I don't know here. I like the responses that a lot of people have here but if I'm going to be the last person alive, I'm not going to ruin that by creating some other being. Forget cloning and the fertility clinics and the like, i'm just going to hang out eat when i need to do the rest of the stuff as I need to. read a lot, watch a lot of movies, try things i've never tried before. probably make sure i could keep electricity running in at least one city for when i wanted/needed it.
i'd certainly get the hell out of the mid west. too bad FAO scwhartz is out of business, i could have spent weeks on end in there just fiddling with things. I'd try not to do anything too stupid to compromise my situation.
I know i'd not be working/growing things until the supermarkets' produce was no good. why work when you don't have to?
and yea, i'd have to find a real doll if only for curiosity's sake.
A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
-Douglas Adams