I'll try to start at the beginning, as best I can remember it.
In Fall of 2000, at the recommendation of a close friend, I joined a college social fraternity, by the name of Phi Delta Theta. At my private, Baptist-affiliated university, college fraternities carried a different stigma and definition, free of the binge drinking orgies stereotyped of public schools. The college fraternities at my university mean tend to be fairly sheltered and fairly innocent. Though drinking and partying does occur, it is as such a lesser level that those accustomed to the all-out throw downs of larger universities would call what I knew as a drinking party, trivial. That said, I hope you understand that environment in which I operated as a "fraternity brother."
For the four years that I was affiliated with this college fraternity, I functioned in the capacity of our Chapter's chaplain and technical-guru (not an official office!). During my term, I fostered the reputation of being an individual with a fairly strong moral compass and an excellent ear to talk to.
In Spring of 2001, one of my closest friends in the fraternity came to be with a set of computer CDs and a story that would change my perception of fraternity and mankind. Up until this point, I had led a fairly sheltered life, innoncent of the sexual depravity of our present society. My friend, let's call him George, came to me that afternoon, clearly distraut.
I'll add more shortly
Last edited by tritium; 05-20-2004 at 10:19 AM..