Originally posted by bermuDa
I think we're reading a bit too much into this....
I think it's less common for a woman to rent the sexual services of a man, so sion felt a different question for the ladies was warranted. There's your common factor: both questions apply more to one sex than another, and since there were only 10 questions....
insightful enough? or should I be comparing dildos to hookers?
There is no "reading in too much here", I asked these questions because I want know ther facts instead of speculating. Here men and women can answer the questions without feeling they have to abide the ""normal" social rules" and instead say what is really going on inside their minds.
It's not like I think the use of a prostitute is the same as the use of a dildo, it is just that the question made me wonder what the female perspective is on it aswell as what guys think about it.
It is just to clear away my missconceptions that i ask this, i can go around my whole life speculating about it but that won't satisfy my need to know. So I ask where I know I will get a firsthand, honest answer from real men and women not some dry politiclly correct "summary of a deep sexological study of female use of stimulating devices, made by Dr. Ph.D Magistrate Oldfart".