Having spent weeks at a time by myself in what is now called the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in northern Alaska, I believe I know these few things.
If you don't already know how to survive in the wild by yourself you will most likely die before you learn how.
Stay away from anything that moves unless you have a weapon that can kill it.
Anything that moves can be dangerous to you.
Trust your instincts but move slowly and don't do anything stupid. Cut, shoot, burn yourself, fall, break a bone, etc because there are no doctors or anyone of that type around to help you. Even doctors need a doctor now and then.
You will create relationships with people you knew in your mind and then you will start to talk to them. Just don't let them talk you into doing anything harmful to yourself.
These imaginary prople can be very convincing. And the longer you live with them the stonger they get.
Humans are social animals and require interaction with others of their own kind. Without it we start to slowly go mentally unbalanced in one way or another.
I developed the fear that I had forgotten how to speak. I spent half a day huming to myself because I was afraid that if I tried to say something and couldn't then that would be a bad thing. Of course when the bush plane dropped out of the sky in a blizzard to pick me up I forgot that fear and started yelling loudly so they could find me and get me out of there.
Spend the spring and summer months moving south and down to a warmer environment. Since everyone else is gone there is no longer a need of the concepts "ownership", "steal", "property". so take what you need. Spend your fall time geathering provisions and build/find shelter. Moving into a large Safeway for the winter might be a good idea.
Find a large dog. Make friends with it. The dog should help keep you out of trouble if it has any smarts what-so-ever. Plus they can keep you warm at night. If you get hungary enough you can always kill and eat it as a very last resort.
If you truely are the last human then the concept of "right and wrong" vanish.
Do what every you have to too survive.
You can live on hope. Hope that some day, somewhere, you will find another person.
Hopefully of the oppisite sex.