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ShaniFaye 10-31-2008 09:37 AM

ahahahaha Eddie was mentioned

to americanized? hello no!! I saw him live in June and he doesnt in anyway strike me as americanized

Even Tom Baker said back in 2003

BBC - Doctor Who (David Tennant and Billie Piper) - News


Eddie Izzard would be ideal in the role of the Doctor, says former scarf-wearer Tom Baker.

Tom Baker has been talking about the upcoming TV series reviving the role with which he remains so firmly linked. His main suggestion for an actor to play the Doctor? Transvestite comic Eddie Izzard: "I think Eddie would be good as he's so strange - there is a benevolent alien quality to him", Baker told the Teletext website TV Plus.

Baker added that Page Three girl turned TV presenter Melinda Messenger would be well-qualified as the Time Lord's assistant. "Melinda would be good as she can scream and has bosoms. It doesn't really matter if she can act".

Baker also sounded a note of caution about the series, saying the BBC were "treading very carefully, but they are taking a terrible risk." However, Baker would relish returning to the series - as the Master! "I want to play the villain instead of the goodie," he said.

mrklixx 10-31-2008 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye (Post 2553498)
ahahahaha Eddie was mentioned

to americanized? hello no!! I saw him live in June and he doesnt in anyway strike me as americanized

Ok, maybe Hollywoodized would be a better a better term for what I'm trying to portray. Now that he has done several Hollywood movies, and was the star of a series on a major cable network, I don't know if he would be content with Doctor Who.

I think he has the potential to be great at it, but I just don't know if he'd do it.

Daniel_ 11-01-2008 01:24 AM

I think Izzard would be more ikely to take a role asa villain than the Doctor.

The idea of Jim Nesbit is nteresting, and Coyle would be great -he's got the connections to the Moffat aparat, and was great in Coupling (the original UK version).

Also an option is Marc Warren.

guthmund 11-05-2008 01:20 PM

Izzard would be a pretty good choice for the new Who, although, you're right, I'd rather see him as a villain of some sort rather than the good Doctor.

I seem to remember Nesbitt's name floating around a couple of years ago for the role, yes? With Moffat taking over this huge responsibility, maybe an actor he's already worked with should be the way to go....for whatever reason, I think Nesbitt would do a fine job in filling the Doctor's shoes.

The notion of a female Doctor is kind of interesting, but I don't know how far that idea would fly on its own, especially if Billie Piper's name starts flying around as well. I, personally, didn't really have a problem with the character of Rose, but it seems there is a sizable contingent that do....

SecretMethod70 11-06-2008 07:23 AM

I am quite sad about this. James Nesbitt would be interesting. Russell Brand looks like a tool. Jason O'Mara sucks in the sucky remake of Life on Mars, and I thank God that's not a serious possibility. John Simm would kick ass, but he has already been The Master. I'm sure they could find an excuse for that though :) Stephen Fry would be an interesting choice.

Hain 11-14-2008 10:41 AM

So I take it that no one has recently googled "Doctor Who Patrick Stewart."


I think it would be excellent to see Baker working with Doctor Who again, even if it is just as the role of a villain.

fresnelly 11-14-2008 10:51 AM

How about Rhys Ifans?

Church 11-14-2008 01:38 PM

Patrick Stewart would be awesome. If Russell Brand gets the role, I'll stop watching it, I promise.

guthmund 11-14-2008 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Church (Post 2560575)
Patrick Stewart would be awesome. If Russell Brand gets the role, I'll stop watching it, I promise.

At first, I thought that was one schmucky idea.... Stewart is too old. We need a young, vibrant doctor blah blah blah.

After some consideration, however, Stewart would be a fantastic doctor. We've had the young, hip doctor with his love pangs and such....we need a doctor with some 'gravitas.' An older doctor, maybe with a companion (or two!)....that would stir things up a bit, yes? And who better to do so than the beloved Captain?

Daniel_ 11-14-2008 02:34 PM

If they had Stewart as The Doctor, they'd have to hve McKellen as The Master.

SecretMethod70 11-14-2008 02:40 PM

I would loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to see Patrick Stewart as The Doctor! Sadly, I'm pretty sure he's just guesting.

As for Russell Brand, I'll join you in not watching. I don't care how much I like Doctor Who, it's not worth putting up with that guy.

ShaniFaye 12-25-2008 08:03 AM

Christmas episode tonite!! woohoo here's hoping I can find it to watch.

highthief 01-02-2009 11:03 AM

The new Doctor is to be announced tomorrow.

Daniel_ 01-03-2009 10:03 AM

The new Doctor will be Matt Smith


ShaniFaye 01-03-2009 10:10 AM

pardon my ignorance on UK actors, but who the heck is this guy?

Daniel_ 01-03-2009 10:33 AM

Youngest ever doctor (26), had a good run of creditable drama.

There's a good article on the BBC.

snowy 01-03-2009 10:42 AM

I'll still watch it, I'm sure, but I doubt I will love the 11th Doctor the way I loved the 10th Doctor. There is nothing more delicious than watching the 10th Doctor put on his glasses.

Daniel_ 01-03-2009 10:43 AM

The 11th Doctor has done some good work - Matt Smith (XI)

allaboutmusic 01-03-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by ShaniFaye (Post 2579182)
pardon my ignorance on UK actors, but who the heck is this guy?

In other words... Doctor Who?


Willravel 01-03-2009 11:07 AM

ShaniFaye 01-03-2009 01:01 PM

I will of course give him a chance, but I seriously doubt anyone chosen would have been better than David in my mind lol David was "my doctor"

SecretMethod70 01-03-2009 03:55 PM

It's impossible for every Doctor to be the "best" Doctor. Matt Smith (what a boring name) will certainly be no David Tennant, but keep in mind that when DT was named a lot of people had a similar reaction (who?). Granted, DT had more experience than this plucky chap (hey, we're in a Doctor Who thread, gotta talk British :P), but apparently Smith has done a good job in the productions he has been in.

His age concerns me, both from a quality standpoint and a story standpoint. I'm skeptical that his acting will be as good as if it were someone 10+ years older, but more importantly I just have a very hard time picturing The Doctor as someone younger than, say, 35 at the youngest. And when I'm 35, I'll probably think The Doctor should be at least 45.

Anyway, I'll give him a chance........so long as they do something about his hair. His franken-looks...well I'll just have to get used to that. (Yes, I know, I'm mean.)

fresnelly 01-03-2009 04:51 PM

Works for me. Bring on the new episodes!

I'm still pissed that the CBC isn't airing the christmas special.

Daniel_ 01-04-2009 05:22 AM

In my lifetime I've seen the transitions from 3rd to 10th (not forgetting that they've never filmed the transition from McGann to Eclestone), and every time I've wondered if it'd be any good, and every time I've ended up still liking the show just as much s I ever did, but maybe for different reasons.

What I find interesting re-watching the very old shows (70's and 80's) is that some stories I remembered actually had a different doctor from the one I thought was in them; thus proving that you remember the character, not the actor in many cases.

highthief 01-04-2009 08:02 AM

The real questions is now whether David Tennant will be moving on to Little Britain!

Church 01-04-2009 03:00 PM

Reposting this since its been knocked out in the previous post.


Hain 01-04-2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Daniel_ (Post 2560612)
If they had Stewart as The Doctor, they'd have to hve McKellen as The Master.



Wooo... I'm better now. Cigarette, anyone?

I hope Stewart will have some role in the upcoming season(s). I can't wait for the hand-waving the Who writers pull to bring in the Mad Monk.

Fremen 01-04-2009 09:28 PM

Interesting. - He has a sort of skinny David Boreanaz feel to his face.
He seems to respect the product, he and his family. So, that bodes well.

I'm looking forward to his take on the Doctor.

RetroGunslinger 01-04-2009 11:42 PM

Looks to be quite the smug little bastard, eh?

Daniel_ 01-05-2009 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by RetroGunslinger (Post 2579802)
Looks to be quite the smug little bastard, eh?

Wouldn't you be if you'd landed one of the most talked about jobs in British (or maybe world) television? :thumbsup:

spindles 01-05-2009 03:20 PM

Well, I just viewed the 2008 Christmas special. I quite enjoyed it, though I had kinda assumed that Spoiler: he regenerated during this. The title of the episode hinted at this - of course it was a furphy :)

I'm looking forward to 2010 - the new head writer has written some of my favourite recent episodes (like Blink), so it is definitely in good hands.

Church 01-05-2009 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by spindles (Post 2580033)
I'm looking forward to 2010 - the new head writer has written some of my favourite recent episodes (like Blink), so it is definitely in good hands.

I'm pretty sure any worthy Doctor Who fan would tell you that that is also their favourite episode ;)

ShaniFaye 05-23-2009 03:33 PM

woohoo only a few weeks til the new season (5 nites) of Torchwood

Airs BBC in June, July here in the states on BBCA.

Daniel_ 05-24-2009 11:48 AM

Great! I hadn't realised it was so imminent.

fresnelly 05-25-2009 06:45 AM

Here's a bit of fun to help tide you over:

Rumour has it that the Easter Special will finally air here in Canada on the Space Channel on June 20 at 9:30pm. Fingers Crossed!

Charlatan 05-26-2009 11:45 PM

Just in...


CYNOPSIS KIDS - TODAY'S TOP STORY: Attention Doctor Who fans ... The Doctor is in! David Tennant will make a special appearance as The Doctor in the third season of CBBC's The Sarah Jane Adventures. The Doctor joins Sarah Jane Smith, his one-time work companion, across a two-episode arc this September 2009. Actress Elisabeth Sladen plays Sarah Jane. Full episodes of Doctor Who are slated to air on the BBC from November.

ShaniFaye 06-11-2009 12:47 PM

I didnt know where else to put this, and this thread seemed the most appropriate.....I had my first jelly baby today!!!!

We have a British store here in town that sells tons of stuff from England, and for fathers day we decided to get a "gag" gift for Dave's dad, the ultimate Tom B. fan, a bag of Bassett's Jelly Babies

I bought two bags so Dave and I could try them lol

fresnelly 06-11-2009 01:03 PM


I was reading another forum discussing the actor slated to play the new doctor and how young he is, and someone brought up the interesting idea that the Doctor is manifesting younger and younger as he approaches his 12th and "final" regeneration.

This isn't strictly true when you count the classic Doctors, but you could argue this in the broad sense. The first Doctor was quite elderly after all

I wonder if this will come into play.

spindles 06-11-2009 03:54 PM

Did you guys in the US get to see "The Planet of the Dead" (Tennant as the Doctor with Michelle Ryan (the Bionic Woman) as the main 'girl' part. It was a good episode to tide me over...

Fremen 06-27-2009 04:48 PM

"The Next Doctor" airs tonight on BBCA at 9:00pm EDT, 8:00 CDT in about 13 minutes, and re-airs 2 hours later.

All times are GMT -8. The time now is 08:02 PM.

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