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#41 (permalink) |
The sky calls to us ...
Super Moderator
Location: CT
First order of business would be to make use of the very limited power left before th egrids shut down and figure out if a nuclear reactor left alone would pose any sort of meltdown risk. If so, drive my Buick to Greenwich (rich city on the CT/NY border,) and trade up to a nice Ferrari or NSX (the dealers are right across the street from each other, and I'd like to indulge in a b it of materialism while I'm living through the apocalypse.) After that, I'd arm myself at whatever local gun store I could get to, stock up on some ammo, and ensure that no roaming wild animal could threaten me. Next stop, shut down the nearby nuclear reactor (I'd have a while to read up on it and figure out how to do it safely) and make sure I woudn't be getting a lethal dose of radiation if the lack of monitoring caused any problems.
The next big thing would be to find a big stock of signal flares, and send up three every half hour from a prominent location for several days in order to make contact with anyone who might have survived along wtih me. Whether or not I found anyone, the next step would be to collect important books, a few computers, and other things as a sort of time capsule, and figure out where I could put them so that they'd be preserved for future explorers, whether terrestrial or not. I'd have to satisfy my curiosity and hit a few places including the Pentagon, Area 51, Mt. Weather, and overseas, the Vatican's secret library, if I could find a way to get there. Overall, the biggest goal would be to try to find other survivors and continue the species.I'd learn to live off the land as a nomad, traveling by horseback, foot, or bicycle as the world's gasoline supply wenty stale and could no longer be used. I'd just live life as well as I could. |
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#42 (permalink) |
I'd finally overcome my bashfulness and run up the down escalator.
And dance naked in Time Square. i'd probably go to home depot, steal all their paint, and tie-dye the entire white house. and then go inside and chat with Bush. He's still alive. He's not human. |
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#43 (permalink) | |
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#44 (permalink) |
Location: Boulder, CO
I would cover my body in latex and set up my own nude photography...oh wait! Roomie, do I still have to do that down the street sometime? Almost did last Thursday...WEEEEEE!
I would definitely turn into Jane of the Jungle and go chill with the gorillas and try to start a new race. Could be better than the last one... I would also try every sex toy...twice. I would make my own fishing pole. And learn how to grow corn. I like corn.
"Those who do not feel the music think the dancer mad." ~Anon. |
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#45 (permalink) |
Thank God hockey is back
Location: Deeeeeetroit
I don't know here. I like the responses that a lot of people have here but if I'm going to be the last person alive, I'm not going to ruin that by creating some other being. Forget cloning and the fertility clinics and the like, i'm just going to hang out eat when i need to do the rest of the stuff as I need to. read a lot, watch a lot of movies, try things i've never tried before. probably make sure i could keep electricity running in at least one city for when i wanted/needed it.
i'd certainly get the hell out of the mid west. too bad FAO scwhartz is out of business, i could have spent weeks on end in there just fiddling with things. I'd try not to do anything too stupid to compromise my situation. I know i'd not be working/growing things until the supermarkets' produce was no good. why work when you don't have to? and yea, i'd have to find a real doll if only for curiosity's sake.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. -Douglas Adams |
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#46 (permalink) |
Location: UK
Train myself in all the sciences, especially engineering and all kinds of power generation. Once I'd amassed enough knowledge, I think I'd learn to fly a jet. If, that is, I could keep a military base / sim complex powered up long enough to use the simulators.
After that, I'd get one of those new SuperBoeings (the one with a gym ![]() ![]() Once finished I'd scavenge for a wide a variety of nonperishable foodstuffs as possible and repeat the operation on other continents. Once I've got a base on all the major landmasses (I'd say that'd take me fifteen years or so - the first one would be the hardest) I'd go exploring. I would, of course, explore and then seal off anything important like the Natural History Musuem, the Smithsonian, every national library and various other places, and then leave nuclear - decay - powered radio beacons (built with the experience that would have come from starting up and running a nuclear power plant at some point. I'd have to do a certain amount of scavenging as these supply bases would be too far away from each other initally, but I suppose I'd set up caches of stuff here and there all over the place. Either that or pillage. Arming oneself would be important - so a sniper rifle and some subweapons would be essential. I wouldn't plan on letting any hungry animal get close to me unless on my terms, plus I'd be reduced to a meat and veg diet. No refined stuff unless I find a Cadbury's factory. (Mmm) After that, (and assuming by this time that I'm middle-aged - these things take time), I'd either just travel and take lots of cameras along with me and record everything in pictures or find and drive every fast car that I've ever wanted to drive. (I'd have clean petrol stocks with me in a bus somewhere. I'm assuming that I can get a bus onto a plane somehow). Something rather morbid, though. What happens when it's your time to die? Would you dig your own grave or just keel over somewhere and rot? (Assuming of course that you don't screw something up and somehow blow yourself to bits in the preceeding years). Well before that, though, I'd have started keeping cats with me. Hundreds of the things. I'd probably go insane long before I got all this done though.
Furry is the leader of his own cult, the "Furballs of Doom". They sit about chanting "Doom, Doom, Doom". (From a random shot in the dark by SirLance) |
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#47 (permalink) |
As a man, I would have to start into the second paragraph, but...
If I was a woman: Find a sperm bank. I know, I know.. sick. But hey, you could be the progenitor of all of humanity, a new Eve! Power will indeed start to fail, but who cares? First thing to do is steal a car (SUV) and fill the monster tank with gas. Drive to Lowes or some large hardware store and get a few very large plastic tanks (think boat gas tanks) and stick them in the back of your truck and fill. Be sure to get a manual pump and a good bit of hose. Next swing by a gun store and stock up, then a grocery store and get some canned goods (eat the fresh stuff now, its the last you will get for a while). Grab some tools, and some spare parts for your SUV (only things you know how to replace, if it is serious just get another car). Finally you need to search for a place to settle down. Forget power plants, find a place that makes those large solar cells that go on top of houses. If you were lucky you might be able to raid a real estate office and find a home that already has them installed. After that, practically home free! |
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#48 (permalink) | |
Born-Again New Guy
Location: Unfound.
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#49 (permalink) | |
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#50 (permalink) |
I'd head down to the airport and fuel up a plane and make short daylight hops to Cali. At each stop I made I'd find a car and drive around and see whatever there is to see. Once I made it to Cali I'd find a vehicle and a large trailer to load up with food and fuel and surfboards and travel down the coast down to South America, stopping to surf whenever I felt like it.
Then I'd think up a way to get out of the America's safely. I'd probably travel back up to Canada and then to Alaska and make my way over to Russia. As I travelled I'd go to various military bases and shoot guns and do other destructive stuff. I'd probably find a motor home and fill it up with guns and shit for the long ride up to Alaska. Then I'd peruse my way to China and then across Asia to Europe. I'd also try to find one of those sex doll things. It's gotta be better than Rosy Palms, even though she's never done me wrong. I'd probably spend the rest of my life doing stupid stuff and fiddling with shit until I get bored and move on. I'd think I'd hold on to the hope that I'd find someone eventually, and travel around looking for survivors. It would be a relaxed objective, just something to keep me moving. |
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#52 (permalink) |
Location: California
I'd try to read a book, but my glasses would fall to the ground and shatter. But oh well, at least there's the big print. Then my eyeballs would fall out... but I could still read braille books (well, not really). And then my hands would fall off, and finally, I would try to shoot myself in the head, but the gun would jam...
(a la Futurama) Either that, or I'd pick up a shotgun and fend off the mutant zombies leftover from the virus. |
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#54 (permalink) |
Location: inside my own mind
I would go read my books...probably go satisfy my curiousities at places like langley, library of congress and NSA...then I would learn to fly, probably killing myself in the process and die happy.
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part.... |
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#57 (permalink) |
I'd farking cry. A lot.
Then I'd go insane for a while... Since there'd be no computers anymore I wouldn't be able to dellude myself in the online gaming world so I'd smash things, and go crazy again. After I went inanse I'd meditate and float up to heaven to chill with my friends. And drink bai jiu (Chinese lvodka like drink) |
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#58 (permalink) |
Having spent weeks at a time by myself in what is now called the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska, I believe I know these few things.
If you don't already know how to survive in the wild by yourself you will most likely die before you learn how. Stay away from anything that moves unless you have a weapon that can kill it. Anything that moves can be dangerous to you. Trust your instincts but move slowly and don't do anything stupid. Cut, shoot, burn yourself, fall, break a bone, etc because there are no doctors or anyone of that type around to help you. Even doctors need a doctor now and then. You will create relationships with people you knew in your mind and then you will start to talk to them. Just don't let them talk you into doing anything harmful to yourself. These imaginary prople can be very convincing. And the longer you live with them the stonger they get. Humans are social animals and require interaction with others of their own kind. Without it we start to slowly go mentally unbalanced in one way or another. I developed the fear that I had forgotten how to speak. I spent half a day huming to myself because I was afraid that if I tried to say something and couldn't then that would be a bad thing. Of course when the bush plane dropped out of the sky in a blizzard to pick me up I forgot that fear and started yelling loudly so they could find me and get me out of there. Spend the spring and summer months moving south and down to a warmer environment. Since everyone else is gone there is no longer a need of the concepts "ownership", "steal", "property". so take what you need. Spend your fall time geathering provisions and build/find shelter. Moving into a large Safeway for the winter might be a good idea. Find a large dog. Make friends with it. The dog should help keep you out of trouble if it has any smarts what-so-ever. Plus they can keep you warm at night. If you get hungary enough you can always kill and eat it as a very last resort. If you truely are the last human then the concept of "right and wrong" vanish. Do what every you have to too survive. You can live on hope. Hope that some day, somewhere, you will find another person. Hopefully of the oppisite sex. |
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#59 (permalink) |
Location: Use the search button
I would learn to operate construction and specialized equipment.
I would then design and build a monument, circa pyramids / washington monument, something like that, But I would make it so big, it took like 30 years to complete. When I was done, I would have a good party, then go see how my monument compared to the ones still standing, and get ideas for improvements. I'd then spend the rest of my days either Improving my monument, Admiring my monument, Making another monument, or masturbating. Hey, you have to make plans, and have something to look forward to to avoid going crazy, right?
3.141592654 Hey, if you are impressed with my memorizing pi to 10 digits, you should see the size of my penis. |
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#62 (permalink) |
Location: A warm room
If I was absolutely sure of being the last person on earth, I would do some research, drive to the nearest pharmacy, and take whatever drug would be the most peaceful to die of an overdose from.
I think the "last person on earth" thing would be a lot like Sartre's No Exit except without the other people. I'd have massive survivors guilt, and I'd be unbearably lonely. I would become my own torture device, and would go insane if I kept living after a year. Perhaps I would take the first year after the disease to see how long I could survive while reading and exploring the world, eating whatever has been left over from before. Then after, I would off myself. I wouldn't bother repopulating the earth with people. I figure that if the entire human race is wiped out, we must be making room for something better to come along. (maybe I'd read and sleep and wank until this something better showed up... ![]() |
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#63 (permalink) |
Location: The land of the silent S
Well, I'd probably sit down, then go into your house AUGI, and steal your f'n lego collection. AND smash that little freaky robot thing you have in your basement.
Oh and I'd definetly take a leak on the White House lawn. Thats all i can think of right now. |
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#65 (permalink) |
is awesome!
It's been mentioned, but I think dogs would become very important to maintaining sanity. A prybar and bolt cutters would become good friends.
I'm not sure if I'd be able to work towards any single goal, whether that be a monument or store of human artifacts. Humans are already astoundingly well preserved after death in their coffins, silicone implants will be around for forever barring geographical interruption. I suppose I'd be more of a traveler post-apocalypse. I might feel the need to free a many zoo animals and livestock as possible. Moving across the ocean would be one of the most dangerous actions, but I think I might have an undeniable urge to do so. It would be fascinating to see what animals became dominant. |
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#67 (permalink) | |
has a plan
Location: middle of Whywouldanyonebethere
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#68 (permalink) |
AHH! Custom Title!!
Location: The twisted warpings of my brain.
If I ended up as the last human on earth I'd start out by trying to get into ALL of the places that I really didn't belong. Area51, the Pentagon, the White House, dig up all that dirt that security so carefully keeps you out of. I'd probably accidentally off myself attempting to mess with a nuclear warhead somewhere just because I thought it would be fun
Halfway to hell and picking up speed. |
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#71 (permalink) |
i would steal a SR-71 black bird, push the gas full open about 20ft off the top off the water. after i find a way to mid-air refuel it. blow stuff up. Find a really $$$ car fill it up with jet fuel put a brick on the pedal and lower the drive wheel and watch it brake things. plus some other ACE COMBAT style things. damn USAF willn't let me fly cause of my vison. Mod the living hell out off my cavalier. Find some c-4 and blow some more stuff up. find a way to keep the power plants going automated.
I just read back and saw the stuff i skiped. 6 million left. what is the fun it that. i wouled shoot anybody with my A-10, the gun, who said i was going to fast. I love that gun, deplend uriaum rounds, :makes drolling sounds like HOMER SIMPSON: |
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#72 (permalink) |
Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
Unfortunately I live in Alaska an am male. So I suppose I would do online research on where certain longterm power sources are in the lower forty-eight, cloning, artificaial insemination and then stock up. I would head to the lower 48 and attempt to creat a set of human children. If that doesn't work I would spend my life learning ways to scribe and preserve our society so that others may understand it and learning/experimenting. I can't imagine food would be a significant problem as there are many long-term food supplies and I have many means to capture food sources. I imagine my greatest fears would be a serious health condition and insanity.
If there was a proportion of humanity I might see where and how they are consolidating. I would probably join to attempt to preserve what we have and move on.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success.-Albert Schweitzer, philosopher, physician, musician, Nobel laureate (1875-1965) |
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#73 (permalink) |
Location: California
In this scenario, would I know before hand that I was the last person alive?
If not, I would probably spend a lot of my time looking for other people. If I knew, I would just find some sort of shelter that was close to a source of food, water, spare clothing, and some form of recreation (dirt bikes, books, a golf course, etc.) and just live out the rest of my life. I think I would be pretty bored, but not so bored that I would go insane because of it.
"I am certain that nothing has done so much to destroy the safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice." - Friedrich Hayek |
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#74 (permalink) |
Location: United States, East Coast, New Jersey
I would probably find the time not to be rushed anywhere. I would then figure out the best way to preserve mankind. Be it through learning how to clone and finding those facilities or writing the history of the last human.
6 mill left.... I would try to form a new society.
Life is meaningless. How awesome is that? Rock On! Now I can do whatever the hell I want and give my own life meaning to myself. |
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#76 (permalink) |
Location: France
I'd find cars, guns, planes, and re-enact the coolest missions of San Andreas. Try crazy stunts....parachutes...grand canyon motorcycling...
become an expert in firearms... and find the best wine and fine food that exists, scattered in the richest places. Reading, music, getting good at the drums.. stopping at guitar Center and building a moooonnnnsteerrrr drumset with at least 30 cymbals.. Dude, this thread rocks.
Check it out: The Open Source/Freeware/Gratis Software Thread |
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#78 (permalink) |
Call me insane but I used to fantasize about this type of scenario when I was a kid.
I'd travel the world basically. I'd have to learn to sail but you can actually see most places with very little ocean crossings (Russia to Alaska, Phillipines to Australia). It'd be fun & I doubt I'd ever really get lonely or go mad. There are a few problems not typically thought of though, like you'd have to hunt or grow food (hunt if you're travelling). Electricity is gone (unless you can figure out how to start up generators). Electricity (I assume) is needed to pump gas/petrol - so you might have issues with travelling by car. Animals such as dogs will have turned wild so you might need to carry a gun with you. Ahhh the list goes on. I had too much spare time on my hands.... lol |
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#79 (permalink) |
read a lot. learn how to fly, sail, sew, live off nature. find a dog (for a pet), grab a bunch of books I've always wanted to read, stock up as many AA batteries I could and ransack every music store I can find. then travel the world, looking for surviors, checking out ancient ruins (like aztec and what not). then if I ever managed to bump into anyone try to start a town and remake society and try to do it right.
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#80 (permalink) |
Hey Now!
Location: Massachusetts (Redneck, white boy town. I hate it here.)
I would destroy everything I could. Go to the army bases and get weapons,tanks,etc. After I was done, I would kill myself out of loneliness
"From delusion lead me to truth, from darkness lead me to light, from death lead me to eternal life. - Sheriff John Wydell |
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earth, human |