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Old 09-28-2007, 11:15 PM   #121 (permalink)
Originally Posted by ngdawg
Doesn't make me more wrong either....
That's your opinion, but yours alone. I am superior only to those inferior to me I do not base that on gender. ( And my kids, raised to not be gender-biased, are, as young teens, very much so. This drag-racing, bike riding mom is trying to change that).
Actually, I was raised to toss a mean football, do autobody work and watch the KC Chiefs play. I cook a little, clean even less. Your assumptions are off the mark, again, based on your own observations in your world.
And, actually, sexuality/attraction is the basis of the thread-it's the understanding of our own innate and distinctive sexuality that's being discussed. Without sexuality, we'd be earthworms.
No one has excused any behavior based on anything. Again, your assumption is noted. Wrong, but noted.
I didn't say you were the only one anyone had, I said the 'experience' is limited-as, actually mine is because I don't plan on dying tomorrow, but the mileage on this engine is higher . Most of what you've stated is generationally-based assuming about how someone's been 'raised', when, in fact, you have no clue how anyone was, unless it's been discussed.
Again, you have to base your opinions on your experience. We all do. Some of us are just a tad more 'experienced'-not necessarily politically correct, to be sure, but experience forms opinions. The trick is to decipher which is worthwhile. If you can only think that an entire group is thinking a certain way because of their generation and not take into account their experiences, you only limit yourself.
I do see what your argument, but there are some things that men and women are just wired differently for, in general. That is not to say it isn't without exception, but surely the two genders needed to evolve different social behaviors to survive best. As much research has shown (according to my Communications class), women tend to internalize, while men externalize. And while, yes, generalizations are bad, some things just are different.

I do, however, agree that experiences play a very significant role.

If anything, this thread strengthens the fact that there is no "magic trick" to make you more appealing to the opposite sex in general. On the flip side, everyone wants such different things, the right person who wants everything you have to offer is out there.
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Old 09-29-2007, 12:50 AM   #122 (permalink)
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Location: Berlin
Originally Posted by onodrim
I think the reason that so many women in this thread, and in general, are determined to hold to the thought that they are intrinsically different than men is because they like the feeling of superiority it gives them; they want to believe that just being a women somehow makes them more special. Society makes them believe they are above men and they don't want to let that go.
Wrong again - and lazy lazy LAZY assumption on your part!!!!

Third wave feminism is about celebrating differences between sex and gender and acknowledging that we are different but shouldn't be treated differently by institutions and society (jobs, pay scale, etc.). It's a TRAVESTY to pretend we aren't shaped by different experiences. At-work day-care was created initially to help WOMEN not EVERYONE.

I'm so tired of this sex-blind, colorblind PC shit. We have different biological functions. We are socialized differently. Even if we break traditional gender tropes, you, Ono, are a woman in contemporary society.

We're not carbon copies that only differ cuz one has a peen and one has a vag.

I'm not advocating that women be placed on a pedestal. That's your own prejudice right there (incidentally, why do you hate on women who feel they are special?). We're talking about the subtle differences in needs (physiological and social). I sit on a toilet. I like to pee with the seat down. I expect paid pregnancy leave. I'm gonna wear a dress when I get married.

Dunno how to make it any clearer but quit stomping on my right to acknowledge that I'm a woman who menstruates monthly, will carry a child, takes it in the pussy, has fantastic breasts and gets discriminated in the workplace!!!! That's the reality!!!!

EDIT: Society makes us think we're above men???? You're JOKING right? No female president (yet)... most CEOs are male... men still make more money in many cases for the same job.... The only way to move forward is to acknowledge that these differences exist and to do something about it. Don't deny me the fact that my experiences (and subsequently, my needs and wants) are shaped heavily by my sex.
Uh huh her.

Last edited by xxxafterglow; 09-29-2007 at 01:04 AM..
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Old 09-29-2007, 07:40 AM   #123 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by rlbond86
I do see what your argument, but there are some things that men and women are just wired differently for, in general. That is not to say it isn't without exception, but surely the two genders needed to evolve different social behaviors to survive best. As much research has shown (according to my Communications class), women tend to internalize, while men externalize. And while, yes, generalizations are bad, some things just are different.

I do, however, agree that experiences play a very significant role.

If anything, this thread strengthens the fact that there is no "magic trick" to make you more appealing to the opposite sex in general. On the flip side, everyone wants such different things, the right person who wants everything you have to offer is out there.
And, many times, there are multiple "right persons".
What was appealing 10 years ago to someone might be a total turn-off now and vice versa. Yes, due to experiences playing a significant role.
I think, as much as we want "different things", we all want respect and to be loved for who we are, shortcomings and all.
And there are always going to be exceptions to what you learn in class-very important to remember. I, for one, do not internalize and have the trail of dropped jaws, destroyed businesses and former friends to prove it. On the other hand, both my spouse and one of my good male friends never speak their minds until they blow a gasket. In fact, I only know of one guy in my life that speaks his mind-there's also been research that suggests that men that internalize suffer heart attacks and strokes more often than women and that women's health, in general, is better because we don't internalize. (Gee, even learning things in class can be biased based on who's teaching it, maybe.)
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Old 09-29-2007, 08:16 AM   #124 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ngdawg
And, many times, there are multiple "right persons".

I, for one, do not internalize and have the trail of dropped jaws, destroyed businesses and former friends to prove it. On the other hand, both my spouse and one of my good male friends never speak their minds until they blow a gasket. In fact, I only know of one guy in my life that speaks his mind-there's also been research that suggests that men that internalize suffer heart attacks and strokes more often than women and that women's health, in general, is better because we don't internalize. (Gee, even learning things in class can be biased based on who's teaching it, maybe.)

A little "wear the world like a loose cloak" anyone?
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Anais Nin

I Wish You Well.
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:01 PM   #125 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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The Great-uh Revuhrund says:

When you come into that restaurant in that short dress: All the men want to stop eating their meal and EAT YOU! Sure, we love you... but we love you so we can fuck the living hell out of you! I got ya there and ya know it!

You know when you're out with the guy... at the end of the evening, right... The part where you "give it up..." Like Fort Knox opening its vault doors and letting the sun shine in. Your idea of love is a joke to the male animal. Yes, we'll say any god-damn thing we can to get into your pants, that's all we want, that's it!
Maybe it is that easy.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."

Last edited by Plan9; 09-29-2007 at 01:59 PM..
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:16 PM   #126 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
When you come into that restaurant in that short dress: All the men want to stop eating their meal and EAT YOU! Sure, we love you... but we love you so we can fuck the living hell out of you! I got ya there and ya know it!

You know when your out with the guy... at the end of the evening, right... The part where you "give it up..." Like Fort Knox opening it's vault doors and letting the sun shine in. Your idea of love is a joke to the male animal. Yes, we'll say any god-damn thing we can to get into your pants, that's all we want, that's it!

....Ahhhh...to be 18 again....heh
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 09-29-2007, 01:56 PM   #127 (permalink)
I Confess a Shiver
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Or 42. Thanks to little blue pills... the body can keep up with the mind for decades.
Whatever you can carry.

"You should not drink... and bake."
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Old 09-29-2007, 03:41 PM   #128 (permalink)
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Location: on the back, bitch
Trust me...way way past 42, that little pill ain't usually necessary

Ah, to be able to wear a short dress again....really short...
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Old 09-29-2007, 03:48 PM   #129 (permalink)
has all her shots.
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Yes, you know you're getting old when you look at clothes you really like and say to yourself, 'I would look ridiculous in this.'
Most people go through life dreading they'll have a traumatic experience. Freaks were born with their trauma. They've already passed their test in life. They're aristocrats. - Diane Arbus
PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile. - Ambrose Bierce
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Old 10-01-2007, 06:40 AM   #130 (permalink)
Location: Washington State
Originally Posted by ngdawg
Trust me...way way past 42, that little pill ain't usually necessary
It depends on how long you've been with your partner.
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Old 10-01-2007, 06:51 AM   #131 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by Racnad
It depends on how long you've been with your partner.
I'd guess this links in with the 'how much sex after 10 years' thread but after 17 years, my wife can still get me up giving the right 'look'.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

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Old 10-01-2007, 11:37 AM   #132 (permalink)
Location: Washington State
It does link, but it's more than that. Just seeing your long-term partner naked isn't enough to get you hard. She needs to give you the "look" be into it or whatever. New partners need little more than to be there for a guy to respond.
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Old 10-01-2007, 01:39 PM   #133 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Racnad
... Just seeing your long-term partner naked isn't enough to get you hard. She needs to give you the "look" be into it or whatever...
Somebody forgot to tell my husband that. LOL. 12 years and counting.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Ok, no more truth-or-dare until somebody returns my underwear" ~ George Lopez

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Old 10-01-2007, 06:05 PM   #134 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Racnad
It depends on how long you've been with your partner.
What's length of time together have to do with getting it up?
Either Jr. can or can't. If seeing your 'long term partner' nekkid isn't doing it for you, it's not because you need a little blue pill....it's probably because you've lost the desire for that longterm partner.
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Old 10-02-2007, 06:50 AM   #135 (permalink)
Location: Washington State
How long have you need with your partner?

Imagine that you and you partner have checked into a hotel and now you're in the room changing for before meeting some friends for dinner. I'm guessing that seeing her naked while she's changing her bra does not produce the same reaction as it did the first time you ever saw her take her bra off.

Jr, can, but with a long term partner, it is more likely to happen in a sexual context than a non-sexual context.
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Old 10-02-2007, 01:19 PM   #136 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Racnad
How long have you need with your partner?

Imagine that you and you partner have checked into a hotel and now you're in the room changing for before meeting some friends for dinner. I'm guessing that seeing her naked while she's changing her bra does not produce the same reaction as it did the first time you ever saw her take her bra off.

Jr, can, but with a long term partner, it is more likely to happen in a sexual context than a non-sexual context.
Life happens... sometimes it happens to put a damper on your sex life (in any relationship). Depends on the couple, but I think you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Ergo, if your sex life ain't jumpin' 30 years in, do something about it (if you are so inclined).
Uh huh her.
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Old 10-02-2007, 01:37 PM   #137 (permalink)
Pissing in the cornflakes
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Originally Posted by Racnad
How long have you need with your partner?

Imagine that you and you partner have checked into a hotel and now you're in the room changing for before meeting some friends for dinner. I'm guessing that seeing her naked while she's changing her bra does not produce the same reaction as it did the first time you ever saw her take her bra off.

Jr, can, but with a long term partner, it is more likely to happen in a sexual context than a non-sexual context.
True but in all fairness the first time she took it off with me was for sex, not going out to dinner.

I've grown up a bit now and tbh ANY female just changing to go out to dinner wouldn't do it for me, and despite the length of time I still stare at the wife.
Agents of the enemies who hold office in our own government, who attempt to eliminate our "freedoms" and our "right to know" are posting among us, I fear.....on this very forum. - host

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Old 10-02-2007, 02:52 PM   #138 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Racnad
How long have you need with your partner?

Imagine that you and you partner have checked into a hotel and now you're in the room changing for before meeting some friends for dinner. I'm guessing that seeing her naked while she's changing her bra does not produce the same reaction as it did the first time you ever saw her take her bra off.

Jr, can, but with a long term partner, it is more likely to happen in a sexual context than a non-sexual context.
I am not a lesbian, so my friend taking her bra off wouldn't have any affect on me.

I have to agree with Ustwo(mercy!)-the reason for staring at the wife shouldn't matter. If seeing her naked getting ready to go out doesn't do it for you, the flame's probably been snuffed.
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Old 10-02-2007, 03:16 PM   #139 (permalink)
tecoyah's Avatar
Originally Posted by Racnad
How long have you need with your partner?

Imagine that you and you partner have checked into a hotel and now you're in the room changing for before meeting some friends for dinner. I'm guessing that seeing her naked while she's changing her bra does not produce the same reaction as it did the first time you ever saw her take her bra off.

Jr, can, but with a long term partner, it is more likely to happen in a sexual context than a non-sexual context.
While this is true for the most part....not having the "same" reaction does not mean a lesser reaction. Personally I find myself endlessly fascinated and excited regardless of the timeframe. It may be a different part of my hormonal brain that deals with it, but its still damn nice.

I suppose I should feel pity that you do not feel it.....so sorry.
Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned. - Buddha
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Old 10-02-2007, 07:31 PM   #140 (permalink)
Psycho Dad's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ustwo
and despite the length of time I still stare at the wife.
Me too (well not your wife, but mine). And I can't see that changing even after 23 years.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.
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