WOW... *bright smile*... nice to see all of your responses...
since this in an area that is close to my heart... i can tend to over react to certain comments and/or opinions simply because they push buttons for me. i am glad to see and read all of your thoughts...
thank you all for participating! i think this is an issue that has plagued women in a America for the last few decades (since the introdution of Twiggy actually). funny how Twiggy found a "niche" in the market because she was (at the time) NOT considered a desireable body type... now there are millions who are still trying to be like her, or a current variation of what she represented.
i do think in small ways we have made strides... and i do so SOME
(i clarify this with a SMALL SOME) advertisers are marketing toward the overal health of a woman's body and not her size.
All in all though... we women are still very pigeon-holed. Just look at the Titty Board and the "status qou" of what a desirable woman should look like...
many of the diet starved figures, surgically implanted breasts, and other doctor's office "enhancements" are a completely unrealistic representation of what the average woman looks like today. it's no wonder 1/2 of us are so nuerotic and obsessed with the way we look!
ANYWAY... i'll get off my soapbox for now... thanks again to those who commented... i look forwarding to hearing even more on this one...
and btw... grneyedcat... Welcome to the LL! don't let your "rookie" status keep you from posting... all ladies thoughts and opinions are welcome here