I'd head down to the airport and fuel up a plane and make short daylight hops to Cali. At each stop I made I'd find a car and drive around and see whatever there is to see. Once I made it to Cali I'd find a vehicle and a large trailer to load up with food and fuel and surfboards and travel down the coast down to South America, stopping to surf whenever I felt like it.
Then I'd think up a way to get out of the America's safely. I'd probably travel back up to Canada and then to Alaska and make my way over to Russia. As I travelled I'd go to various military bases and shoot guns and do other destructive stuff. I'd probably find a motor home and fill it up with guns and shit for the long ride up to Alaska. Then I'd peruse my way to China and then across Asia to Europe.
I'd also try to find one of those sex doll things. It's gotta be better than Rosy Palms, even though she's never done me wrong. I'd probably spend the rest of my life doing stupid stuff and fiddling with shit until I get bored and move on. I'd think I'd hold on to the hope that I'd find someone eventually, and travel around looking for survivors. It would be a relaxed objective, just something to keep me moving.