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Old 06-03-2003, 09:22 AM   #1 (permalink)
Location: central USA
Ladies, i'd like your opinion on this one please...

Originally posted by MontanaXVI
I was hoping someone would bring this up, eating is not a disease, it is someone being too lazy or not caring about their health, it really bothers me when someone calls "obesity" a disease. How is it a disease that this person won't stop eating unless it kills them? Cancer is a disease, AIDS/HIV is a disease, not someone being lazy or not caring about their body to stay in shape.

i could not disagree more...

any takers?
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Old 06-03-2003, 11:54 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: Up yonder
I'm lucky - I've never had to watch my weight really, even in my 30's. I mean I could use a little toning up but hey, who couldn't!

Whoever this person is that posted that is quite frankly very misled. While some overweight people have gotten that way from lack of excersize and improper diet....there are a LOT of overweight people who are that way through no fault of their own at all. Obesity is a disease...just as some people have glandular problems and are overweight.
This person is just pidgeon holeing "fat" people which I personally really really hate. Most likely from a lack of information, unfortunately.
You can't help the genes handed down....sometimes you just have to go with them.
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Old 06-03-2003, 12:05 PM   #3 (permalink)
Location: central USA
Minx... *soft smile*... thanks for your input...

i guess i am looking at obesity and compulsive over-eating as disease such as alcholism or any other addiction.

i spent over 10 years of my life in the hell of an eating disorder. in my opinion (and many professionals i might add), compulsive over eating is as much of a "disease", "disorder" (or whatever else you want to call it) as any other eating disorder, compulsion, addiction, or the like.

the complete ignorance by people in regards to this subject frankly amazes me. i guess i am realizing that something that is very well known and researched to me, might still be a VERY gray area for many others...
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Old 06-03-2003, 01:14 PM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Chicagoland
Eating disorders are very misunderstood, even by those in the medical profession.

There are so many components to an eating disorder (anorexia, bulima, compulsive overeating) that go way beyond food. But it seems easier for some people to over-simplify it and boil it down to *just eat more* or *just eat less.* Cripes, does anyone really believe that a person would want to be in a situation where they anguish over every bite of food that goes into their mouth? Does anyone truly think that fat people want and/or enjoy being fat? Does anyone believe that a person would continuously force themselves to vomit or to exercise 3-4 hours every single day because it's fun? That people spend millions (billions?) of dollars every year buying into diet company's crap that if one loses weight, one will finally be happy? That someone would choose to spend thousands of dollars to butcher her body, undergoing a medical procedure- oftentimes with life-long side effects, and that ensures that she _never_ eats normally again?

I've mentioned before here that I've been a slave to what I eat since age 9, when I went on my first diet. I was miserable for so many years. I'm less miserable now but I still struggle, every bloody day, I struggle. Sounds a whole lot like an addiction, or disease if you will, and it is.

There's never a time when you can quit once you get on the eating disorder rollar coaster. Sure, you may look as if you are fine and may not be actively eating in a disordered way, and there are occasional breaks in the battle, but inside, the war rages on.

Last edited by Double D; 06-03-2003 at 01:46 PM..
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Old 06-03-2003, 01:37 PM   #5 (permalink)
Location: central USA
Originally posted by Double D
There's never a time when you can quit once you get on the eating disorder rollar coaster. Sure, you may look as if you are fine and may not be actively eating in a disordered way, and there are occasional breaks in the battle, but inside, the war rages on.
*nodding*... i agree... i say that i spent 10 years in eating disorder hell, because i can honestly say for at least 10 years of my life i was a raging anorexic then bulimic walking WOUND.

though i consider myself currently "abstinant" from self destructive behavior in that regard... my eating disorder will never be "gone". i have had my slips... my ups and downs... and like you say... regardless of outward appearances... the war inside forever rages.

thanks for commenting and being so open... it's not always so easy in such a public forum.

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Old 06-03-2003, 01:57 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: Up yonder
*hugs and support from me!
I think the trick is to be happy with what is on the inside...that's the only thing that matters - the heart, mind and soul in a body.

On another note, I just recently heard of a new eating disorder that is becoming very prevalent.....eating too healthy. Apparently there are a lot of (mostly) women who have gone to the healthy extreme so far that it is making them sick as they are not getting what their body requires. What a fine line to tiptoe along!

And, I have to add that way back when (Reuban's time, I believe) the ideal image of a woman was one with some "meat" on her. Any one of our modern day ultra-thin models would have been considered a freak and unattractive. The media has altered this perception which, to my way of thinking, is a shame.
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Old 06-03-2003, 02:55 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: CA
I'm new here so hope you don't mind the intrusion on this.
Having a eating disorder whether it is eating to or to little or just certain foods is a something we all need to sit up and take notice.
My sister is a vegetarian by her other half talking her into it and she has been more sick since they have been together then ever growing up.Then we have my sister-in-law how eats like crazy when upset about any little thing and yes she is over weight.
So no matter what we choose to put in our bodies it's all in moderation (if) we can.People who go on binges or make themselves get sick to get rid of it,those are the people we need to be more open to and lend an ear or a helping hand.
I saw the talk about these runways girls,they have it in their heads this is the only way to live so they can get out of life what they want.Oh so not true.
I have tried for years myself to lose the preverbial poundage to no avail..I am addicted to sunflower seeds which keeps the salt intake high but it is a addition a complusive thing..
I hope you don't mind the intrussion of a newbie.
"May the fleas of a thousand afghan camels infest the crotch of the person who screwes up your day and may their arms be to short to scratch"
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Old 06-03-2003, 05:08 PM   #8 (permalink)
Location: Chicagoland
Originally posted by grneyedcat
I hope you don't mind the intrussion of a newbie.
Welcome grneyedcat! and you are not intruding. You'll find as you keep posting and get to know us a bit, that your newbie-ness will fade pretty fast. I only joined 6 weeks ago, and I've been made to feel right at home, esp. in the Ladie's Lounge. Keep posting!
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Old 06-03-2003, 05:14 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Houston, Tx
In my case, its not what I eat or don't eat. For years I didn't know why I couldn't lose weight. Finally went to a dr with a brain (at least he used it that day) and found out I have an under active thyroid. *duh* So, I can eat all the right things and still gain weight ... Sometimes it sucks to be me. LOL
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Old 06-03-2003, 05:21 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Chicagoland
Originally posted by Minx
*hugs and support from me!
And, I have to add that way back when (Reuban's time, I believe) the ideal image of a woman was one with some "meat" on her. Any one of our modern day ultra-thin models would have been considered a freak and unattractive. The media has altered this perception which, to my way of thinking, is a shame.
Yes, a while back, being plump was considered a positive thing- it meant that one had enough wealth to eat well! Look to many paintings from that period (500-600 years ago) and there are many beautiful examples of this.

As recently as the 1950's, buxom was still appreciated. Witness Marilyn Monroe (a size 12) & Jane Russell, not to mention Mae West (who weighed about 200 pounds). These women were considered very desirable physically.

It _is_ really important to remember that who we are is _not_ what we look like. As Minx said, true beauty comes from within.
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Old 06-03-2003, 05:25 PM   #11 (permalink)
Location: Chicagoland
Originally posted by ~springrain
*nodding*... i agree... i say that i spent 10 years in eating disorder hell, because i can honestly say for at least 10 years of my life i was a raging anorexic then bulimic walking WOUND.

though i consider myself currently "abstinant" from self destructive behavior in that regard... my eating disorder will never be "gone". i have had my slips... my ups and downs... and like you say... regardless of outward appearances... the war inside forever rages.

thanks for commenting and being so open... it's not always so easy in such a public forum.

Thank you ~springrain, for sharing your story. I'm glad that you are in a better place now and that you have the courage to talk about it.

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Old 06-03-2003, 10:44 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Location: Oregon
I have so many girlfriends whose self-image has been completely ruined by the media and society. Eating disorders have many roots and causes, and I see this in the women around me. Obesity, for instance, can easily be either purely medical or purely psychological, or it can be a combination of both.

It's not neccesarily that people lack willpower, and I think a lot of people are too quick to put the blame there. I think it's more that our lifestyles have changed soo much over the years--we do less physical labor, junk food has become cheaper and more easily availible, we have more leisure time. It's harder for us to find activities that challenge our body the way working in the fields all day would. Our desire for more leisure time has led us away from preparing healthful, home-cooked meals. When leisure time comes, we spend a lot of it in front of the television--which, I might add, burns less calories than lying in bed and reading a book or studying.

I think our society is as much to blame as the individual. Look at what they serve in school cafeterias. My typical lunch in high school consisted of a bottle of Coke and a hot dog. The amount of fruits and vegetables availible was a joke, and what was there was disgusting. Obesity is rapidly becoming the problem of society, and not just the person.

However, I would also like to point out that nutritionally, Americans are much better off today than they were even 100 years ago. One bright spot.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau
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Old 06-04-2003, 04:45 AM   #13 (permalink)
Location: central USA
WOW... *bright smile*... nice to see all of your responses...

since this in an area that is close to my heart... i can tend to over react to certain comments and/or opinions simply because they push buttons for me. i am glad to see and read all of your thoughts...

thank you all for participating! i think this is an issue that has plagued women in a America for the last few decades (since the introdution of Twiggy actually). funny how Twiggy found a "niche" in the market because she was (at the time) NOT considered a desireable body type... now there are millions who are still trying to be like her, or a current variation of what she represented.

i do think in small ways we have made strides... and i do so SOME (i clarify this with a SMALL SOME) advertisers are marketing toward the overal health of a woman's body and not her size.

All in all though... we women are still very pigeon-holed. Just look at the Titty Board and the "status qou" of what a desirable woman should look like...
many of the diet starved figures, surgically implanted breasts, and other doctor's office "enhancements" are a completely unrealistic representation of what the average woman looks like today. it's no wonder 1/2 of us are so nuerotic and obsessed with the way we look!

ANYWAY... i'll get off my soapbox for now... thanks again to those who commented... i look forwarding to hearing even more on this one...

and btw... grneyedcat... Welcome to the LL! don't let your "rookie" status keep you from posting... all ladies thoughts and opinions are welcome here
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Old 06-05-2003, 06:12 PM   #14 (permalink)
Location: Southern Utah
I'm not saying obesity can't be a disease, but people just plain not exercising enough seems to outweigh everything else. People use underproductive glands as an excuse more often than not.
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Old 06-05-2003, 08:31 PM   #15 (permalink)
I dunno... I definitely see that eating dissorders are a problem in society but it just conflicts with my definition of disease. Addiction, yes... Genetics, yes... A product of our lifestyle, yes... but a disease? Don't get me wrong. I think it is a huge issue which demands much research and awareness. I think It has a lot to do with education, diet (as in healthy... not as in weight loss), exercise etc. In the case of addiction or oral fixation it may require treatment. But until the definition of disease is expanded, I don't think it fits. There is no doubt in my mind that Eating Dissorders are a very serrious issue in western society, but the latest trend to call it a disease to increase shock value to unaware persons does not seem fair. The only exception is if it can be proven that a person's obesity is directly linked to their genome. In that case I can concure that it is a genetic disease, probably introduced by some virus hundreds of years ago as is 2/3 rds of the modern human genome. In a world where people die by the millions due to starvation,the lack of food is more of a disease than the excess.
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:11 AM   #16 (permalink)
Location: central USA
*hiccup*... sorry ladies... got a double post in here somehow...

Last edited by ~springrain; 06-06-2003 at 05:22 AM..
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Old 06-06-2003, 05:16 AM   #17 (permalink)
Location: central USA
thanks for your input...

i really didn't want to debate whether or not eating disorders or any other addiction for that matter qualifies as a "disease"... experts still argue about whether or not it's fair to classify alcoholism as a disease...

my question was in response to this members viewpoint:
Originally posted by MontanaXVI
I was hoping someone would bring this up, eating is not a disease, it is someone being too lazy or not caring about their health...
many mental disorders are not viewed by the masses as "disease"... it's a long-time stigma towards mental health issues in general... i have found a lot of people, in regards to mental health issues, who think people just need to "suck it up", "get their shit together"... and get better...

i guess i wanted input on whether or not eating disorders (and more specifically, compulsive overeating) are viewed, in you Ladies eyes, as a "disorder"... or just a matter of "willpower".

Last edited by ~springrain; 06-06-2003 at 05:21 AM..
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:29 PM   #18 (permalink)
Ahh... well in that case, I've got to say Montana was totally off on his perception of eating and obesity. In my opinion he is right in saying it isn't a disease, but his reasoning dives into the unhealthy thought process that all those miricle diets work. The human body actually fights back when you try to starve it. It fortifies fat and eats up muscle if not enough callories are present in one's diet. The idea that somebody is being lazy and not caring about their body is only a fraction of the obese persons in western civilization. Being a college student I can prove just how easy it is to gain weight and not be able to do a damn thing about it. Try working or going to school from 8am to 4pm, then homework for a few hours, a shower, 3 meals, and a chance to check your email. There is barely time to spare to catch the simpsons let alone get some decent exersice. Furthermore food is packaged in sizes of two or more servings which easily adds up to over 2000 or 2500 calories. Finally if you are really rushed for time and skip breakfast then it is all too easy to have a snack at night to get those 3 meals a day. That food doesn't get used while you sleep and goes directly to fat. If anything our weight is a product of our lifestyle which is a product of western society. Add a slow metabolism and a little genetic predisposition and you get obesity. What montana is suggesting is that we all just sit around on couches watching soaps, eating potato chips and working part-time jobs. Sure there are people like that.. but not nearly as many as he might like to think. Sorry if I got all off track on the disease stuff before... I kind of threw out his definition from the get go cause it was so rediculous. Well time to pack up my preachers box for tonight.

Thanx for the clarification springrain.
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Old 06-07-2003, 05:39 PM   #19 (permalink)
Location: central USA
redrose... i truly appreciated your other comments as well... *soft smile*... i too tend to "stray" as topics are so multi-faceted...

i am glad for all you ladies opinions... as really i was looking for the "female factor" in this equasion...

thanks... and btw... welcome to the LL!
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Old 06-15-2003, 10:14 AM   #20 (permalink)
Location: UK
Some people seem to think that every disease has to have a rash, a runny nose or nausea attached to it

This seems to raise it's ugly head any time that something without the accepted set of symptoms and suddenly there are loads of people out there calling it laziness, madness or somesuch
~~ Xeen ~~

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Old 06-15-2003, 02:30 PM   #21 (permalink)
Location: Scotland
Like most ladies on this site we have weight problems,it has taken me quite a long time to accept the size that I am but I also have a under active thyroid gland ,which makes it quite difficult to lose weight,despite having 3 kids and I work part time,so I should look like twiggy!!!!.

My sister is over weight but she is happy and beautiful,my point is do not pre-judge people who society classes as "obese"
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Old 06-15-2003, 05:55 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: Ohio
Just commenting...

I am overweight but I am not lazy and I do care for myself. I have a problem with eating...It is a disease an addiction to food.I eat to comfort myself and sometimes I boredom eat.I bathe and clean my house and go walking and gardening....Just because you are big doesn't mean that you don't feel beautiful... I am very happy with myself as far as attitude.But I do feel as though I could better my image....Its not the look of the book but what is contained inside...
"What comes around goes around"

"Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels"
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