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#1 (permalink) | |
Location: the phoenix metro
"This time last year I was plotting to kill a man"
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. - Thomas Paine |
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#2 (permalink) |
Location: VT
wow... thats such a horrible thing, ive never had to deal w/ that, and im glad, im not sure i could. my aunt was raped in college, and that really screwed her up for a few years. she transfered schools several times, had eating disorders, had to go into therapy... i couldnt imagine why anyone would want to do something to another person that causes that much pain and anguish. people like that have always sickened me, and it's scary how many there are that go unnoticed
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#4 (permalink) |
don't ignore this-->
Location: CA
that was an amazing story, I was very moved by that.
I have never been the victim of sexual abuse, and I know I couldn't do such a thing to anyone, let alone a child. I knew a girl who was raped at a young age, but I only knew her for a brief amount of time. it's a sickening crime.
I am the very model of a moderator gentleman. |
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#5 (permalink) |
hip mama
Location: redmond, washington
I was abused for years and have never fully came to terms with it. The man that abused me had a heart attack and died when the police showed up at his door to question him 7 years ago. I'm dissapointed he didn't have to deal with it. Before he died, I use to think of ways to kill him or ruin his life daily, the way he has ruined mine.
I've eaten my veggies all my life so bring it on, I am educated and strong for the revolution. |
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#6 (permalink) |
Filling the Void.
Location: California
This story invoked many memories in me. I can relate because in fourth grade the same kind of thing happened to me with another girl who was my age. I spent the night at her house and in the middle of the night, I woke up with my nightgown pulled up and her pulling my underwear off. I tried to yell out, but she told me to shut up because if I didn't she would tell her mum that it was my fault or something. I ended up learning what masturbation is from her, while my face was pressed into a pillow and I could barely breathe while she had fun with my private parts.
It took me until just a few months ago to tell the whole truth to my mother. I wish things like this could be stopped. Last edited by la petite moi; 05-16-2004 at 01:42 PM.. |
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#7 (permalink) |
Follower of Ner'Zhul
Location: Netherlands
Wow... deep stuff... really makes you wonder how you can protect your own (future) children from people like that.
.... I mean, how can you? It really takes someone with an understanding of sexuality and perversion and 'picking up' to actually notice it. It's not like I actually ever heard of a pedo luring a child with candy any more. I guess the only thing you can do is make sure that your children know that if something like that every happens, they not only can but MUST tell their parents. As far as being abused... there are.... uncomfortable feelings surrounding the shed of an old man in the neighbourhood I found out some time ago is a known pedophile. There is the time I looked him in the eyes and he asked me if I didn't remember him. But no actual memories, so it may all just be my imagination... I prefer to dismiss it as such anyway. Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss... Other than that, I don't know anybody who was abused at an early age though. Or no one willing to admit it. Wonder how many of the people I know carry such a deep dark burden....
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents. - Nathaniel Borenstein |
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#9 (permalink) |
Location: Ohio! yay!
I wasn't Sexually abused, but I was physically abused by my step-father. I was extremely claustrophobic as a kid, and he used to hold me down until I couldn't scream anymore, that was the worst. I could take all the punches, and kicks, and name calling, but being held down on the floor by a 200 pound man when you are a 60 pound kid was the most horrible thing I could think of then. I also remember him beating the hell out of my mother, then when I would try to stop him, he would knock my 9 year old ass on the floor and beat me instead, that was the plan though; he was not hitting my mom any more.
I too, like the author of the above article have had plans of killing him for what he did to my familt, but they didn't get as far as in my mind. The only good thing I can say for the man was that he helped create my two little half-brothers and that I will never see or talk to him ever again.
Crack, you and I are long overdue for a vicious bout of mansex. ~Halx |
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#10 (permalink) |
Location: the phoenix metro
I appreciate everyone who has repsonded with their own stores so far. The fact that you are survivors shows that you are much tougher than alot of the people out there and I commend you for that. You have our support and our admiration for breaking the cycle and not perpetuating these terrible acts.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good. - Thomas Paine |
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#11 (permalink) |
I'm not about getting creamed, I'm about winning!
Location: K-Town, TN
Wow...I can't say that I've had the misfortune of any kind of abuse like that, but it really has opened my eyes to the mentality of a victim. I can't imagine killing a man over most anything...but I could understand to a degree in a situation like this.
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit." --Aristotle |
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#13 (permalink) |
That's what she said
what blows my mind is how common situations like this seem to be (not the plotting to kill, but the sexual abuse towards children).
i originally read this yesterday and didn't have time to post about it at the time, but when i was walking around campus today i couldn't stop thinking about it and wondering if all the faces i was passing were faces of people who had been abused in some way as a child. it seems so strange that some of them surely have a dark secret similar to david's, something they are effected by everyday, yet no one else knows about it.
"Tie yourself to your limitless potential, rather than your limiting past." "Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him." |
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#15 (permalink) |
Professor of Drinkology
I'll try to start at the beginning, as best I can remember it.
In Fall of 2000, at the recommendation of a close friend, I joined a college social fraternity, by the name of Phi Delta Theta. At my private, Baptist-affiliated university, college fraternities carried a different stigma and definition, free of the binge drinking orgies stereotyped of public schools. The college fraternities at my university mean tend to be fairly sheltered and fairly innocent. Though drinking and partying does occur, it is as such a lesser level that those accustomed to the all-out throw downs of larger universities would call what I knew as a drinking party, trivial. That said, I hope you understand that environment in which I operated as a "fraternity brother." For the four years that I was affiliated with this college fraternity, I functioned in the capacity of our Chapter's chaplain and technical-guru (not an official office!). During my term, I fostered the reputation of being an individual with a fairly strong moral compass and an excellent ear to talk to. ------------------- In Spring of 2001, one of my closest friends in the fraternity came to be with a set of computer CDs and a story that would change my perception of fraternity and mankind. Up until this point, I had led a fairly sheltered life, innoncent of the sexual depravity of our present society. My friend, let's call him George, came to me that afternoon, clearly distraut. I'll add more shortly
Blah. Last edited by tritium; 05-20-2004 at 10:19 AM.. |
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#17 (permalink) |
Location: PA
I have never had to go through that, but I'm not sure how I would have handled it. I've always been vindictive when things go over a certain point and that would have definately gone way over the top. I would have spashed acid on his crotch, then use a pressure washer on it to get rid of the acid, then poor flesh eating ants all over him, then used a fork to pull out this eyes, then stick an M-80 up his ass, then have some machine pull his arms and legs off while pouring boiling oil on him so he can be lit on fire right before he dies. -Robert |
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#21 (permalink) |
Location: Macon, GA
Accounts like these frighten me because they could have happened to any one of us, or to our children. It sounds like the culprit in the article above has clinical anti-social disorder. Isn't that when a person has no concept or consideration about the feelings of others? I can't imagine how it would feel to have been abused like that.
Pride is the recognition of the fact that you are your own highest value and, like all of man’s values, it has to be earned. It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener. Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged |
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#23 (permalink) |
Naughty Just Right
Location: Euphoria
Whew. Reading that took me through a range of emotions.
The following is a long read (sorry it is so long, pass it if you like) and yet a shortened version of my experience. It is my story. I was molested for well over a year by my sister's first husband. The first time it happened they were still dating and he came in my room and fondled me. It was dark and I could see that he had on a white shirt with an apple on the front and a army like jacket and a baseball cap. But I didn't realize it was Richard. I was terrified and I pretended to stay asleep out of fear if he knew I was awake he might hurt me worse or kill me. After he was satisfied with his sick behavior, he walked out of my room as if to leave our home and then suddenly he stopped and I heard him coming back down the hall. As he passed my room, my little dog let out a bark. He walked into my sisters room. All I could think about was that there was a man in our house who had just hurt me and that he was going to hurt my sister. My parents always slept with their bedroom door locked. Their room was straight across from mine. With fear and full speed adrenaline coursing throughout my body, I got off my bed and ran with everything I had and crashed through their door, breaking the frame and screaming that someone was in my sister's room and that he had been in mine. My Papa grabbed his gun and in his under shorts, ran into her room and there sitting on the edge of my sister's bed talking to her like nothing was amiss, was Richard. I was sick! My papa asked him what he was doing there so late and he said he was about to leave and he stood up and said goodnight. Papa turned to me and said "what the hell was that all about?" Before I could reply, my mother said I will handle this. She took me into the kitchen and asked me what happend. I told her every little detail. Her reply...It must have been a dream and the dog just happened to bark and wake me as he walked by. I pleaded with her..."no mom, it wasn't! It was real I saw his shirt, I hurt down there, he did it!" She insisted it must have been a dream and that it was time to go back to bed. She completely invalidated me. I was devistated. It wasn't until years later I learned that she had been molested and that when this happened it all surfaced within her and she couldn't cope. She couldn't deal with my situation without dealing with hers. Not knowing that at the time, I vowed to never make another peep about it. My sister and he married very shortly after as she was 4 months pregnant at the time. And when my parents would travel out of town, they would have me go stay with them! Not my other sister, but them! After a few times there, I was sleeping on the couch and Richard came in and he sat at the foot of the couch (I again faked sleep) and he smoked a joint and then began rubbing my leg and working his way up my body. I laid still, did not move, I took it and I kept quiet...after all, who would believe me if my own mother didn't? This went on until one night I snapped. By then my sister was pregnant with yet another baby and I was 15. I was on the couch, fully clothed and ready. He came in, sat at the foot of the couch and smoked his joint, then reached for me. I said "don't touch me." He said "you know you like it." He continued to reach for me and I kicked him in the chest as hard as I could and I jumped up off of the couch and started calling him every filthy name I could think of. My sister came out and said what is going on? I was so angry that she didn't realize what he had been doing that I said fuck you to her and told her I hated her and I ran from the apartment. I walked the 2 miles at 2:00 in the morning to my boyfriends house crying all the way. I stayed there and the next morning my other sister showed up and made me go with her. She began to chastize me for my behavior toward my sister and that I should be ashamed of myself...I lost it! I freaked out and told her everything. She pulled over and she held me and I sobbed like I had never sobbed before. We got to her house, called my other sister and she came over and we told her everything. She left him then. And it was never spoken of again until years later when I decided it was time to let go and stop letting it haunt my nights. I decided it was time to take back my power and stop letting the memory of him control my destiny. It was time to live, time to love me, time to release yesterday. And so recovery began. A difficult road traveled with a wonderful therapist. I can never thank that therapist enough for giving me the tools and the know how to move beyond the pain. I used to say that if I were to see Richard laying in the street dying and I was the only one that could save him, I would gladly stand there and watch him die, watch him look at me with pleading eyes to help him and savor the satisfaction that he was as helpless in my hands as I once was in his. But I did the work, I let go of the rage, I wrote him a letter saying he no longer controled any part of me, I role played with my therapist and responded as an adult to the things he had done to me, I found an inner strength I didn't know existed, I found someone in me to love, I found hope, I released fear, and most importantly, I learned how to stop hating. I have not forgiven him per say, just accepted what is. He has never asked my forgiveness as it is and I don't feel the need to hear it from him. I have moved on. I am happy. I actually have one thing to thank him for, he gave me the ability to spot a predetor, to know a victim, the strength to reach out and help others too afraid to stand up for themselves. The drive to be there for the children. I am alive! With pride, grace and dignity. And I will, until my last breath, be there for anyone who reaches out. And always, always with my eye on the sick predetor that waits in the background like the cowards that they are. They know, when they look into my eyes, that I know. And the children, they know they are safe with me, they know I understand, without a word spoken, they know. It is the link that ties us all together and gives us strength to leave yesterday behind and embrace today with anticipation of tomorrow.
![]() In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was within me an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus |
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#24 (permalink) |
It's a girly girl!
Location: OH, USA
Alive, that is what I am, I have not been abused, but my sister was, and I was the first to find out. My dad gets out of jail in two months, and I plan to be there to make sure the rest of his life is hell. That's it, Hell, I don't want to hurt him physically, although I carry a p32 in case he loses it and comes after me or my sister. I want to destroy him emotionally, I want every one he comes in contact with to know that he is a child molester, that he can't be trusted, and that statistics show that child molesters don't get better. I want to make sure everyone in his neighborhood knows what he has done, I have fliers ready to hand out door to door. I will let God judge him, but I won't let him have the opportunity to repeat what he has done, and destroy another life. It just isn't going to happen, not while I still draw breath... Am I an overprotective big brother, maybe, but what he did din't just affect my sister, it tore our entire family apart.
"There's someone out there for everyone - even if you need a pickaxe, a compass, and night goggles to find them." |
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#25 (permalink) |
Location: VA
These stories have knocked the breath out of me, like a punch to the chest. So powerful.
My heart goes out to the victims of attacks like these.
"In Iraq, no doubt about it, it's tough. It's hard work. It's incredibly hard. It's - and it's hard work. I understand how hard it is. I get the casualty reports every day. I see on the TV screens how hard it is. But it's necessary work. We're making progress. It is hard work." |
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#26 (permalink) |
The one that got away
Location: Over the hill and far away
Wow, this thread is full of power! Thank you all for sharing these 'secrets' with us, I am deeply moved by all of your stories. Nothing like this has ever happened to me, thank god, but a close friend of mine had a stepfather who had molested her. I saw vacation pictures that he had taken, and just couldn't keep out of my mind how focused they were on her, and her female friend who had come along, as they were bathing and drying in the sun. Luckily I never met the man, or I might just have punched him in the mouth, but aimed the punch a foot behind his head
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#27 (permalink) |
I haven't experienced this first-hand, just indirectly through my girlfriend. The trauma from that experienced is with her for the rest of her life and will never go away. It was a relative, like it is in a lot of cases and we still see him and the other members of the family. I won't even go into all the feelings she goes through when she sees him ... but I've never had such a basic hate for a person in my life as I do for this bastard.
I now know I could kill a man with no problem at all, whereas before I wasn't completely certain.
The user formerly known as BlingBling |
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#29 (permalink) |
Location: Illinois
When I first started reading this story in my mind I was thinking kill him that is what I would do. Just do it he deserves to die. Then when I got to the end of the story I had changed my mind completly. Angel as I was reading your story it took me back to a night that I was babysitting these two boys that lived down the block from my house. I often babysat for them but mostly during the day while there mom was at work.(snow days no school etc.) But she asked if I could watch the boys one Friday night while she worked as a bartender. Her boyfriend who I had never met but the boys had told me that he was always drunk and was crazy. So, this night I came to babysit and she told me that I could just crash on the couch and go home in the morning because she was not going to be home until like 2 a.m. So, I spent the night. I really couldn't get any sleep because I don't like to sleep at other people's houses so I was awake when they came home, but they didn't know it I just pretended to be asleep. Really trying to go to sleep. So, she comes in the house and she was really loud and her boyfriend came walking in behind her they were both really loud. They went to the bedroom and a little later they both come out and he walked up to the couch I was sleeping on and he pulled out his penis and was shaking it in my face. I was so scared I just kept my eyes closed and I didn't know what to do. And she was just laughing at him. I really wanted to get up and run out of the house but I was afraid he would hurt me or rape me. He kept on doing it and calling me names, not knowing I was awake. Finally the mom made him stop and they went to bed. And that was the last time I ever watched the boys again. And I have never told anyone about it until now.
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#30 (permalink) | |
Darth Papa
Location: Yonder
Followup: This week the author of this article was arrested for stalking the rapist:
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#31 (permalink) | |
smiling doesn't hurt anymore :)
Location: College Station, TX
sad, but somehow seems not too far out of the norm with our society ratbastid....and he did make a written confession to something considered a crime...he even went so far as to publish it.
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#33 (permalink) |
Location: born in vietnam, lost in california
wow i have chills just reading that... i guess i was lucky to never have been abused but i have had many female friends that have been abused by their father/older brother/family friend.. it is a very sad thing
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kill, man, plotting, time, year |