I dunno... I definitely see that eating dissorders are a problem in society but it just conflicts with my definition of disease. Addiction, yes... Genetics, yes... A product of our lifestyle, yes... but a disease? Don't get me wrong. I think it is a huge issue which demands much research and awareness. I think It has a lot to do with education, diet (as in healthy... not as in weight loss), exercise etc. In the case of addiction or oral fixation it may require treatment. But until the definition of disease is expanded, I don't think it fits. There is no doubt in my mind that Eating Dissorders are a very serrious issue in western society, but the latest trend to call it a disease to increase shock value to unaware persons does not seem fair. The only exception is if it can be proven that a person's obesity is directly linked to their genome. In that case I can concure that it is a genetic disease, probably introduced by some virus hundreds of years ago as is 2/3 rds of the modern human genome. In a world where people die by the millions due to starvation,the lack of food is more of a disease than the excess.