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Lucifer 09-17-2007 01:59 AM

I don't know about literature, but I agree about "Blink." That was hands down the best Doctor Who yet.

ShaniFaye 09-17-2007 03:01 AM

oh man oh man oh man...I watched Blink last nite (we've been so busy that I had to catch up on pt 2 of The Family of Blood, loved the ending on that one, and Blink last nite)

It was MOST awesome. I do not think I will ever be able to walk thru and old cemetery ever again without thinking about the statues.

Dave and I loved how the people that went back in time got to at least lead happy and productive lives and how Sally got to meet him to give him the transcript.

I just cant say enuff about how much I really loved this one

Datalife2 09-17-2007 12:03 PM

great underated sci-fi show back in the day

fresnelly 09-17-2007 06:07 PM

Utopia: Part 1

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!!!!

Fuckin' A! Spoiler: The Master is back! Well played good sirs.

Willravel 09-17-2007 06:15 PM

Keep watching, the next two are stellar.

highthief 09-18-2007 02:13 AM

John Sim is a great actor. If anyone saw "Life on Mars" they'll know what I'm talking about - best show on TV the last couple of years. He'll make a very good Master.

ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 09:41 AM

Im confused Will (or fresnelly) is Utopia episode names for Doctor Who, or is it something else entirely?

I finally got to watch the premier of Torchwood last nite....dont know that I was all that impressed, I'll be watching the 2nd epi tonite hopefully and will have a better opinion.

Willravel 09-18-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
Im confused Will (or fresnelly) is Utopia episode names for Doctor Who, or is it something else entirely?

It's the name of the third most recent episode of Dr. Who. Season 3 (of the recent incarnation) episode 11. it's the first part of a three part season ender.

Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
I finally got to watch the premier of Torchwood last nite....dont know that I was all that impressed, I'll be watching the 2nd epi tonite hopefully and will have a better opinion.

Episode 2 picks up considerably, but the ones that really got me came a bit later. The following are my favorites: Episodes 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 (amazing!), 10, 11, 12 (my favorite Spoiler: I'm not gay, but I found it truly romantic), and 13. It picks up strong.

fresnelly 09-18-2007 10:16 AM

Yeah, Torchwood can be wildly uneven but when the writers find the right balance, it's great. I'm betting that it will settle down a bit in the second season and prove more consistent.

ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 10:36 AM

oh ok I see where I got confused... lol you're watching season 3 episodes that havent aired yet Utopia is on this coming friday

Willravel 09-18-2007 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
oh ok I see where I got confused... lol you're watching season 3 episodes that havent aired yet Utopia is on this coming friday


Get ready for three amazing episodes.

SecretMethod70 09-18-2007 10:47 AM

Torchwood was entertaining enough, but I didn't think it was all that special. Episode 3 was good and I thought episode 5 was excellent, 7 was alright, and 12 and 13 were pretty good. I can pretty much take or leave the other episodes though.

ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 10:58 AM

how are y'all seeing these already?

Willravel 09-18-2007 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
how are y'all seeing these already?


Amazon UK. Also friends.

ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 11:02 AM

oh, so you have a way to watch region 2 dvd's :( I dont

Willravel 09-18-2007 11:18 AM


I suppose it'd be legal to buy the DVD in the UK, and back it up by download the torrent. I dare the MPAA to say crap about that.

ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 11:21 AM

ooo I will have to go home and see what kind of player we have and see if its on the list....then somewhere find a region 2 something to see if it actually works lol

fresnelly 09-18-2007 12:13 PM

Both Doctor Who and Torchwood can be found in streaming format through tv-links.co.uk.

So can Blakes 7. ;)

ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 12:17 PM

well I checked....nothing for the player I have :( oh well

thanks for the link fresnelly!! unfortunately they dont have the classic patrick troughton episode Im looking for :( (The Highlanders)

SecretMethod70 09-18-2007 01:36 PM

Bittorrent. I watch them as they air in Britain.

Willravel 09-18-2007 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Bittorrent. I watch them as they air in Britain.


ShaniFaye 09-18-2007 02:41 PM

I really wish I understood this bittorrent thing y'all always talk about but I realize thats another thread....the tv link to uk stuff is awesome!!! thanks

Willravel 09-18-2007 03:26 PM

Download a bit torrent application. Go to Mininova (now that torrentspy is down). Find your video of choice. Download the torrent. Open the torrent with the bit torrent application. You're downloading.

Allegedly. I've, of course, never pirated anything before in my life.

fresnelly 09-18-2007 05:00 PM

Shani, I'm afraid I have some bad news about The Highlanders episodes. The BBC shortsightedly copied over several of the master tapes from the 60's episodes, including The Highlanders

From Gallifreyone.org:
Link: http://www.gallifreyone.org/episode.php?id=ff


Archive Status: All four episodes are missing. Telesnaps (off-air camera photographs) from this story exist in both the BBC archives as well as the hands of private collectors. Additionally, telesnap "enlargements" exist for this story (usually a selection of ten or so images from the story that were produced in a larger size for the person ordering them). Three short clips were recovered after being located in Australia in October 1996; this footage had previously been edited out of the broadcast by Australian censors.


Some footage, including the introductory clip from episode 1 and the Australian censor cut footage from the same episode, are included on the "Lost in Time" DVD set released in 2004 in the separate option entitled "The Highlanders: Surviving Footage".

Audio release:
Complete audio soundtrack released on CD as "The Highlanders" by the BBC Radio Collection in August 2000, narrated by Frazer Hines. Repackaged along with "The Myth Makers" and "The Massacre" as the "Adventures in History" boxed set released in August 2003 (with same content).

In Print:
Novelised as "Doctor Who - The Highlanders" by Gerry Davis (Target #90), first released in 1984 with cover art by Nick Spender.
For more details on the various novelizations of this story, with additional background material, artwork and details of both UK and foreign releases, visit On Target.

Photonovel: The official BBC Doctor Who website has released a "photonovel" of this lost story using images, video clips and the original audio soundtrack; you can visit the BBC website to view the Photonovel.

Reconstruction: Reconstructed using photos and the original audio soundtrack by Loose Cannon Productions; details are available at recons.com. Also reconstructed earlier by Richard Develyn and Robert Franks, no longer in circulation.

Full Script: The script for "The Highlanders" can be found at the Scripts Project site, hosted by the Earthbound Timelords.

SecretMethod70 09-18-2007 10:53 PM

willravel: That's why I use private trackers, to minimize the likelihood of being watched ;) That, and because I can frequently get the episodes very soon after they air and at extremely fast speeds.

ShaniFaye 12-02-2007 01:19 PM

hehehe I just saw the final epi of season 1 of torchwood (by the way....Im totally hooked on the show now) I loved how it ended. Unfortunately, the link that was posted previously is no more. I went there to see if there was anything on season two of TW and it was gone...I found this


Major pirate website shut down

One of the world's most-used pirate film websites has been closed after providing links to illegal versions of major Hollywood hits and TV shows.

The first closure of a major UK-based pirate site was also accompanied by raids and an arrest, the anti-piracy group Federation Against Copyright Theft (Fact) said today.

A 26-year-old man from Cheltenham was arrested on Thursday in connection with offences relating to the facilitation of copyright infringement on the internet, Fact said.

The arrest and the closure of the site - www.tv-links.co.uk - came during an operation by officers from Gloucestershire County Council trading standards in conjunction with investigators from Fact and Gloucestershire Police.

Fact claims that tv-links.co.uk was providing links to illegal film content that had been camcorder recorded from cinemas and then uploaded to the internet. The site also provided links to TV shows that were being illegally distributed.

Visitors to the site could get access to major feature films, sometimes within days of their initial cinema release. Recent links took users to illegal versions of the Disney/Pixar animation sensation Ratatouille as well as to most of this summer's blockbusters.

"Sites such as TV Links contribute to and profit from copyright infringement by identifying, posting, organising, and indexing links to infringing content found on the internet that users can then view on demand by visiting these illegal sites," said a spokesman for Fact.

The group's director general Kieron Sharp said TV Links was the first major target in a campaign to crackdown on web piracy.

"The theft and distribution of films harms the livelihoods of those working in the UK film industry and in ancillary industries, as well as damaging the economy," he said.

Roger Marles, from Trading Standards said sites such as TV Links allowed people to break UK copyright law.

"The 'users' are potentially evading licence fees, subscription fees to digital services or the cost of purchase or admittance to cinemas to view the films," he added.

The British Video Association estimates that at least £459m was lost to the video, film and TV industries due to piracy in 2006.

· This article was amended on Friday October 26 2007. A caption accompanying the picture originally attached to the above article said that the website TV links was closed for allowing users to download illegal material. In fact the site provided links to illegal material hosted by other websites, as the name suggests. The caption has been removed.

I did read on wiki though that evidently we are going to get season 2 at the same time the UK does, (unless wiki is wrong) It comes back January of 2008

Charlatan 12-10-2007 06:09 AM

I am finally getting a chance to watch Doctor Who.

I just finished watching series one and just moments ago saw the new Doctor appear. Just as I was really getting to like Eccelston.

He was a great Doctor. I am sad to see him go.

I can't believe I waited this long...

Hain 12-10-2007 06:20 AM

I did not like Eccleston in the beginning but I began to appreciate that hidden somberness in his character, the idea of him carrying the weight of what he has seen. Same thing happened when Tennant started... wasn't quite sure what to make of him. I watched most of the episodes first because I missed the Christmas Invasion. Once I saw the first Christmas Invasion and again saw that same somber attitude, he was OK to stay. :P

Tennant brings back those quirky behaviors that were best in Tom Baker and Sylvester McCoy. I hope he sticks around since there aren't that many regenerations left... :(


I still want to know what happened with Paul McGann as the Doctor! I really liked the character he brought as the Doctor in that one time movie on Fox.

Charlatan 12-10-2007 02:19 PM

Paul McGann would have been cool... Doctor Who as envisioned by a US studio? Not so much.

Hain 12-10-2007 02:23 PM

I could not possible imagine Dr Who created in America... Could you believe that they had McCoy Spoiler: die on operating table after being shot while walking out of the TARDIS... not cool!

ShaniFaye 01-12-2008 01:43 PM

While perusing pictures of David Tennant in a kilt I found this and found it quite amusing lol


Hain 01-13-2008 01:55 AM

Ahahahahaha! That is fantastic.

Did anyone catch the new Voyage of the Damned.... oooooh. They are creating new situations... but with the same elements in it. If you are a fan of the oldies, and watch this, you'll know what I am talking about.

ShaniFaye 01-13-2008 04:25 AM

Im still tryig to figure out when we are going to get the new season......Torchwood season 2 starts on the 26th of this month but I cant find anything at all on Dr Who

SecretMethod70 01-13-2008 08:49 AM

BBC doesn't typically advertise that information too far in advance. It'll be sometime in the spring. And after that season there will be a 2 year break.

ShaniFaye 01-13-2008 11:34 AM

You mean spring in the UK or spring here? I cant quite work out if the UK has seen season 4 BBCA and Sci Fi DO advertise a boatload of time in advance so Im thinking that the UK hasnt even seen it yet...and with Doctor Who, dont we see it a year behind them?

spindles 01-13-2008 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye
You mean spring in the UK or spring here?

Last time I looked you guys have Spring at the same time as the UK :)

Just be glad you don't live in Australia - TV backwater of the developed world.

Willravel 01-13-2008 01:42 PM


SecretMethod70 01-13-2008 09:16 PM

Ohhhh, Shani's talking about the different schedules for Doctor Who - BBC vs Sci-Fi. I was talking about the BBC schedule, I have no idea when season 4 will air on Sci-Fi (has season 3 even aired on Sci-Fi?).

Seriously, it's worth the extra effort to download the BBC episodes...they don't have parts cut out for commercials, and they air earlier.

Willravel 01-13-2008 09:18 PM

I didn't really like the Christmas special... I dunno...

SecretMethod70 01-13-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by willravel
I didn't really like the Christmas special... I dunno...

I thought it was entertaining enough...which is my typical reaction to episodes written by Russel T. Davies. I can say one thing for sure, I'm rather sick of The Doctor always having a female companion and there always being some sort of interest in a relationship, whether it's one-sided or not. Once was fine, but this is getting silly. I'm pretty confident that it's mostly RTD's doing, and I think I'll enjoy the turn the show takes once he leaves.

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