

Jove 12-14-2010 09:47 AM

After watching seasons 1-4 in a three week period (fantastic show), I would like to know if you recommend I watch Torchwood, The Water of Mars, Planet of the dead, The Next Doctor, and the End of time part 1 & 2?

I was fond of Rose until she returned in the last part of season 4 with her mumbling, lisp and lack of bubbling energy.

fresnelly 12-14-2010 09:59 AM

Absolutely watch the specials (Waters of Mars etc...)! They're all part of the story and every bit as good as the regular episodes. This year's Christmas special is coming soon!

Torchwood is good too but it's not the same. You should at least give it a try.

SecretMethod70 12-14-2010 05:16 PM

The specials (Waters of Mars, etc) should be considered a miniseason and are absolutely necessary to watch - AND IN ORDER.

Do I take this to mean you skipped the Christmas specials between seasons up until now? I hope not!

levite 12-14-2010 06:14 PM

The specials are all excellent. Watch 'em.

OMG, watch "Torchwood!" I fucking LOVE "Torchwood!" It's brilliant! Very different from "Doctor Who," but amazing! Terrific characters, great writing.

I have had a ginormous crush on PC Gwen Cooper ever since the show began...

Jove 12-15-2010 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by SecretMethod70 (Post 2852014)
The specials (Waters of Mars, etc) should be considered a miniseason and are absolutely necessary to watch - AND IN ORDER.

Do I take this to mean you skipped the Christmas specials between seasons up until now? I hope not!

You could say I went in order of watching Season 1-4 and skipped the additional episodes until now. You are probably going to be slightly upset, but I skipped the original Doctor Who and went straight to the 2005 version.

SecretMethod70 12-15-2010 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Jove (Post 2852222)
You could say I went in order of watching Season 1-4 and skipped the additional episodes until now. You are probably going to be slightly upset, but I skipped the original Doctor Who and went straight to the 2005 version.

Oh that's different.. it's both figuratively and literally impossible to expect someone to watch all of the original Doctor Who episodes before starting the revival. Plus, they approached the 2005 revival knowing there would be many people watching who hadn't seen the original, so it's no big deal :) (Though, if you enjoy the modern Doctor Who, you should definitely check out some of the older episodes if and when you get a chance :))

Skipping the Christmas specials though... while I guess they're not absolutely necessary, they do provide additional background and characterization. (The very first Christmas special, which debuted David Tennant as The Doctor, provided a great insight into what sort of man Doctor #10 was going to be.) Point being, the writers/producers don't consider them superfluous and neither should you :) (Incidentally, if you look on IMDb or buy the season box sets, the Christmas specials are included as a part of the seasons.)

Jove 12-17-2010 04:46 AM

Finished watching The Water of mars, The planet of the dead, and The End of Time part 1 and 2. I thought The End of Time part 1 and 2 were phenomenal since (do I really need a spoiler tag?) this was David Tennant's last time as Doctor Who (am I right on this assumption since the last minute of part II he regenerates into a new person).

Trying to figure out one thing. Did The Doctor put his entire planet in some sort of time bubble, so they cannot escape or cause havoc on the universe because they went insane with blood lust? Or did The Doctor destroy his planet? Also, is the older woman who spoke to Will Noble, The Doctor's mother?

SecretMethod70 12-17-2010 08:18 AM

If you think too hard about Doctor Who continuity it all falls apart :p The Doctor destroyed Gallifrey (he says at some point that it "burned"), but being Gallifrey, and its inhabitants being Time Lords, there are clearly creative ways for them to get around it. Remember, The Doctor destroyed the Daleks at the same time, and they keep returning too. With Doctor Who, the rules serve the plot, not the other way around, so if they decide something would be interesting... they just do it, and explain it away with some "timey-wimey"-ness.

As for the person who spoke to Wilf (short for Wilfred), there's no answer to that.

Jove 05-10-2011 04:58 AM

For those Doctor Who fans, season 5 is now streaming on Netflix.

Willravel 05-10-2011 10:25 AM

And this week is the Neil Gaiman episode!

Anxst 05-17-2011 07:08 AM


Originally Posted by Willravel (Post 2900525)
And this week is the Neil Gaiman episode!

And it was fabulous! Probably one of the best Doctor Who episodes ever...and I have seen them all.

Willravel 05-17-2011 09:38 AM

Matt Smith crying when Spoiler: the lovely TARDIS said goodbye to being corporeal in human form was more than a little heartbreaking.

Reese 05-20-2011 01:23 AM

I really enjoyed the Neil Gaiman episode. I wish they could have spent more time with The Doctor and Human Tardis. The Whole "I wanted to see the universe so I stole a time lord." line was my favorite.

Oh...And stop killing Rory.. Jeez..

fresnelly 05-20-2011 07:33 AM

I was giddy when they a. started building the spare-parts Tardis and b. ran through the old-school corridors to find the previous control room.

What a joyous episode.

SecretMethod70 05-30-2011 11:26 AM

So, uh... Spoiler: when exactly did Amy get kidnapped?

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