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Old 08-28-2003, 11:50 PM   #1 (permalink)
Sexy eh?
Location: Sweden
Dildo equal to a hooker???

I read in a thread here (reveal yourself in 10 questions) where he asks the question :
8. men: have you ever had a hooker?
women: have you ever used a dildo or vibrator?
It got me thinking a little, can you compare using a vibrating plastic cylinder to the use of a prostitute?

Persons with sexual interest in women (including hetrosexual males, homosexual women and bisexuals):
1. What do you think about this?
2. What are your thoughts on womens use of dildos?
3. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
4. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
5. Do you find the idea of your partner using a dildo/vibrator disturbing/sexually exiting/uninteresting?
6. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?

1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually?
2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)?
3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators?
4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo?
5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?
8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex?
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Last edited by Ganguro; 08-29-2003 at 05:51 AM..
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Old 08-29-2003, 12:12 AM   #2 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
I saw that and was a little confused myself.

1. I think it's a very unequal comparison
2. I think womens use of dildos is just fine, so long as it doesn't spoil them
3. uh...sure
4. not at all
5. no, sure, whatever
6. nope.
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Old 08-29-2003, 12:14 AM   #3 (permalink)
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Depends on how much you paid for the dildo?
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Old 08-29-2003, 07:19 AM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally posted by World's King
Depends on how much you paid for the dildo?
If I'd been drinking milk it woulda come out my nose. Buwaha.

To answer the other questions, in no particular order, an inanimate object is not cheating, IMHO. If someone's using a dildo/inflatable doll as a substitute for sex when there's a perfectly good, horny partner around, then there's a problem but it's still not cheating.

I prefer manual to automatic
And sex with Ratbastid is better than a dildo anytime.
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Old 08-29-2003, 07:33 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Re: Dildo equal to a hooker???

1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually?
-I dunno, haven't used one
2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)?
-see above
3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators?
-whatever floats your boat!
4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo?
-sure, why not?
5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
-no idea, but those things are hilarious
6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
-not at all
7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?
nope, not at all
8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex?
-I imagine some women do at times
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Old 08-29-2003, 08:54 AM   #6 (permalink)
Location: Vancouver
1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually?
Depends won what you're going for, while a sex toy can heighten an orgasm, I like to believe anything that a sex toy makes me feel, I can do myself manually.

2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)?
nope. absolutely positively not.

3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators?
Use with care. Don't overuse. Enjoy it.

4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo?
of course. It's perfect for the lazy days. And it takes a pretty confident woman to know what she wants and make sure she gets it, and confidence is definately natural/normal/healthy.

5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
Uh. And inflatable man is comparable to that...but and inflatable doll...it's too big...and it mimics precense of another person...not just their genitalia. [On stileproject they have banner of a sex toy for men which is a tube with the outline of a mouth/vagina/anus...that'd be the equal I'd imagine]

6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
! no!!!

7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?

8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex?
Some, perhaps due to insecurities to let their guy know what they want. Some use it to enhance sex.
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Old 08-29-2003, 01:18 PM   #7 (permalink)
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
1/ It's an unbalanced question. It's a question to ask both sexes equally - it's not like women don't visit prostitutes, after all.

2/ If they enjoy it, do it. It's not like I've ever met a women who suggested it was an adequate substitute for a real, live lover.

3/ I consider the inflatible love dolls a bit sad, myself. But then I've never tried one, so perhaps I just don't understand.

4/ Nope.

5/ Arousing.

6/ No.
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Old 08-29-2003, 01:43 PM   #8 (permalink)
I agree with Roger D in fact my answers would be identical

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Old 08-29-2003, 02:55 PM   #9 (permalink)
Roger D speaks for all mankind.....
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Old 08-29-2003, 03:38 PM   #10 (permalink)
Location: Far too far from my Angel....
From my perspective, if you use a dildo, zucchini, coke bottle or baseball bat, it's NOT the same as a hooker. Let's face it: one is "do-it-yourself" and the other is a subcontracting job.

For all anybody knows, you're fantasizing about your signifigant other when you masturbate, and if you find yourself using a prop (including lubricant for you guys out there) then it's not really cheating.

Hell, quite a few female friends of mine have confessed to me that they mentally imagine Mel Gibson (or some other celebrity) when they're with their husbands, boyfriends or whatever. And it goes without saying that the same is true for the guys out there (Pamela Anderson ring any bells, boys????)

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Old 08-29-2003, 04:00 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Location: Lebell's arms
I wondered about that question when I read it too! Obviously there is a big difference between being with another person and using an object to stimulate one's self.

To answer your questions:
1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually? It depends on the mood -- both have there advantages and disadvantages.

2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)? No way!

3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators? I enjoy using them to enhance my sex life. Often times they are much more fun to use with my partner than alone! I like using toys that please him as much as those that please me! I say, as long as it is agreeable and pleasurable for all those involved, use them!

4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo? Sure, why not?

5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll? From what I've been told, no. I hear from my sons and male friends that the love dolls do nothing for them. A dildo does stimulate me.

6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute? NO NO NO

7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating? NEVER

8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex? I think some could. I never would -- not with Lebell in my life! A-matter-of-fact, I think if I was ever tempted to use it as a replacement that it would be a huge red flag that something is wrong with our relationship.
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Old 08-29-2003, 05:37 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Re: Dildo equal to a hooker???

well, a dildo is an object while a hooker objectifies herself. but i think there are lots of differences. and can't really be comparable.

1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually?
sometimes, depending on my mood. i only use it when i'm really horny or want to treat myself.
2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)?
i haven't had good sex yet. so i'd say dildo
3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators?
i say they're a healthy part of sexuality and shouldn't be something you should be embarassed about getting. they work wonders and i've no problems with it ^.^
4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo?
seee above
5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
never used one so i dont know
6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
definately not. a prostitute isn't do it yourself.. there is another person involved so it changes everything
7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?
8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex?
probably. depends on the individual
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Old 08-29-2003, 10:03 PM   #13 (permalink)
Location: Redwood City, CA
whoa, hookers and dildos are on two totally different levels. Like night and day.. Like almost the difference between jerking off and humping you mom..
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Old 08-30-2003, 12:28 AM   #14 (permalink)
don't ignore this-->
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I think we're reading a bit too much into this....

I think it's less common for a woman to rent the sexual services of a man, so sion felt a different question for the ladies was warranted. There's your common factor: both questions apply more to one sex than another, and since there were only 10 questions....

insightful enough? or should I be comparing dildos to hookers?
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Old 08-30-2003, 12:52 AM   #15 (permalink)
Sexy eh?
Location: Sweden
Originally posted by bermuDa
I think we're reading a bit too much into this....

I think it's less common for a woman to rent the sexual services of a man, so sion felt a different question for the ladies was warranted. There's your common factor: both questions apply more to one sex than another, and since there were only 10 questions....

insightful enough? or should I be comparing dildos to hookers?
There is no "reading in too much here", I asked these questions because I want know ther facts instead of speculating. Here men and women can answer the questions without feeling they have to abide the ""normal" social rules" and instead say what is really going on inside their minds.
It's not like I think the use of a prostitute is the same as the use of a dildo, it is just that the question made me wonder what the female perspective is on it aswell as what guys think about it.
It is just to clear away my missconceptions that i ask this, i can go around my whole life speculating about it but that won't satisfy my need to know. So I ask where I know I will get a firsthand, honest answer from real men and women not some dry politiclly correct "summary of a deep sexological study of female use of stimulating devices, made by Dr. Ph.D Magistrate Oldfart".
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Old 08-30-2003, 12:57 AM   #16 (permalink)
don't ignore this-->
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well... when you ask for opinions all you'll get is speculation... sorry I'd type more but I really have to get off my ass now.
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Old 08-30-2003, 02:31 AM   #17 (permalink)
Sexy eh?
Location: Sweden
I don't see the logic in your statement, this is humans we are dealing with, there is no absolute truth, the fact is made up by peoples opinions soley because this is a question about human behaviour and their opinions about it.
Life is shit,
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/Ignatius Camryn Paladine

Last edited by Regziever; 08-30-2003 at 02:33 AM..
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Old 08-30-2003, 06:54 AM   #18 (permalink)
Hiya Puddin'! Miss me?
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
Re: Dildo equal to a hooker???

1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually?
2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)?
3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators?
4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo?
5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?
8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex?
1. I can't come manually, so yes.
2. It depends on if a person can make me come, which I've found is nothing I can predict nor depend on to have any general idea of the abilities of men. Skill is the only determining factor for comparison.
3. I use toys, it's not a big deal; many people use them.
4. Yes, it's natural/normal/healthy/acceptable/not-negative.
5. Kind of. It's more like a pocket pussy then a rubber doll because they're relatively small and inexpensive. Blowup dolls are an investment. It's more like this: A dildo is to a pocket pussy as a sex machine (http://www.sexmachines.com/) is to a blowup doll.
6. A dildo that only you use will not give you an STD and is not animate. The same can't be said for a prostitute. I think this is the #1 reason they are not comparable.
7. A dildo is just a tool, so it's not cheating. It can be exciting if used properly.
8. I don't use it as a replacement, more like a substitute or aid. (And I think my opinion is not the minority in this topic.) Dildos will never replace sex because, again, it's not animate, not real sex. The point of a dildo is to imitate something real. I use them when the prospect of sex is not in the near future or if I want to "spice it up," so to speak.
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Old 08-30-2003, 09:56 AM   #19 (permalink)
I think a more comparable example would be a dildo to a man's hand..
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Old 08-31-2003, 05:17 PM   #20 (permalink)
Hiya Puddin'! Miss me?
Location: Silicon Valley, CA
Originally posted by mindy
I think a more comparable example would be a dildo to a man's hand..
I think a woman's hand is comparable to a man's hand. So, to me, a cheap sex toy is equivalent to a cheap sex toy.
=^-^= motdakasha =^-^=
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Old 08-31-2003, 09:19 PM   #21 (permalink)
Archangel of Change
Dildo < Hooker

They are not equal.
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Old 09-01-2003, 05:35 AM   #22 (permalink)
No way are they equal. A dildo is equal to one of those "pocket pussies" they sell for guys.
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Old 09-01-2003, 11:54 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: Orange County, California
1. Not even in the same ballpark.
2. I think it is fine if it isn't going to take my place.
3. I guess, but a lot cheaper
4. No way.
5. I like to use toys occasionally on my girlfriends, so it is sometimes interesting and exciting.
6. Not unless that dildo is being held by another man
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Old 09-02-2003, 07:23 AM   #24 (permalink)
My girlfriend used to work in a porn store, and a "sex toy" they had there was a vibrating hand for men. It was shaped like a hand about ready to jerk off... you just put your dick in it and it would shake. I found that to be extremely funny... why a hand!? I mean, YOU have hands! And it was a man's hand!
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Old 09-02-2003, 08:43 AM   #25 (permalink)
Sexy eh?
Location: Sweden
Originally posted by SkanK0r
My girlfriend used to work in a porn store, and a "sex toy" they had there was a vibrating hand for men. It was shaped like a hand about ready to jerk off... you just put your dick in it and it would shake. I found that to be extremely funny... why a hand!? I mean, YOU have hands! And it was a man's hand!
Lol, that has to be the worst sex toy for men I have ever heard of.
Just the idea is scary.
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Old 09-02-2003, 08:51 AM   #26 (permalink)
Re: Dildo equal to a hooker???

Originally posted by Regziever
1. What do you think about this?
2. What are your thoughts on womens use of dildos?
3. Is it comparable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
4. Is it comparable to the use of a prostitute?
5. Do you find the idea of your partner using a dildo/vibrator disturbing/sexually exciting/uninteresting?
6. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?
1. It's really uneven. That's not a comparison of two like things.
2. Whatever gets you off.
3. Definitely yes.
4. Definitely no.
5. I find it somewhat exciting, so long as I have gotten/am getting mine.
6. It's only "cheating" if she's using it without using me, purposely denying me on a regular basis because she prefers it. That's a crummy situation, though.
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Old 09-03-2003, 02:41 PM   #27 (permalink)
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1: poor comparison. Not at all.
2: Hey, if I can wank so can she.
3: Meh.. undecided
4: No
5: No / Yes / No
6: No
Get off your fuckin cross. We need the fuckin space to nail the next fool martyr.
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dildo, equal, hooker

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