Wow... deep stuff... really makes you wonder how you can protect your own (future) children from people like that.
I mean, how can you? It really takes someone with an understanding of sexuality and perversion and 'picking up' to actually notice it. It's not like I actually ever heard of a pedo luring a child with candy any more.
I guess the only thing you can do is make sure that your children know that if something like that every happens, they not only can but MUST tell their parents.
As far as being abused... there are.... uncomfortable feelings surrounding the shed of an old man in the neighbourhood I found out some time ago is a known pedophile.
There is the time I looked him in the eyes and he asked me if I didn't remember him.
But no actual memories, so it may all just be my imagination... I prefer to dismiss it as such anyway.
Sometimes ignorance truly is bliss...
Other than that, I don't know anybody who was abused at an early age though. Or no one willing to admit it. Wonder how many of the people I know carry such a deep dark burden....
The most likely way for the world to be destroyed, most experts agree, is by accident. That's where we come in; we're computer professionals. We cause accidents.
- Nathaniel Borenstein