Eating disorders are very misunderstood, even by those in the medical profession.
There are so many components to an eating disorder (anorexia, bulima, compulsive overeating) that go way beyond food. But it seems easier for some people to over-simplify it and boil it down to *just eat more* or *just eat less.* Cripes, does anyone really believe that a person would want to be in a situation where they anguish over every bite of food that goes into their mouth? Does anyone truly think that fat people want and/or enjoy being fat? Does anyone believe that a person would continuously force themselves to vomit or to exercise 3-4 hours every single day because it's fun? That people spend millions (billions?) of dollars every year buying into diet company's crap that if one loses weight, one will finally be happy? That someone would choose to spend thousands of dollars to butcher her body, undergoing a medical procedure- oftentimes with life-long side effects, and that ensures that she _never_ eats normally again?
I've mentioned before here that I've been a slave to what I eat since age 9, when I went on my first diet. I was miserable for so many years. I'm less miserable now
but I still struggle, every bloody day, I struggle. Sounds a whole lot like an addiction, or disease if you will, and it is.
There's never a time when you can quit once you get on the eating disorder rollar coaster. Sure, you may look as if you are fine and may not be actively eating in a disordered way, and there are occasional breaks in the battle, but inside, the war rages on.