Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Well, I can say certainly on this subject -the fact that it is shown in pornographic movies (and however much of a prude people think I am I have seen pornographic movies - although I do not like ones with men in) has never altered my aversion to it.
And there's nothing wrong with that, it's just upsetting when you make blanket statements that all heterosexual men will "naturally have an aversion to this act." You are a heterosexual man who has an aversion to it, but you do not speak for all heterosexual men simply because you are one.
I can still remember some of the girls from the first porno mag I ever managed to get my hands on at approx 14 (a copy of Mayfair - there was a girl called Samantha who started dressed in a business suit, another Sam who was in black lacy things, a girl called Gemma who was in a ballet costume, a Spanish looking girl with dark wavy hair - I think called Monica?, etc etc)
I remember many of my first exposures to porn as well, but I think that has more to do with it being new and exciting than me being desensitized now. When we're young, our experiences create much stronger impressions on our brain as we learn about the world and our place in it.