As a man, I would have to start into the second paragraph, but...
If I was a woman: Find a sperm bank. I know, I know.. sick. But hey, you could be the progenitor of all of humanity, a new Eve!
Power will indeed start to fail, but who cares? First thing to do is steal a car (SUV) and fill the monster tank with gas. Drive to Lowes or some large hardware store and get a few very large plastic tanks (think boat gas tanks) and stick them in the back of your truck and fill. Be sure to get a manual pump and a good bit of hose.
Next swing by a gun store and stock up, then a grocery store and get some canned goods (eat the fresh stuff now, its the last you will get for a while). Grab some tools, and some spare parts for your SUV (only things you know how to replace, if it is serious just get another car).
Finally you need to search for a place to settle down. Forget power plants, find a place that makes those large solar cells that go on top of houses. If you were lucky you might be able to raid a real estate office and find a home that already has them installed. After that, practically home free!