When I first started reading this story in my mind I was thinking kill him that is what I would do. Just do it he deserves to die. Then when I got to the end of the story I had changed my mind completly. Angel as I was reading your story it took me back to a night that I was babysitting these two boys that lived down the block from my house. I often babysat for them but mostly during the day while there mom was at work.(snow days no school etc.) But she asked if I could watch the boys one Friday night while she worked as a bartender. Her boyfriend who I had never met but the boys had told me that he was always drunk and was crazy. So, this night I came to babysit and she told me that I could just crash on the couch and go home in the morning because she was not going to be home until like 2 a.m. So, I spent the night. I really couldn't get any sleep because I don't like to sleep at other people's houses so I was awake when they came home, but they didn't know it I just pretended to be asleep. Really trying to go to sleep. So, she comes in the house and she was really loud and her boyfriend came walking in behind her they were both really loud. They went to the bedroom and a little later they both come out and he walked up to the couch I was sleeping on and he pulled out his penis and was shaking it in my face. I was so scared I just kept my eyes closed and I didn't know what to do. And she was just laughing at him. I really wanted to get up and run out of the house but I was afraid he would hurt me or rape me. He kept on doing it and calling me names, not knowing I was awake. Finally the mom made him stop and they went to bed. And that was the last time I ever watched the boys again. And I have never told anyone about it until now.