thanks for your input...
i really didn't want to debate whether or not eating disorders or any other addiction for that matter qualifies as a "disease"... experts still argue about whether or not it's fair to classify alcoholism as a disease...
my question was in response to this members viewpoint:
Originally posted by MontanaXVI
I was hoping someone would bring this up, eating is not a disease, it is someone being too lazy or not caring about their health...
many mental disorders are not viewed by the masses as "disease"... it's a long-time stigma towards mental health issues in general... i have found a lot of people, in regards to mental health issues, who think people just need to "suck it up", "get their shit together"... and get better...
i guess i wanted input on whether or not eating disorders (and more specifically, compulsive overeating) are viewed, in you Ladies eyes, as a "disorder"... or just a matter of "willpower".