Originally posted by Double D
There's never a time when you can quit once you get on the eating disorder rollar coaster. Sure, you may look as if you are fine and may not be actively eating in a disordered way, and there are occasional breaks in the battle, but inside, the war rages on.
*nodding*... i agree... i say that i spent 10 years in eating disorder hell, because i can honestly say for at least 10 years of my life i was a raging anorexic then bulimic walking WOUND.
though i consider myself currently "abstinant" from self destructive behavior in that regard... my eating disorder will never be "gone". i have had my slips... my ups and downs... and like you say... regardless of outward appearances... the war inside forever rages.
thanks for commenting and being so open... it's not always so easy in such a public forum.