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I know for a fact the sci fi version of Pompeii was cut down from the UK version....I watched both, I know what they didnt show us here, and part of it was the the ending. Voyage of the Damned was cut when they showed it on Sci Fi too
If you want specific examples of what was cut out of our versions, they are elaborated on the doctor who forum Until America stops cutting the original version...I will be watching the UK version |
And that was genius, Spoiler: "Are you my mummy?" Funny as hell. I did like the end with kid. That kid was not one with whom to fuck. |
I bet that they have to cut out a lot to fit a 45 minute show into an hour long slot in the US with adverts. :(
Put it this way Daniel they cut Spoiler: the entire ending scene of Pompeii " 6 months later" where the family was in their new house and the son was kneeling before the Dr and Donna house idols....along with other bits from when they exit the escape pod and enter the house
That's insane - they didn't edit it, they switched it off when they needed a final ad break!
This week - "The Doctor's Daughter". Great story. You're going to love it!
I've been waiting for this all week, simply for the explanation lol I cant wait!!!
I really liked the newest episode. The story wasn't what I was expecting at all and you got some backstory on the Doctor (I'm not saying anything more) which is always nice. I like Donna the more I see of her. I hope she stays around for awhile.
re: Shanni: Of course I knew, silly.
Do you guys get "Confidential"? |
Dunno if it airs on sci-fi, but I download it. Haven't ept up with watching it though. I think I'll have to make sure and watch the most recent one if it means I get to look at Georgia Moffett some more! :eek:
I wish they'd bring back Carey Mulligan too (Sally from "Blink"). |
sorry SM...I shoulda looked back lol
No we dont get the confidential here |
Ok, so I really really dont like Donna!
Eh she has her faults but I like her. I believe this was brought up in a 'Confidential. The original Doctor Who companions were kind of useless, always needed saving. The new series, the creators wanted to do away with that cliche female role. So Piper was supposed to create this new aura of the Doctor's companion. However, I still felt like she was a kid, and did not fulfill this role. Freema Agyeman did a much better job at this. I think Tate has done the best job at this. She is quick, she is assertive, and she doesn't just give up. |
Starting at the beginning: Susan Foreman - the Doctors grandaughter. Left his care to rebuild an Earth ravaged by Daleks. Barbara Wright - a shoolteacher. Stood up to the Doctor and looked after Susan. Ian Chesterton - rides horses, fights with swords, goes on rescue missions. Jamie McCrimmon - 18th Century highland warrior Dr Elizabth Shaw - civilian doctor in UNIT (sounds familiar) Jo Grant - civilian UNIT operative Sarah Jane Smith - the only old companion who came back in the new run (so far). Harry Sullivan - a member of the Royal Navy, and another Doctor in UNIT. Leela - savage descendant of a crashed Earth spaceship. Nice line in leather bikinis and killing things. Romana (and Romana II) - time lady. Nuff said. Nyssa - Helps defeat the Master after he kills her father. Mathematical genius. Adric - a bit of a git, but he does die in a blaze of glory and self sacrifice. Ace - clobbered a Dalek with a baseball bat. That tough enough for you? |
I know this is totally offtopic, but for any Doctor Who fan that reads the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon, do you know that Jamie's character was based on Jamie McCrimmon....its true, she explained it last year when I went to hear her speak
I watched the latest Doctor Who, the Doctor's Daughter, and ... Spoiler: Please please don't try to turn this isn't a spin off. Please! I thought it much more believable that she stayed dead, you know, end the paradox and what naught. |
I wasnt "wowed" by the Unicorn and the Wasp, I mean it was ok, but there really wasnt anything spectacular about it for me
There was no preview of the next epi!!! Seems its not coming on for the UK this coming Saturday? I did finally get to see the children in need special that was done for 2007, I thought it was really cute lol Peter Davison and his celery cracked me up |
Shani, I saw a preview. Biggest Library in the Universe, archeologists, stay out of the shadows...
hmmm you know now that you mention it, I DID see the preview......I just totally forgot about it!! Thanks for reminding me
Thank the (time)lord...
http://io9.com/392089/doctor-who-gets-a-new-head Quote:
Moffat-- don't let a new Doctor come in!!! We have so few left!
Seriously, unless they are going to get Paul McGann for a lost series of Doctor Who... I don't know what they are going to do. |
It's Doctor Who, they can do whatever they want. They've always been quite forthright about the fact the "rules" serve the story, not the other way around. So, if The Doctor "runs out" of regenerations, they'll just write a story that has him gain more. (And if they bring back the Time Lord, this will be really easy, seeing as how they've done similar things before.) Really, they could just have The Doctor miraculously regenerate and "Whoa! Don't know how that happened but cool!" We'd all accept it (because Doctor Who is not about creating scientific realism) and continue watching.
I think it is cool that the creators/writers can make up new rules for the Who universe. So many times, sci-fi/fantasy shows get canceled before they really are able to stretch around in the created universe. Doctor Who, having such a long run, is able to reference rules from past seasons and change them to fit radical situations. It is usually done really well and when it is, the result is stellar.
For those of us that notice the subtle instances where the Doctor and Donna keep talking about the bees disappearing, I give you:
Yup. It's a really interesting (and sad, and sorta scary) situation.
I only hope that most people already know about the situation, so that when they hear about it on Doctor Who (and, undoubtedly, eventually see some Doctor Who explanation, seeing as how disappearing things seem to be a pattern this season) they don't think it's just something the writers made up. |
I just downloaded the Doctor Who Confidential for The Doctor's Daughter...Georgia Moffett is really cute even with different hair colors! :p :D (Her hair is dyed red in the Confidential.)
Cute? Georgia Moffett is HOT. I've got a soft spot for hot women with british accents. And I usually hope they have a soft spot for me.
willravel: I was trying not to make it apparent that I drool all over myself whenever I see her on the screen..........but yes.
There's no shame in a man drooling over an attractive woman. It's as natural as breathing.
Because I didn't get my weekly Doctor Who fix
It's Dead Ringers- brilliant impressions of Tom Baker. |
The library ep wasn't screened in the UK because of the Eurovision SOng COntest last week.
It's on tomorrow. And the next trailer is great. Spoiler: It's got Rose, Daleks, and (probably) Davros in the shadows |
It's good to see a Whovian community here.
I do enjoy Donna best, of the new companions. No lovey dovey between them, thank goodness. The move of the Doctor in a sexual being, honestly, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The aloof, powerful and asexual Doctor suits the idea, to my mind, of an alien with the capacity to travel space and time. Time Lords would certainly be more detached from the experience, while caring. They have turned him into an emotional cripple with companions that swoon and bat their lashes. At least Donna has the verve to tell him what she really thinks. Another "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" and I'll curl into a ball of self-hatred because I, like a dutiful fan, watches every week hoping for the best. I have gone back and watched the old series and don't feel that lose one sometimes does because shows just don't make the transition. The stories do feel timeless. The acting is quality and I am so enthralled, I frankly don't care about the cheesy effects. Heck, it gives it some charm. I was excited Moffat was taking over so there'd be a move away from this addle-patted drivel of catchy one-liners, plots with holes enough to be a sieve, and blatently and construed emotional moments. It doesn't do to have a character die if you just don't give a damn about them. Last week's Forest of the Dead, well, without splashing spoilers, I will say, the series hit my saturation point of tolerance. They are breaching the sancrosant territory of Mystery. Anymore 'startling revelations' and there's nothing left of the character. I have much more to rant because my passion is strong for one of the few fandoms I belong....but all that said, I wait with anticipation for every episode, Confidential and commentary. Then, the sad news that Moffat was in the 'ship' camp of thoughts. My hopes have been dashed upon the cliffs of anticipation. |
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