Re: Dildo equal to a hooker???
1. Is it better to use a dildo than to masturbate manually?
-I dunno, haven't used one
2. Is it better to use a dildo than having sex (ofcourse the performance of the partner is a big variable here, but I'm looking in general terms)?
-see above
3. What are your thought on the use of sex-toy's such a dildos, vibrators?
-whatever floats your boat!
4. Do you think it is natural/normal/healthy to use a dildo?
-sure, why not?
5. Is it compareable to the use of an inflatable lovedoll?
-no idea, but those things are hilarious
6. Is it compareable to the use of a prostitute?
-not at all
7. Could you lable using a dildo as cheating?
nope, not at all
8. Do women use dildos as a replacement to sex?
-I imagine some women do at times
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