Alive, that is what I am, I have not been abused, but my sister was, and I was the first to find out. My dad gets out of jail in two months, and I plan to be there to make sure the rest of his life is hell. That's it, Hell, I don't want to hurt him physically, although I carry a p32 in case he loses it and comes after me or my sister. I want to destroy him emotionally, I want every one he comes in contact with to know that he is a child molester, that he can't be trusted, and that statistics show that child molesters don't get better. I want to make sure everyone in his neighborhood knows what he has done, I have fliers ready to hand out door to door. I will let God judge him, but I won't let him have the opportunity to repeat what he has done, and destroy another life. It just isn't going to happen, not while I still draw breath... Am I an overprotective big brother, maybe, but what he did din't just affect my sister, it tore our entire family apart.
"There's someone out there for everyone - even if you need
a pickaxe, a compass, and night goggles to find them."