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Old 06-05-2010, 05:53 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
I have no idea why it so often performed in pornographic movies, because the target of these movies is of course young heterosexual men, who will naturally have an aversion to this act.
If it's so prevalent in pornography, it should be obvious that this isn't so. While I'm sure a certain proportion of men don't like the idea, I wouldn't be surprised if most do.
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Old 06-05-2010, 08:08 AM   #42 (permalink)
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Strange... you've been here for how many years, and there have been how many discussions where you've asserted that heterosexual men must not enjoy something (such as anal sex), and we've had how many heterosexual male members tell you that you're full of it? It's getting old. No one's saying you have to like it, but for god's sake... it's actually pretty insulting when you tell someone else what they do and do not like and then ignore them - repeatedly - when they tell you you are wrong. In other words, yes, plenty of heterosexual men, including myself, like anal sex. Some even like to be on the receiving end, and they can still be every bit as heterosexual as the next guy. No one's saying you have to understand it, but that doesn't mean you get to ignore facts when people are giving it to you straight from the horse's mouth.


I actually came here to post that I read an interesting article today on this very subject (the effects of porn, not whether or not heterosexual men enjoy anal sex, because no one with half a brain would question that fact these days).

Scienceblogs - Just How Bad Is Porn, Anyway?

Read the whole article for some interesting info, but here's the summary for lazy/busy people:

What does it mean? High pornography use is not necessarily indicative of high risk for sexual aggression. Among men who are relatively low-risk for sexual aggression, the use of porn results in only a slight increase in aggression. In some circumstances, pornography use, however, is a very good indicator of higher sexual aggression levels. This is the case when considering men who were determined to previously be at high risk for sexual aggression. Those who are frequent users of pornography were more likely to have engaged in sexual aggression than others who consume porn less frequently.

As with the previous studies, this was also only correlational, and it is impossible to infer casuality. However, this data suggests very strongly that pornography is not a direct cause of aggression against women; rather, pornography moderates the relationship between sexual promiscuity/hostile masculinity and sexual aggression.

What have we learned?
1. These issues are very complicated.
2. Because of the “third person effect,” it is important to measure pornography consumption in addition to attitudes
3. When it comes to self-report, both men and women report larger positive effects than negative effects.
4. Nearly all men report viewing pornography (98%), but the vast majority of women (80%) do as well.
5. For some, pornography can lead to reduced sexual satisfaction. This effect is most pronounced for those who prefer “paraphilic” content to “mainstream” content, though this distinction leaves something to be desired.
6. There are reliable relationships between pornography use and sexual aggression, but the story isn’t so straightforward. For individuals with relatively low risk for sexual aggression, porn consumption has only a slight relationship with sexual aggression. The relationship becomes significant and pronounced only when the individual is already at a high-risk for sexual aggression.
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Last edited by SecretMethod70; 06-05-2010 at 08:10 AM..
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Old 06-05-2010, 09:40 AM   #43 (permalink)
follower of the child's crusade?
Well, I can say certainly on this subject -the fact that it is shown in pornographic movies (and however much of a prude people think I am I have seen pornographic movies - although I do not like ones with men in) has never altered my aversion to it.

To me porn has become quite boring.

I can still remember some of the girls from the first porno mag I ever managed to get my hands on at approx 14 (a copy of Mayfair - there was a girl called Samantha who started dressed in a business suit, another Sam who was in black lacy things, a girl called Gemma who was in a ballet costume, a Spanish looking girl with dark wavy hair - I think called Monica?, etc etc)

But I might watch something hardcore these days, and it barely gives me a hard on.
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Old 06-05-2010, 11:54 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Strange Famous View Post
Well, I can say certainly on this subject -the fact that it is shown in pornographic movies (and however much of a prude people think I am I have seen pornographic movies - although I do not like ones with men in) has never altered my aversion to it.
And there's nothing wrong with that, it's just upsetting when you make blanket statements that all heterosexual men will "naturally have an aversion to this act." You are a heterosexual man who has an aversion to it, but you do not speak for all heterosexual men simply because you are one.

I can still remember some of the girls from the first porno mag I ever managed to get my hands on at approx 14 (a copy of Mayfair - there was a girl called Samantha who started dressed in a business suit, another Sam who was in black lacy things, a girl called Gemma who was in a ballet costume, a Spanish looking girl with dark wavy hair - I think called Monica?, etc etc)
I remember many of my first exposures to porn as well, but I think that has more to do with it being new and exciting than me being desensitized now. When we're young, our experiences create much stronger impressions on our brain as we learn about the world and our place in it.
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Old 06-17-2010, 06:04 PM   #45 (permalink)
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I'm with ya, Strange, I always skip to the next vid when I see a girl taking it in the keyster.

I am of the internet generation, I have been watching porn on the internet since I had the desire to look at porn - in fact, my first porno experience(s) were all on the internet. I didn't see a porno mag until later.

HOWEVER - my folks did figure out via the internet-explorer history (damn you, microsoft!) when I was too young to know to delete it, that I was looking at internet porn, and honest-to-god my dad gave me this super awkward porn-is-not-real talk and said people in real life don't have sex that way. It was weird as hell at the time, but I think back on it now, and perhaps that was a good move on his part.

but yeah, i've tried anal sex with girls a few times, and nobody involved seemed to be too into it. the almighty wonderful warm-slippery is right there, why pop it in the poop chute?

These are the good old days...

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Old 06-20-2010, 03:19 PM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by raging moderate View Post
yeah, i've tried anal sex with girls a few times, and nobody involved seemed to be too into it. the almighty wonderful warm-slippery is right there, why pop it in the poop chute?
Because ass is awesome. And nearly every girl I've been with has either loved it, or never tried it, and then loved it when I introduced them to it. It's tight, it's squeezy, it's WAY intimate, and it makes a girl squeal!

BTW, speaking of the whole "porn isn't real" thing: that's why I don't purchase professionally produced porn. I get all my porn on the internet, and it's all of the home-made variety. The less production values there are on the clip, the better I like it. And there are plenty of folks out there who are buttsexing it up all of their own accord....
Dull sublunary lovers love,
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Old 06-20-2010, 08:40 PM   #47 (permalink)
Sexuality and or nudity in the real world is shut down as much as possible. (No flirting/ sexual joking in the workplace. Porn shops and massage places are further out of the public eye. Even streaking can now label you a sexual criminal.) However in private, whatever you want is right there as soon as you think of it. I think we need more real sex and nudity especially if it isn't 100% aesthetically perfect.
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Old 06-27-2010, 08:45 AM   #48 (permalink)
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HEy if it's working for you, go for it. I'm not saying I'm against it in principle, I just find that my experiences with the practice haven't been as positive as yours. perhaps one day....

and I 100% agree with the amateur porn thing. Much, much better and highly preferable to the professional kind.

These are the good old days...

formerly Murp0434
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Old 06-29-2010, 08:17 AM   #49 (permalink)
I definitely see the effect of porn on my own boyfriend. He is constantly wanting to try anal sex and I have no interest in it. Unfortunately I dug a hole for myself stating "I would only try anal sex with my husband" and then it occurred to me that I might be marrying this guy. Shit. The porn he watches involves a lot of anal sex...and yes it does bother me. However, 4 years in the Navy and 4 years of porn would probably be influential. I don't think he understand thats the ability to have anal sex requires patience...ugh. Not to mention there is a considerable amount of pressure on my end to adhere to what he's wanting despite my own opinions on the topic at hand.

I don't care for him looking at porn when I am home, ready, and willing. If nothing else, it offends me because I am there. If I'm not, then that is a different story. I think that my generation has been affected toward the negative with so much porn. When it comes to my own issues with my vulva appearance, that has actually disappeared. He says he loves how I look and am glad that I don't look like a "12 year old" down there. Not saying other women do, mind you! I don't see an end to the porn phenomena anything soon..unless Obama passes that internet kill switch....*rolls eyes*
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Old 06-30-2010, 09:31 AM   #50 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Originally Posted by ghoastgirl1 View Post
Not to mention there is a considerable amount of pressure on my end to adhere to what he's wanting despite my own opinions on the topic at hand.
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Old 07-05-2010, 11:14 AM   #51 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Plan9 View Post

care to expand on this?

These are the good old days...

formerly Murp0434
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Old 07-06-2010, 10:06 AM   #52 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Is it actually necessary?

It's simple: She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do. She doesn't have to do something her partner wants because he really wants it. It's called respect. I've never pressed any of my partners to do anything they didn't want to do or weren't secretly hoping I'd bring up. Maybe I've been lucky but whatever... sex anxiety is stupid. If he keeps bugging her about it, he's being a pushy douchebag. If she feels "pressure" about doing something she doesn't want to do just to please him... she's being a sap.

TLDR: She doesn't have to let her dude plow her ass just because he wants it.


That and I don't think "years in the military" turns people into sexual deviants. I was a sexual deviant long before I buttoned up a uniform. Hah!


People that dislike porn are probably taking it too seriously or have body image issues. I've got a dick the size of a Levi's zipper pull and I'm okay with myself.

I feel like maybe a "people can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality" rebuttal tirade should be in my future, but I doubt it'd go over well.
Whatever you can carry.

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Last edited by Plan9; 07-06-2010 at 10:33 AM..
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Old 07-13-2010, 01:55 PM   #53 (permalink)
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This is a question that has been on my mind for a long time. I'm twenty four now and I've been exposed to pornography for a good half of my life. I've always wondered how / if my sexual life and sexuality would have been different if I had not been exposed to porn. Would I have enjoyed sex more? Less? Does it matter? Does what I like and don't like depend on what porn I watched? So on and so forth.

However, I have not had the experience that the author describes. My first sexual experiences were not very extreme and those that have followed continue to be very vanilla. I did not pressure my S.O's to do anything and they haven't pressured me, but whatever kinds of sex we don't practice are always there. With the omni-presence of all kinds of sex, I feel like what is "normal" is going towards "everything" being normal. If so-called "extreme" sex (anal, etc) wasn't so common, I wonder where sexual culture would be heading. I think that people should be encouraged to do what they want, but not pushed to do everything under the sun.

However, I think porn (to a certain extent) is an expression of an underlying notion that "mainstream" sex is too narrow. We need to have a more honest conversation about sex at a younger age than we do now. I grew up watching girls do anal, get tied up, etc. I think the reason I saw those examples of ways you could be rather than how you should be is that I grew up in a pretty sexually mixed group of friends. You need the person who enjoys anal, but you also need the person who doesn't and still has a S.O.. Without that mix, I might have felt that if I didn't do anything and everything under the sun that I wouldn't be "liberal" enough or that I would be too "vanilla" to have a "good" sex life.

P.s. About the fantasy / reality question. I don't think anyone thinks porn represents an accurate picture of how sex works. The problem is that, especially when you're young, everyone has watched a lot of porn and has had no real relationships. As things are, porn is most of what people use to understand sex (lacking real experience). Even though it's fantasy. If all of your sexual experiences are fantasy-related, then it's easy to give too much weight to inaccurate fantasy.
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effects, men, porn, women, young

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